| - In Jungian theory, the Cosmic Man is an archetypical figure that appears in creation myths of a wide variety of mythology. Generally he is described as helpful or positive, and is also frequently the physical basis of the world, such that after death parts of his body became physical parts of the universe. He also represents the oneness of human existence, or the universe. In many myths, the Cosmic Man is not just the beginning but also the final goal of life or creation. This is not necessarily a physical event, but may refer to the identification of the conscious ego with the self.
| - In Jungian theory, the Cosmic Man is an archetypical figure that appears in creation myths of a wide variety of mythology. Generally he is described as helpful or positive, and is also frequently the physical basis of the world, such that after death parts of his body became physical parts of the universe. He also represents the oneness of human existence, or the universe. For example, in Chinese legend, Pangu is thought to have given the natural features of the Earth their form, and when he died his body became the Sacred Mountains of China. The Persian equivalent, Keyumars, released semen when he died, out of which came the first human couple. In some Jewish legends, Adam was created from dust from the four corners of the Earth, and, when bent down, his head was the East and his feet the West. In another legend, he contained the soul of everybody who would ever be born. In the teachings of Kabbalah, such a primordial man is referred to as Adam Kadmon. In Indian mythology, Purusha is a similar figure, who is considered the part of the individual which is immortal. In many myths, the Cosmic Man is not just the beginning but also the final goal of life or creation. This is not necessarily a physical event, but may refer to the identification of the conscious ego with the self. In the religious sciences of Islam, a more detailed explanation is furnished wherein the first Cosmic Man is identified as Adam. According to the sciences, Adam is a Cosmic Being because, apart from having an all-embracing power over the Universe, he also has the most privileged spiritual rank and status of a human being. In more recent elaborations, the Cosmic Man is an awaited Leader who is to destined to appear in order to establish a new and golden Age on earth for all mankind. The light of this man, like the light of all Cosmic men, is the original Light of Prophet Muhammad.