| - Samuel "Sloppy Sam" Verdreaux is a perpetual drunk who lives in Chester's Mill, Maine. He was once the starting pitcher of the Mill Wildcats highschool baseball team - also, despite his short stature, worked in the logging industry as a young man. Along with Richie and Randall Killian, he helped to incite a riot at Food City on the morning of the 23rd, on the instructions of Jim Rennie, by throwing a rock that hit Georgia Roux in the mouth. He later deeply regretted being part of the incident.
| - Samuel "Sloppy Sam" Verdreaux is a perpetual drunk who lives in Chester's Mill, Maine. He was once the starting pitcher of the Mill Wildcats highschool baseball team - also, despite his short stature, worked in the logging industry as a young man. On 21 October 2009, the day after Dome Day, he badgered Johnny Carver to sell him alcohol at 9:30am at Mill Gas & Grocery, despite the ban on alcohol sales implemented by Peter Randolph. He was subsequently manhandled by the newly deputized Junior Rennie, and thrown into the side of a truck on the street outside the store. He spent time in the jail, but was released fairly quickly. Along with Richie and Randall Killian, he helped to incite a riot at Food City on the morning of the 23rd, on the instructions of Jim Rennie, by throwing a rock that hit Georgia Roux in the mouth. He later deeply regretted being part of the incident. After the explosion which consumed most of the Dome's breathable air, Sam survived due to oxygen tanks he had delivered to his home - he was misdiagnosed with emphysema by Dr. Haskell. Using the tanks, he joined the survivors near the Dome generator, and reminded them of the air in the tires of their vehicles. He was part of the last-ditch effort to convince the Dome's creators to raise it. The effort was a success, but Sam succumbed to the lack of breathable air, just after the Dome lifted. Dale Barbara and Julia Shumway left his eyes open, so he could see the clear sky, even in death. This makes him the last casualty since the dome's appearance.