| - Kenji and every single one of his close friends and teachers were gathered 'round a large table in Koichi's house. The room was long, the walls decorated with superb paintings of the Seireitei, isolated areas in the Rukon Districts and even paintings that showed detailed areas that Kenji's adoptive mother, Anora, said were from the Human World. "Kick back, eat, drink and be merry!" Koichi declared loudly as he downed what remained of his Saki bottle. "Tonight, we celebrate my boy, Kenji, mastering his Shikai and becoming a man!" Kusaka and Sojiro were there as well and Yoshiro was allowed out for the night as long as he didn't strain himself too much. Momoko spoke with Sojiro, again discussing the latest book they'd read and studied. Anora was even correcting them on parts and joining in whenever she passed. Yoshiro walked towards Kenji and grasped his shoulder. "I can't help but feel that your flying too far ahead for me to catch up with ya." Yoshiro said as he swallowed a pastry pie. "Hey, you're my rival, Yoshiro. I'm here to keep you sharp and vice versa. But enough about my training for tonight. I want you all to enjoy this, okay? Now, c'mon," He shouted, "Give me that bottle ol' man! I'll drink ya under the table!" The door opened to reveal Ryouta, but he wasn't alone. A young boy, with spiked blond hair and a blue jerkin with a red undershirt beneath it, walked in behind the older Shinigami with his head lowered. "Uhmm...H-hello. I-I'm Kazuma Nishiki." Koichi, although wondering who the lad was, paid it no mind and waved the two in. Rikimaru roused himself from the wall he was leaning on and looked the youngster up and down before grinning and lowering his head in greeting. Hmm, impressive spiritual energy... Setting the bottle of Saki aside, Kenji walked to the newcomer and smiled kindly and outstretched his hand in greeting. "Kazuma Nishiki? Your in the lower class of the Academy, ain't you? I'm Kenji Hiroshi, that's my friend Yoshiro. C'mon in and have yourself somethin' to eat!" "Nice to metcha, Kazuma!" Yoshiro outstretched his own hand and slapped Kenji on the back as he passed. "Nice to meet you all," Kazuma shook their hands in turn and then followed Ryouta in when Kenji motioned him to do so. He looked nervously at Momoko and flushed almost immediately. That, however, just made her giggle like a school girl. "You're at the Academy as well, Kazuma?" Anora asked quietly. She was a beautiful woman with flowing red hair. Tonight, she wore a pink kimono with floral designs running up the side. She spoke gracefully, befitting the noble-woman she was. "Yes ma'am," Kazuma said a little nervous. "I've only had my powers for a year, so I'm still learning everything." "And yet, you've got impressive levels of spiritual energy." Kenji said with a smile as he scoffed food down his throat. Yoshiro nodded agreement, "That's for sure. Ryouta-Sensei told me about you earlier, Kazuma. You ever need help, come ask me. If anything, I'm good at cracking heads." "Oh, leave him alone!" Momoko replied fiercely, casting the young student a charming smile. "Pay him no mind, Kazuma." Kazuma smiled though. "Thank you all. Do you really think I've got high spiritual energy?" Kenji rose and motioned Kazuma to follow him. "C'mon, and I'll show ya." "Kenji, leave him alone." Koichi called, but Kenji simply turned his head and smiled. "I won't hurt him or anything. We're just gonna spar a little." The two stepped into the yard out front, Kenji tossing him a wooden practice blade. "What's your preferred method of swordplay?" Kazuma looked at the sword and graped it tightly in both hands. "Kendō." He said forcefully. "Okay, Kendō it is. Show me what you've got, Kazuma." Kazuma moved forward quickly, and Kenji was actually surprised by how quick the young student moved. He raised his wooden sword to block, consciously holding his full power back and then some. "That's it! You move pretty well. And you're fast." "Thank you, Senpai." Kazuma said excitedly as they exchanged more blows. "Ah, Kenji 'ill do! I'm in the same year as you after-all." The two entered into another exchange, and this time Kazuma managed to hit Kenji on the arm. "That's it! Now, let's see your shunpo. We're gonna start movin' around a bit." Kazuma followed rather well. "Don't focus so much on actually catching me," Kenji said quickly. "Let your shunpo be instinctual, that way you won't need to consciously think about it." "I'll try." Over the course of the exchange, Kazuma grinned like a puppy and happily chased Kenji around the yard. Their wooden swords clunked continually and the ones in the house cheered and whistled, with Momoko cheering for Kazuma. Stopping in his tracks, Kenji patted the youngster on the shoulder and led him back to the house. "You've got some skills, Kazuma. Don't get lax in your training and you'll be a fine Shinigami!" "You really think so?" His eyes lit up, and Kenji couldn't help but smile. "I guess he doubts his own power. The sad thing is that I'm not even lying when I say he's skilled." Taking up a seat beside Kazuma, Kenji laid into the food, Kazuma following suit. Anora simply smiled warmly and set another plate down before each and ruffled their hair before walking on to talk to Momoko and Sojiro about history once again. The night continued with fun and chat as old friends caught up and a new friend was made. As the night ebbed away, Kenji took to the yard outside. The wind was pleasant, the stars dotted the sky and laughter erupted from the house behind. But Kenji was miles away, his gaze fixed firmly on the horizon. How many times had he looked at a sky identical to this one? Beyond count because he'd done it his whole life. His thoughts were filled by one thing and one thing alone; Crushing The Trickster with all the strength he'd gained in the last eight months. Turning to look at the house, his friends all speaking and laughing heartily, Kenji made his choice. "And I'm sorry..." He said in a quiet, pained voice as he shunpo'd from sight. Maki, turning to look at where Kenji once stood sighed and downed his entire Saki bottle out of anger more than anything else. The kid was going to get himself bloody well killed! And this time... there wouldn't be anyone to pull him from the fire. Sure, his strength had increased by leaps and bounds, but Kenji's own strength was only at that of a Lieutenant. Unless...! Maki was out of his seat in an instant, making his way over to Rikimaru, he spoke. "Did you see that?" Rikimaru nodded his agreement but grasped Maki's arm firmly when the older man made shape to chase after him. "Don't you do it, Maki. This is what Kenji trained for. Besides, it's the job of the young to make their elders worry." Kenji walked quickly through the regions of the Rukon District. If it was true, and The Trickster was after him since he was a child, then he wouldn't pass up the opportunity of attacking him when he was alone and seemingly defenseless. He made a conscious effort to disguise his new katana. That would be his fail safe if himself and Aoi Inazuma wouldn't be enough. "Good plan, but remember that this man is dangerous. Keep your head about you and don't let him bait you." Kyo remarked via telepathy. "I know. Thanks for the reminder, Kyo-san. Don't reveal your energy, okay? I want our teamwork to be the last surprise this guy sees before I blow him into oblivion." He continued walking until he came to the secluded area where he and his friends were attacked the first time. Taking a deep breathe, he scanned the area. "Trickster! Get your ass out here. NOW!" He bellowed into the wind, voice angry. "I'm ready to end this... and you!" A Kidō spell faded away, and from the space of extreme light, stepped the Trickster. The fold of light faded and he grinned evilly. "Now this is a welcome surprise indeed. Tell me, where are your protectors? I don't see them or sense them anywhere nearby." That curved his lip into a gruesome looking grin. He eased his dual blades into both his hands and leveled them at Kenji's head. "It's only me, Trickster. Now, you're gonna tell me who you really are, because I've had enough of calling you the Trickster." "Trickster will suffice. Now young Kenji... you will die." He shot forward quickly, using a level of speed he used in their previous battle which Kenji now recognized as that of a seated officer. Kenji feigned surprise and fear, but he seen every strike as clearly as young Kazuma's earlier. In truth, that battle had been a warm up to get rid of the cramps in his muscles from sitting for four months in the same pose. Kenji struck out wildly, blocking blows and dodging strikes while The Trickster looked happy at his seemingly desperate parries. "Now." Kenji's form changed, his expression going from frightened to calm and collected. He was more than just an expert swordsman now. Kyo was a swordsmanship master on par with Maki himself and he'd put Kenji through his paces in swordsmanship during their four months together, teaching him new forms and techniques. Kenji focused his stance on offense, favoring his right hand more than his left. Pivoting around The Trickster's next strike, Kenji struck out three times with blurred speed, the first strike knocking aside The Trickster's first blade to prevent him using it to hit his blindside, the second strike knocking aside the Trickster's other sword and the third slash knocking him backwards with hardened spiritual energy wrapped around the blade. "That was Kaze no appuru no hana." Kenji said casually. "I've been training, Trickster." Kenji shot forward again, focusing on offense once again. "Kumo o Setsudan", he thought calmly. Striking out extremely quickly with his katana blade and with great force, Kenji aimed the strike for his opponent's head, attempting to lob The Trickster's skull from his shoulders. He dodged it barely, escaping with a shallow cut across his chest as he leapt back and then upwards. "That was...! Who taught you those moves!?" Kenji remained silent, using shunpo to move to the Trickster's back as he struck! Sparks flew as his opponent turned and blocked with both blades. "You fell for it. Furaito o torimasu davu." The Trickster could do next to nothing as Kenji cut his side with his wakizashi. Kenji leapt back, his stance now favoring defense. "Allow me to explain, because you look rather confused." Kenji said slowly. "My teacher, Maki Zhijun, is a Grandmaster when it comes to the sword. He taught me everything." It was a lie that would throw him off Kyo for a little while longer. "Furaito o torimasu davu is a feint attack for a dual-swordsman fighting a dual-swordsman. The user attacks an enemy to try and make them block with both blades while the user only uses one strike. They then spring the trap and attack with their true weapon, their secondary sword." The Trickster looked at the wounds on his chest and side before smiling genuinely. "You have improved, but if you wish to defeat me, you are going to need-" "More than petty sword skills, right? Do you honestly think I've spent my time twiddling my thumbs?" Kenji laughed at the thought. "I've been training my backside off since our last meeting. Now," Kenji hardened spiritual energy at the point of the middle finger on his right hand and flicked. The projectile struck The Trickster in the jaw and he snarled as he turned his head to regard Kenji with hatred. The Trickster ran forward, but Kenji kept his stance strong, feet planted firmly on the floor. The Trickster was favoring his right hand and would probably hit with more strength in that particular arm. His form, however, was one that Kenji recognized as quick and powerful. He couldn't recall the name, but he was definitely going to come in from the right. "Don't be misled." Kyo warned. "This man is dangerous, a skilled swordsman himself. Guard your left side." Taking the spirit's advice, Kenji shifted his stance so he could easily guard from either direction. Using his katana blade, he blocked the Trickster's strike and watched as he shunpo'd to the other side. Pivoting, Kenji avoided the piercing strike and changed his wakizashi to a reverse grip. Lightning gathered around the blade without him even using his Shikai and he released it upwards as he struck, forcing the Trickster into the sky. "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle! Hado 63! Raikōhō!" With a downward strike and a sudden increase in spiritual energy that made the air shimmer around him, The Trickster discarded his cloak and cut the Kidō spell clean in two before he shunpo'd to Kenji's back. Being vaguely aware of the fellow's speed, Kenji ducked instinctively and lashed out with a backwards kick and met his opponent's open palm! "Don't be foolish, boy." he said quickly. "You've forced me to discard my cloak and my disguise. Not even your mentor could do that because he was busy keeping an eye out encase I went after you three. Now... is different!" Kenji leapt forward and turned, a grin on his face. The fellow standing before him had combed down, shoulder length brown hair and no longer wore the robes of the Shinigami. Instead he wore a suit of leather-like armor with a circular medallion placed in its center with a thin, but long piece of red cloth wrapped multiple times around his waist with the loose bits hanging down behind him. He also had a tattoo displayed on his right shoulder and bicep. "I guess there's no hiding my identity now, is there? My name...is Dastan! And now we fight for real!" Kenji barely dodged this fellow's sudden increase in speed! Dastan's swords moved in a blur, flashing in the moonlight as they came down for continued strikes. But Kenji's stance and defense held firm under that torrent of blows. "Use Shōshitsu merodī!" Kyo barked. Shōshitsu merodī involved luring the enemy into a strike that would leave Kenji defenseless. It was a dangerous move. One that could spell the end of any battle, but against Dastan's torrent of strikes, it was the only way Kenji could free himself. Sure, he could leap backwards and gain a few seconds before the torrent would renew itself anew. He could shunpo, breaking his balance and leaving himself open to a far more dangerous attack. No, Shōshitsu merodī was his only chance. Flowing through the necessary movements to set it up, Kenji moved to the right and hardened the spiritual energy around his left side as much as he possibly could before Dastan hit him with a glancing strike that drew blood. But it pulled him closer and allowed Kenji to launch his own offensive. As the name suggested, Kenji vanished using shunpo and delivered a strike that The Trickster blocked quickly, a look of surprise on his face. "I don't care what you claim, Kenji, but Maki did not teach you those moves. Those moves belong to a long-dead clan of swordsmen that were destroyed by Vasto Lord's years ago. So, the question I would like answered is where you learned techniques not seen in centuries?" "That's for me to know," Kenji said quietly, "And for you to never find out." The two moved closer, exchanging quick precise blows all the while testing one another and their abilities. Kenji had seen Dastan's skills before, but how much was still below the surface? How much was he hiding? He had no clue at all. He could have enough Reiatsu to level a mountain for all he knew. Their blades resounded as they struck, Kenji's blade repelling Dastan's own blade, and Dastan's other repelling Kenji's other. They were even currently, but either could tip the balance, but none wanted to. Better to wait for an opportunity than force one. That showed your opponent a little more of your skills and gave them more time on how to counter. Better to fight evenly and wait. Wait until you could crush your opponent with a single, destructive attack. Backing up, Dastan watched Kenji carefully. "This child is using techniques none have lived to tell the tale of in years. Just where did he learn those skills? And he isn't even using his Shikai and he's keeping up with me. And there's the matter of that second katana blade he's trying to hide. Just where did he get that?" But Dastan had little time to think as a red Kidō blast flew toward him as Kenji thought "Hado 34: Kongōbaku." Countering with Sōkatsui, Dastan moved into the smoke caused by the collision to bide his time. Time, however, wasn't on his side. Crashing through the smoke, Kenji struck out swiftly with his wakizashi! His katana however was sheathed at his side. Dodging to the right, Dastan grinned. For Kenji, there was no time to think. Instinct brought his katana out of its sheath in a flashing arc. Mūn wa mizuumi no ue ni noboru. Mūn wa mizuumi no ue ni noboru turned into a quick display of piercing strikes, leaving Dastan at the mercy of Kenji's speed. However, Dastan wasn't trapped easily. A Kidō barrier formed before him and held firm long enough for him to leap back. "Lord of the Heavens, inhabit my body so I may enact my final revenge upon all those who dared to cross my destined path! Hado 82: Kyokukōme!" Two circles of soul energy formed, appearing almost like two large, red eye-like symbols. Two beams of energy shot forward at an alarming rate across the ground, tearing up the earth as they closed in. Left with no choice, Kenji channeled his spiritual energy. The purest blue lightning coated both his blades as he set them together. "Souryou." He said calmly, and a thin serpentine dragon made from electricity shot from Kenji's blade, the force of the impact canceling out the first of those Kidō blasts and kicking up smoke. For the second, Kenji sheathed his wakizashi in a fast manner and gripped his katana tightly in both hands. Lightning awoke upon the blade again as Kenji struck the point of the blast with all his might! He skidded backwards, feet entrenched in the earth as the Kidō spell threatened to overwhelm him. Appearing above, Dastan forced the spell to collapse by hitting its surface with another Sōkatsui. An explosion sounded, with Kenji at the center. Dastan touched down in his original place and scanned the smoke-filled area intently. Not many people would survive a level 82 Hado spell fired from him, but this child had a habit of surprising people. Falling forward, Dastan suddenly felt a great pain in his back. "Thought I was dead, eh?" Kenji asked casually as he slashed his opponent. "I thought so too, but you know how things go. You look confused, and not for the first time." Putting distance between them, Dastan looked completely and utterly confused. "You know, I am curious. How did you survive?" Pointing to where he once stood, Kenji grinned broadly. "I've mastered Aoi Inazuma's Shikai inside and out. What you hit, was a lightning clone created just after I canceled out your first beam with Souryou. That created a smoke cloud momentarily that I used to dig a hole and make the exchange. Lightning does that surprisingly quickly." "So your clone was the one I destroyed then? Certainly an interesting move. Just how many times can you pull that off?" "It's made using lightning, Dastan. My zanpakuto can create it indefinitely as long as I have the energy needed to form and shape it. But you're welcome to believe what you will." "But that was close." Kenji voiced to Kyo. "If I hadn't of thought to use the clone, we'd be ash by now.'" Easing his stance, Kenji made himself look inviting, but Dastan wasn't budging. He must've had enough of attacking, so Kenji decided he'd do some. With Kidō this time. "Hado 19: Sakugukikō!" Several bluish-black armor bundles covered in purple Reiryoku formed around Kenji, but he didn't stop at that. Touching the purple Reiryoku that joined them, Kenji charged them with electricity, "Hado 11: Tsuzuri Raiden!" The now electrified armor bundles flew out toward Dastan who began dodging them with flash steps. Watching the display for an opening, Kenji eased his mind and body. To use the sword skills Kyo taught him, he needed to be calm or he knew he'd get them wrong. Opening his eyes, Kenji seen the final bundle of armour being cut in two before Dastan fled the explosion. "Combining Kidō attacks? Nice move, Kenji." "Why thank you, Dastan. There's more where that came from." Kenji replied. He was actually enjoying this is a twisted kind of way. He'd trained solidly for the last eight months. Maybe it was the thrill that it was paying off, or maybe it was just his opponent. But Kenji was definitely enjoying this battle. He was showing his mastery of Aoi Inazuma's Shikai by using it's abilities while sealed, though at reduced power and was holding his own against a foe Maki said was easily Captain Class. "And now... the gloves come off." Dastan remarked confidently, spiritual energy rising as he spoke. It started off slowly, but grew steadily until a powerful brown Reiatsu encompassed the entire area before shooting high into the sky. He drew a small, blue-hued dagger from below the red cloth tied around his waist and grinned. "Be Unleashed," Kenji took a defensive stance as he raised his own energy to challenge Dastan's, "Sanzu!" Dastan was enveloped further in spiritual energy the likes of which Kenji had never sensed before. To hell with sensing. He didn't need to. He could bloody well feel the concentration of it in the very air itself. The clouds that were there previously seemed to move on as though scared and the wind became violent. The dust cloud kicked up by the release of his zanpakuto was cut in several different directions with a long, chained weapon. The weapon burst from the smoke and wrapped itself around Kenji's mid-section. With a powerful wrench, Dastan lifted him into the air and slammed into the ground before repeating the procedure several times. With a flick of his wrist, the chained weapon moved to the right and trailed Kenji through the ground before Dastan made it rise once again. "How'd ya like this, eh Kenji? Haha! Take this, and this. Oh, and we can't forget THIS!" Kenji's screams filled the air as he was continually tore through the ground and slammed down mercilessly! Dastan was having the time of his life, however. How long he'd waited for this moment. How long he'd wished to hear this child's bones crack! Dastan raised Kenji as high as the chain would allow, which was pretty high. If his hand was free, Kenji could've moved it through the clouds. But he didn't remain high long as Dastan, with a powerful yank, brought hi down towards the ground. "Kenji! You must use me! Now!" Kyo practically begged, but Kenji refused. Lightning energy flowed from Kenji's body down the chained weapon, shocking Dastan below. Once free, Kenji hurtled to the ground with an almighty thud! He was unmoving in the rubble of the crater and Dastan was barely injured by the shock. "You put up a good fight, Kenji Hiroshi, but in the end...!" A white blast of pure amplified Reiatsu tore up the ground around Dastan who didn't even see it coming. A black-haired youngster Dastan didn't even recognize landed in front of Kenji's body with a large grin on his face. "You The Trickster? Good. My name's Kusaka, and we're gonna kick your ass." "We?" Dastan asked suddenly as a large column of white energy erupted from the ground beneath him! Jumping backwards, Dastan regarded the silver-haired youth who landed beside this Kusaka fellow. "My name's Sojiro. Kusaka's brother, and the we he meant wasn't only me." A grin spread across Kenji's face as he looked up to see his friend Yoshiro and Momoko stand above him. Momoko immediately began healing him while Yoshiro looked completely different. he had no bandages and he wore a face of calm composure. "Momoko, take care of Kenji, okay? Kusaka, Sojiro and me will keep him busy. Join us afterwards, okay?" "...Yoshi, It's good to see you. Maki take care of ya?" "Yup. The old fart knew exactly what you were planning. Healed me on the spot and said "This fight belongs to you all." Returning his attention towards Dastan, Yoshiro and Kusaka released their Shikai as one while Sojiro began analyzing.