| - Isabell:I'll have patience for two days but please ask a question by then.For my mental sanity. Izzy:If you have or ever had any. Isabell:You have a point. Tyler:Heck yeah she does! Mikey comes in Mikey:I want nothing to do with this. Mikey trys to leave but Isabell tackles him Tyler:Anyone else realize Mikey and I are hear and doing Who Wants to Win a Date With Aly? Izzy:Yeah,it's weird. Isabell sits on Mikey Isabell:Kara,count for me! Izzy:1....2....3.....4.....5....6.....7....8....9...10!!! Phineas and Ferb walk in Phineas:Isabell,why are you sitting on Mikey? Isabell:He doesn't want anything to do with this so he's gonna stay here!!
* 2 days later* Isabell:I'm gonna LOSE IT!!!
* starts running a round the room* Tyler:Somebody,PLEASE ASK A QUESTION!!!! Phineas:Yeah,it would be a good idea. Goth: Uh...so...what's the best Phineas and Ferb quote, do you think?
* Isabell stops running Isabell:Yay,a question!And a tough one at that.I think the best P'n'F qoute would be....."Um,it's a little wordy for a headline." Izzy:Er...."Aren't you a little young to save the world?" Tyler:"Mom,Phineas and Ferb made me." Mikey:I don't like Phineas and Ferb so none.
* Phineas and Ferb shrug Isabell:Thanks Goth.But remember,just two more days before I go haywire again.'Who's your favorite character?' from Tpffan.I HAF to say Isabella. Izzy:Ferb. Tyler:Phineas. Phineas:Isabella. Ferb:Vanessa. Isabell:'What is the most embarrasing thing that has happened?' from TotalDramarox97.I don't get embarresed.I physically CAN'T. Izzy:When Jackson started thinking everything we watched had a racist remark. Tyler:Sarah showing up at school even though she's not supposed to. Mikey:The way I acted when I first met Chris. Phineas:When I got nervous around Isabella that one time.(The Beak) Ferb:When I thought Vanessa liked me and she went off with someone else.(SBTY) Goth: Who's your favorite alternate character? Isabell:ATSD hasn't come out yet,but Alt.Isabella. Izzy:Alt.Ferb. Tyler:Alt.Phineas. Phineas:Alt.Isabella. Ferb:Alt....Phineas?