| - Under the white glow of the brightly lit bathroom, there was the great I Am. An odd position for a man to achieve: one leg upon the counter, the other on the ground, one arm pressed against the wall holding my balance, the other positioning a mirror underneath my scrotum. Oh yes, completely naked of course. Dear God, you might say, why on earth would I do such a thing? Of course I have a lovely, dare I say pert ballsack, but to look at it with such intense recognition of detail? Oh, I do so wish that the paranoid bodily analysis ended with my lovely balls. I wish it were a mere scratch from a Taiwanese girl's ornate finger rings or a slight ice burn to the goodie bag from some equally freaky French socialite but no, no it was not. The inspection stretched far and wide, the entire landscape
| - Under the white glow of the brightly lit bathroom, there was the great I Am. An odd position for a man to achieve: one leg upon the counter, the other on the ground, one arm pressed against the wall holding my balance, the other positioning a mirror underneath my scrotum. Oh yes, completely naked of course. Dear God, you might say, why on earth would I do such a thing? Of course I have a lovely, dare I say pert ballsack, but to look at it with such intense recognition of detail? Oh, I do so wish that the paranoid bodily analysis ended with my lovely balls. I wish it were a mere scratch from a Taiwanese girl's ornate finger rings or a slight ice burn to the goodie bag from some equally freaky French socialite but no, no it was not. The inspection stretched far and wide, the entire landscape of my personal nethers. As such, and quite obviously, this included my thunderstick. I had already paid the Don Johnson a fair bit of mind; it felt to be about three hour's worth of mind. Studying every detail. Learning. Sharing. Connecting on a personal level. It's amazing how little you know about your best friend until you go out of your way to care. Between the jewelpouch, the lance, and all the other surrounding terrain, I'd say I'd spent a total of eight and a half hours in the bathroom over the course of two days - mirrors, magnifying glasses, headlamps and swimming goggles all being utilized along the way. And while I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, what the hell do I know? I'm no doctor; I just play one in the bedrooms of drunken Brazilian women during Carnival! And also in the bedroom of a German exchange student, and then the Dutch exchange student that came after her. Between the last twelve women, ten of whom were particularly invasive, the concern over my bodily wellness had somehow taken hold in the absolute forefront of my mind. I knew one thing to be true: this magic stick of mine has been on more whirlwind adventures than Lewis and Clark (and has probably been inside an equal number of Native Americans). And as I waited for the results of my blood analysis, I couldn't help but reminisce in grandeur and discomfort, looking back upon my raucous sexual escapades. Oh the hysteria...so many needles...Duran Duran...The results would be available tomorrow.