| - Harry Potter humor Fanfic (see here) authored by Slinky-and-the-BloodyWands. After spending two weeks battling Voldemort, Harry returns to Hogwarts only to find, as the title suggests, that it's a nudist colony now. Additionally, the school houses have been abolished and Draco Malfoy is now quite chummy with the ex-Gryffindors. Harry is understandably outraged and immediately takes on the Only Sane Man role as Dumbledore cheerfully explains what happened while Harry was away. As it turns out, the situation arose from a nude protest Hermione made for house-elf rights. Can be differentiated from Hogwarts Exposed by the fact that it runs on Rule of Funny. The author created two illustrations for the story. Tropes:
* Bold Inflation: Standard caps-lock key equating to loudness. Lampshaded.
* Draco in Leather Pants: Played with. Draco is portrayed as your standard fanon!Draco. However, Draco not being his canon self is one of the things Only Sane Man Harry is enraged about.
* Framing Device: Dumbledore tells Harry the story of how... well, read the title.
* Freudian Excuse: Voldemort is evil because he's allergic to chocolate.
* Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Ron and Draco think so when Ginny and Pansy get into a naked (of course) Cat Fight. When Harry asks certain questions about this, Dumbledore assures him that "Mr. Weasley's ardor was fueled strictly by the sight of Miss Parkinson's assets."
* Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Draco is straight now.
* How We Got Here
* Ho Yay: Ron and Draco. Lampshaded. Repeatedly.
* I Know You Know I Know: "Or at least we don't think that he knows what we know about what you know about what he knows."
* Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
* Loophole Abuse: Turns out the school handbook requires robes to be purchased by all students, but says nothing about actually wearing them.
* Naked People Are Funny
* I Was Just Joking: Snape put the idea of streaking for house-elf rights in Hermione's head, most emphatically not expecting her to actually do it.
* Only Sane Man: Harry, until the end when he succumbs to the madness. Or sees the light, depending on your interpretation.
* Retcon: The story about the night Harry's parents died is changed rather dramatically from the original series.
* Hint: I Spy, with my little eye, something yellow
* Scenery Censor: A rare literary version in the first chapter where all of the male character are coincidentally carrying broomsticks in front of them, the hut where Hermione is working has just recently built a new fence, and Dumbledore is happily ensconced behind his desk.
* Suspiciously Specific Denial: "Not with your sister in the broom closet, that's for sure."
* That Came Out Wrong: Harry and Voldemort are forced to fight the Final Battle with giant spoons, causing Voldemort to say "Potter, I will spoon you to death if it's the last thing I ever do."
* Too Much Information: Harry's reaction to some parts of the story.