The Series-101 Exoskeletal Infiltration Device, or the EID, is an autonomous robotic organism created by Travolt Facilities in the year of 2554. Travolt started mass producing the EIDs, saving human lifes, but spending high cR. After this backfire, Travolt shut down every working Model One (pictured to the right) and created the smaller, but more advanced, Model Seven. The Model Seven peaked to the the top of technology at that time, but the Model Seven was looked down upon due to it's highly advanced and not to mention harsh grammar. The Model Seven continued service for two and a half years, until the Model Infilitrix, or the Model I was released. It developed feelings, and was the weakest, but fastest model in working order. After one month, most Model I's went AWOL, and destroyed their
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| - Series-101 Exoskeletal Infiltration Device
| - The Series-101 Exoskeletal Infiltration Device, or the EID, is an autonomous robotic organism created by Travolt Facilities in the year of 2554. Travolt started mass producing the EIDs, saving human lifes, but spending high cR. After this backfire, Travolt shut down every working Model One (pictured to the right) and created the smaller, but more advanced, Model Seven. The Model Seven peaked to the the top of technology at that time, but the Model Seven was looked down upon due to it's highly advanced and not to mention harsh grammar. The Model Seven continued service for two and a half years, until the Model Infilitrix, or the Model I was released. It developed feelings, and was the weakest, but fastest model in working order. After one month, most Model I's went AWOL, and destroyed their
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| - Series-101 Exoskeletal Infiltration Device
| - *Rubber/Rubber Cement Skin for Undercover Operations, contradicting the fact that the S101 EID are Exoskeletal.
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| - Applicable Weapons Vary by Model
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| - The Series-101 Exoskeletal Infiltration Device, or the EID, is an autonomous robotic organism created by Travolt Facilities in the year of 2554. Travolt started mass producing the EIDs, saving human lifes, but spending high cR. After this backfire, Travolt shut down every working Model One (pictured to the right) and created the smaller, but more advanced, Model Seven. The Model Seven peaked to the the top of technology at that time, but the Model Seven was looked down upon due to it's highly advanced and not to mention harsh grammar. The Model Seven continued service for two and a half years, until the Model Infilitrix, or the Model I was released. It developed feelings, and was the weakest, but fastest model in working order. After one month, most Model I's went AWOL, and destroyed their human allies, so every Model I was shut down. The final model was created in 2557, and was named the Model 100. When enough money was collected, all Models One and Seven were reactivated, helping in the war.