| - You have arrived at the peak of Quartzite Mountain. From this vantage point, you are able to see all of the Sagros Plains to the north, and clear across the Southron Wastes to the south. The clear, unobstructed view is remarkable. You can even see all of Ibex to the east. Looking down from here is a little unnerving, for those who are afraid of heights. Contents: Strikebreaker Fairway Blueshift Nimrod Harrow Patchwork Cinder Dealer Runner Straxus The Quartzite Mountain's pathways and peaks are steep, sharp, and treacherous, a very difficult climb for anyone without antigravs... and who has antigravs yet? There are rumors that there are ancient caves and caverns to be found among the mountain's ledges, but these may well be more dangerous than climbing on the outside of the mountain itself. One thing's for certain: this would be the perfect place for an ambush. Astrotrain reaches the summit of Quartzite Mountain. Dealer picks his way cautiously but expertly up the mountainside, following a path that ranges in width from 'uncomfortably narrow' to 'terrifying.' On one side a sheer glassy cliff face. On the other a jagged chasm. "Watch yourselves on this turn. Sometimes there's a nasty wind up ahead, can blow you right off the path if you're off balance. Keep an eye on the person ahead of you and be ready to catch them if they slip," Dealer says from the head of the single file line. A master pathfinder, Dealer has been selected by Alpha Trion to lead the Autobot expedition through this deadly ground. Fairway is sticking as close behind Dealer as he can. He takes excessively careful steps, bending his legs, feeling out every step. "What shall we find at the summit of this mountain, friend Dealer?" Sentinel Prime is not a part of the main group, here. The reason for this is because Sentinel Prime has convinced himself that the strange new Autobots are up to something. And so, he has taken it upon himself to climb the mountain, stalking the Autobots at a distance, trying to stay hidden. If one of the Autobots looks back, Sentinel usually tries to duck into whatever cover is around before he's spotted. He's not terribly stealthy, of course, but perhaps the other Autobots will be too busy navigating the treacherous mountain to notice him? Unfortunely for Sentinel, though, the mountain has some surprises he doesn't know about. His face goes blank as he finds a rock he stepped on sinking into the ground about an inch, and when Sentinel hears rocks falling down, he grimaces, pressing his back against the mountain as he lifts up his shield to deflect the falling rocks. Runner is following behind Dealer. From time to time he takes a peek at the chasm. Three times, his reflexes saved from a long loooong fall. It's the first time ever he comes here and if he has anything to say, it will be the last time. "Why are we here yet?" He asks at Dealer's back. Dealer explains without looking back (not safe to take one's eyes off the path as long as one keeps moving), "We're headed to a cavern near the summit. There's something there that Alpha Trion thinks can send you and the other time-displaced Autobots home, and we don't really have any other ideas so far. I just hope nobody dies trying to get there!" Chromia reaches the summit of Quartzite Mountain. Cinder is moving along beside Fairway, carrying Andi on his back. He doesn't mind acting as a mount for the organic, as since she is Patchwork's friend, he considers her a friend as well, and that's saying something from the oft-wary foxbot. Andi Lassiter is travelling in style today...well, relatively. She's somehow managed to sweet talk Cinder into playing the role of Black Beauty in today's production and is riding on the black foxbot's back as if he were a horse. Folded several times and acting as a makeshift saddlepad is the much-used section of silk-like fabric given to her by Solar shortly after she arrived, the bright colors probably an eyesore. She's got a section of red and orange fur pelt pulled tightly around her shoulders for warmth, making it look like she's wearing a technicolor trenchcoat... or something. The rest of the huge pelt is likely tucked away and carried by either Patchwork or Fairway, this wearable-sized piece having been cut off of the rest a few days ago. Her messenger bag is slung across her torso as always, and she's jerry-rigged a way for her little medical scanner to hang from the bag strap so she can keep its translation program running and not have to hold the device in one hand. The scanner's tiny speakers translate her English words (imperfectly) into Cybertronian, but don't have the power to carry more than a few meters so she's relying on Cinder to relay anything she says that might be considered important. <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Psssst Harrow" <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "Yes, Mega Man?" Patchwork is close to the back of the pack, behind Cinder and Fairway. She's keeping a very careful eye on Andi, just in case, as they all make their way along the trecherous path. "And how long is it until we reach it?" she adds from where she is. The Quartzite Mountains are treacherous indeed, for here there be Decepticons. It would seem as if news of the Autobot expedition has been leaked somehow, for a bit further up the mountains is Straxus and several Decepticons, some loyal to him, though he's also gone out of his way to make sure the displaced are with them (as many as he could find, anyway). He crouches, waiting for the Autobots to arrive. "Our source says that the... outsiders among the Autobots are being brought here, which makes it of particular interest to us," Straxus explains to those with him. "Likely, we should just let them lead us to where we're going and worry about destroying them later. But do watch yourselves. This area is trapped." He says that last bit just as the sound of falling rocks can be heard in the distance. <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Where are you, I have an IMPORTANT MISSION!" Strikebreaker runs one hand along his chin. "Seems to me we should just kill them all right now then search the mountain later for whatever hoo-hah it is they're worried about. Save us a whole heap of problem." The workmech is already sizing up the area for weaknesses.. not because he's worried about falling, but because he figures that he can probably bring half the mountain down on the Autobots. Strangely, just ahead of where Straxus and his minions are, is a figure up on a ledge. He seems to have got impossibly far up, and is hacking away at some object buried in a meteoric-like stone that has landed on the mountain. The figure is blue and looks a bit like a jerk, but it can't be Blueshift - it must be the mysterious figure known only as MEGA MAN. He is also shouting and swearing to himself quite loudly There is a humming noise in the air as deep red and black paint job. He The wings and fins of his airplane alt mode are on his shoulders and allowing for Nimrod to hover. His right arm's gatling gun ever so randomly turns as if to check the stock of the ammunition. What is most unusual about this unit is that his black feet appear to have digits - four on each foot. "Nimrod the Hunter has arrived. Who has beckoned me from my work? This gig better pay well..." is all he says as his optics size up Strikebreaker. <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "I'm... already on a mission, sir. Try... Evangelion or whatever her name is." Catechism is along with Straxus's crew, and she could perhaps fall into two categories. Her anti-gravs are, oddly, off. The ancient Decepticons did just fine without them, and if she does fall off the mountain, she can turn back on in an instant, but having them off forces her to be more careful, more thoughtful, to really watch where she is walking and plan out her next moves. She groans softly to herself as the shouting and swearing drifts down the mountain. To put a quote by Astrotrain, or probably any other Decepticon from his own time period, 'climbing is for chumps'. For the moment, the triplechanger rests on the large flat outcropping he found as a landing space while still in shuttle mode. It's awful handy when even the past locked groundbound Decepticons don't have to climb, able to just hitch a ride on the spacebourne triplechanger, no? Hence why they were able to get to the top before the Autobots no doubt! Or at least Astrotrain would certainly feel he had something to do with it. Transforming and rising up not long afterwards, he cracks his neck from one side to the other, getting a few kinks in his servos out before he snorts just faintly at the thought of all the Autobots struggling their way up. "Well for -some- of us a fall would be a bad thing." He can't help but smirk faintly though that smirk dies on his face as he looks further up the mountain and spots...Blueshift. "Aw for the love of..." he mutters, facepalming in the process. In a chorus of shifting and spinning parts, Astrotrain's body spins and lifts up into his large robot mode. <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Don't disobey me Harrow, meet me at the Quartzite-whatever mountain!" <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "And make sure that ninny Astrotrain isn't about" Harrow hates walking /so much/. He hates climbing. He hates mountains. He hates quartzite. But the act of walking everywhere instead of flying is wearing on him. Apparently he is the 'chump'. He joins up with Straxus' crew and tries to avoid Blueshift. Runner grunts, "Oh yeah... Good idea to send them home. They're not much party animals and Prime is getting edgy around them... which make me wonder where he is..." Of course Runner is convinced that Prime is probably drunk back at the base but he's way too loyal to comment it aloud. He hears the sound of rocks falling somewhere on the mountain but he doesn't pay attention to it busy as he is not falling from the path. "How long until we reach that famous cavern?" "Not too far now," the back of Dealer's head replies. "We're already most of the way there. Don't get distracted now. Be a shame for something to happen after all that successful climbing earlier." He takes a short run-up and jumps across a yawning crack in the path, landing on the far side safely. "You'll have to jump this part, I'll catch the first person and then we'll catch the next, and so on," he says, turning around and holding out his arms. Fairway has the rest of Andi's pelt tossed over his shoulder, which probably isn't the best idea given the speed of the winds up here. He balls it up into his fist. "Indeed," he said to Andi, "this is like no mountain I have ever heard of. And it DOES appear to be crystalline in composition, though I would wager that there is a substructure of far stronger materials." He tries not to look over either side, but it's downright unavoidable. Coming upon the chasm, he bends down to offer help to Cinder and Andi. "I can get across with aid from my jumpjets. Do you need me to carry you?" Andi Lassiter also hears the clatter of rocks falling, and since she doesn't have to watch where they're going, she turns to look back and down. A bit disconcerting, but she's not worried about falling. But then Dealer mentions 'jumping', and she turns her attention forward again. Suddenly, the slippery fabric seems like less of a good idea for a saddlepad. She smiles up at Fairway, figuring he can come up with a good solution easily enough. "What, are you accusing Cinder of not being able to hold his own in a steeplechase?" The translator program probably choked on that last word. Patchwork slows to a stop behind Cinder, weight shifting from right foot to left as she carefully finds and maintains her balance on the path. "Yeah...Be very careful with Andi." she offers up to both Fairway and Cinder, likely needlessly before she peers down at Andi. "Steeplechase?" "This mountain is...different," Cinder agrees in reply to Andi. "They say it came from space." He tilts his head slightly at the offer from Fairway. "I think we'll be fine. I can jump like no one's business." He backs away from the chasm, makes sure Andi is secure, and takes a running leap. Sentinel Prime follows the rocky path, sticking his back to it. He happens upon the Autobots as they stop near a jump across a chasm, and backtracks several feet so they don't spot him. The Prime can wait until they've all made the jump--and he can do it on his own just fine. So Sentinel stays back for now... though he does cast a weary glance back at the ground he's already covered. Is someone else following the Autobots? The Autobots are being stalked. Not by a Decepticon, oh no...but by another autobot. Chromia, visually, hasn't changed munch since her youth...that fact is obvious due to it being Chromia's younger self doing the following. She was fairly certain that they wouldn't mind her tagging along...but on the off chance, she had decided to shadow the party heading towards the mountains. As they approach the chasm, she pauses ducking behind a nearby boulder as she sees Sentinel Prime stop and look back...scrunching herself up as tiny as possible to effect maximum cover. Of course, since the boulder was larger than her already, this is hardly necessary... Straxus shakes his head at Strikebreaker's suggestion. "The consequences, should one of the strangers die, may be... unfortunate. Though I am not against sealing them still alive somewhere where they are out of my way." He looks back down the mountain, and it may be a frown on his expression, but it's difficult to tell, because he has a natural frowny-face. "I believe they are approaching." He turns towards the cliff face to the one side and swings his axe into it, using that to climb up and onto a smaller ledge from which he can jump back down. "Be ready." Catechism growls out, "Evangel, Harrow. I am Evangel. I spread the word, and the word is the glory of the lie. Don't distract me from the task that has been set before me by the one who sets this world in motion." She primes her arm rifles as Straxus warns to be ready, and her glance bounces all over the place, as she constantly searches for safe ground where there is none. Astrotrain grunts, leaning back away from the edge of the cliff face as well. No sense in completely giving away his presence beforehand either, right? "You guys still keepin that up?" He mutters towards Catechism, then shakes his head slowly, checking his rifle for a moment before drawing his sword out in his other hand, waiting oh so patiently for the Autobots to arrive. And by patiently we mean tapping his foot. Strikebreaker snorts. "It's all a bunch of baloney if you ask me. Never did buy that whole "from the future" malarky. And when I asked one of the techs about it, it made my head hurt." He rubs his chin with one thumb again, idly tracing an almost invisible seam line, an old scar from his first battle. Shrugging, he dismisses the notion. Idle speculation about the nature of the cosmos just gets in the way when it's time to smash metal. Not one for tricky manuevers, Strikebreaker settles for wedging behind an outcrop. As he is BLANKED by Harrow, Blueshift stands on the ledge he has, waving his arms and shouting loudly in the most unstealthy manner possible. "OI OI OI!" he shouts, his voice echoing all across the mountain. "I'm HERE you blind seeker!" <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "So I take it this is the 'Blueshift' you mentioned, Astrotrain?" Harrow flinches and hunches, scooting away from /Evangel/, harbinger of glory and death and lies or some-such-slag. He draws his pistol, absently tapping on the barrel and doing his best lackey impression, until Blueshift has kittens at him. "What! Yes! I SEE you, sir!" he reluctantly turns his helm and offers a half-assed salute. <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Try not to look at him directly. Rumor has it his stupid rubs off like rust spots." <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "Hmmm. I believe you overstated his intelligence." "I HOPE THAT IS NOT AN ASTROTRAIN I SEE DOWN THERE!" Blueshift shouts in reply <88-Decepticon> Catechism says, "Keep him away from paste." Astrotrain has steam shooting out from his audials for a moment, "Scuse me a second." A moment later he grabs the nearest hand-sized chunk of crystal he can get his hands on and... ...yeah well you know what happens next. This is starting to be a habit. Combat: Astrotrain sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Astrotrain misses Blueshift with his Crystal Chunk Thrown at the Head! (Grab) attack! Runner looks down at the chasm and then back at Dealer. The speedster refrains from commenting that he can jump accross that chasm just find...after all Dealer is just being nice and friendly...right? Runner sprints fowards and leaps accross the chasm, landing in Dealer's arms, "Catch me darling!" Nimrod checks a sensor on himself and smirks, "Later." He then proceeds to retreat! <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "Mega Man sir, I'm not about to attack Astrotrain for you." Fairway is finding out that he is terrified of heights. He shakes uncontrollably, and sucks in several quick vent cycles before he manages to gather the courage to prepare for the jump. "All right," he says, more to himself than anyone else, "I shall count down. 3...2..." Without saying one, he crouches and springs, swinging his arms forward, and activates his jumpjets when he's over the middle of the chasm. He clears the gap easily, but his landing is beyond awkward. He cuts the jets off too late and can't get find his footing before he touches down. As a result, he blows a both talocrural hydraulics in his right foot. When he stands, he can barely put any weight on that leg. "Scrap," he swears, frustrated, "THAT is going to make this process more difficult." He struggles back to his place in line ahead of Cinder. <88-Decepticon> Strikebreaker says, "Oh is that who it is yelling? HELLO MEGA MAN ARE YOU ENJOYING YOURSELF?" <88-Decepticon> Strikebreaker stage-whispers over the channel. "Mad as a turbobat that one" <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Did I ask you to?" Dealer catches Runner neatly and sets him down, wagging a finger with a relieved expression that everyone made it across safely. "Let's not make a habit of this now-" Blueshift's thick-headed bellowing is impossible to miss. "Decepticons!" exclaims Dealer, flattening himself against the cliff to make a smaller target and get away from the edge. "They must've got here before us. This is bad, real bad. We'll have to go back, we can't fight them here... it's too dangerous! We can't even transform! I sure can't, anyhow." <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "HELLO STRIKEBREAKER YES I AM" Combat: Dealer sets his defense level to Protected. <88-Decepticon> Blueshift whispers "He is really simple, be nice to him" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "See? I toldja it rubs off!" Dealer fires up the mountain at the yelling thing, not so much aiming as just trying to suppress it so it doesn't come down in their direction. Combat: Dealer misses Blueshift with his Solid Light Blaster attack! [Pulled -4] "Hold on, Fairway...I can help!" Patchwork calls, optics widening as she watches the landing of her fellow time displaced Autobot. Her own leap isn't graceful, and she doesn't clear it with as much extra room as Fairway does, but she manages to get across without breaking anything. Once there, she inches forward, only to bend down and reach out, trying effect at least some sort of repair before the call about Cons goes up and she shifts to try and offer herself some protection against the wall. <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "'Mega Man,' I have... no idea why you are here, but you have just ruined our ambush, and you will suffer. So long as we understand each other." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Yeah he...probably couldn't even understand how many fingers yer holdin up." Andi Lassiter cranes her neck to look at Fairway when she sees his awkward landing and resultant limp. The medic is already on the case, but she can't just sit here and be a damsel in soon-to-be-distress. "Can I help, Patchwork?" <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Oh it was an AMBUSH eh?" <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "I would say he understands *exactly* how many fingers I am holding up. That is to say, he understands nothing." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Don't say I didn't warn ya." <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "It was. Now it is an attack." Sentinel Prime sighs to himself at all the slowbots up ahead. Then he gets an idea for moving them along. He draws a small pistol from his chest compartment. It's a weapon he pulled off of one of his many Decepticon victims. Prime figured it would come in handy one day--if a certain Autobot had to "go away" then this pistol would be pretty handy for making it look like a 'con did it. Even better, if he fires a shots off, the Autobots will see and hear the distinctive and unmistakably Decepticon blasts, and probably hustle along-- Sentinel lowers the gun, though, when he hears the shooting's started anyway. "What the..." He pokes his head around again. He sees Dealer shooting up at someone, but no Decepticons. "What kind of ambush is this?" he mutters before getting back into cover. <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Pfff stealth is the weapon of the WEAK" <88-Decepticon> Catechism says, "Weakness is what happens to all who scorn the options available!" <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "Hnh. Very good, 'Evangel'. Indeed." Cinder crouches slightly and looks upward to where Dealer is shooting, a snarl appearing on his muzzle as a growl emits from his vocalizer. He can't fight while carrying Andi, so he makes plans to beat a hasty retreat. "Stay with me," he tells the human. <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain can be heard facepalming. Yes, heard. Chromia hears the shooting start and, ever so slowly, peeks her head around the boulder she was hiding behind. She frowns a bit when she notices it's only one person shooting, almost pouting. "Darn it! That's it? I was hoping for more..." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Aaanyways, so you don't wann off our fellow Autobot wanderers. Fair enough. Nothin says we can't beat the slag out of em, eh?" Straxus's natural frowny-face gets even frownier as Blueshift completely ruins all attempts at ambush. He stands straight on his ledge and points down towards the Autobots. "Decepticons, ATTACK! Take the strangers alive, KILL the rest!" Yes, even HIM. Then he transforms and turns his cannon muzzle towards Blueshift. "That one, unfortunately, must also be taken alive, but feel free to do it in as many pieces as possible." And then he fires. Straxus transforms into his Straxcannon mode. Combat: Straxus sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Straxcannon misses Blueshift with his Wide-Angle Disintegration Beam attack! [Pulled -2] Blueshift manages to dodge every missile thrown at him, even Astrotrain's MEAN one, as he finally yanks the sword from the fragment of rock. He stares at the blade as on it is inscribed, in ancient cybertronian the word 'stealth'. "Huh" he mutters, pausing. "Wish I could read what that says..." With that, he raises his amazing speed gun, but rather than shoot at Straxus, attacks their common foe, the heroic Autobot known as Dealer who dared shoot at him! Combat: Blueshift sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Blueshift misses Dealer with his Speed Stealing Gun attack! Strikebreaker doesn't bother with his jackhammer because SOMEONE thinks the whole of time and space will collapse if we accidently kill one of the weirdo Autobots. So he settles for just grabbing the nearest hunk of loose rock he can find and beaning it down towards the Auotobots. Maybe he'll bring the mountain down on them later. Combat: Strikebreaker misses Runner with his Rock your face like a hurricane with a rock (Punch) attack! Catechism groans more loudly. Wherever she goes, there is Blueshift, Doing it Wrong. Catechism considers her options, as she looks at the Autobots. The Autobots must be here for a reason, and she will have the reason and the satisfaction of knowing, or she will have the satisfaction of a dead Autobot on her hands. Either way, she wins. She draws her whip and casts it at Fairway, who she recognises, hoping to snare him. Combat: Catechism strikes Fairway with her Whiplash Whirlwind attack! [Pulled -4] Astrotrain didn't hear that satisfying *clink* of contact on Blueshift this time. "Dang!" he exclaims, narrowing his optics in irritation. Still, there's no time to worry about that right now, as a few shots come streaking up the mountainside from the Autobots below. "Ah well. The heck with this. Hey Cat, Harrow." Yeah he's not bothering to stick to codenames, personas or secret identities. He'd never remember them all anyway. "You wanna stay here and play it out groundpounding like some kinda fraggin Autobot, you can feel free. They already know who and what we are anyway...so I'm showin em how -we- do it." And with that, he proceeds to run towards the end of the cliff, a few heavy *THUD*s issuing out as he runs right -past- Strikebreaker's position as he tries to pelt autobots with falling rock. And like a cliffdiver, the triplechanger proceeds to leap off the edge, arms wide to one side as he starts to plummet -down- the mountainside upside-down, turning to face the crystal structure as it goes zooming past. "Hyah hah hah! HEADS UP!" he catcalls to the collected Autobots, as he opens fire randomly with his rifle, spraying the surrounding rock with his ion rifle as he tries to hit a target as gravity carries him on plummeting past them. Combat: Astrotrain sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Astrotrain strikes Patchwork with his Fall-by shooting! (Laser) attack! Combat: Chromia sets its defense level to Guarded. "Thank you, friend Patchwork." Fairway stands a little easier after Patchwork helps him. Her aid could not have come a moment too soon; he looks up in alarm as Dealer begins firing, and then draws his own scram rifle. "We /cannot/ have this confrontation here," he agrees with Dealer, "we - Aagh!" Catechism's whip lashes around Fairwa's legs. He goes down, nearly yanked off the ledge before he has a chance to respond. Dealer's reaction, however, has ruined the element of surprise for Catechism. Fairway is able to collect his wits and kick on his jumpjets to avoid being dragged over the edge. Simultaneous to this, he aims his scram rifle and licks off a shot at Catechism. Combat: Fairway strikes Catechism with his Scram Rifle attack! [Pulled -2] Combat: Fairway (Fairway) used "Scram Rifle": A Level 3 RANGED attack. Combat: You took 3 damage. Combat: Fairway's attack damages your armor. Runner isn't caught off guard because he hears someone shouting in front of him way before Dealer warns him. He draws his pistols as he sees a rock flying towards him. Two quick blasts make short work of that rock and the autobot speedster quickly spot his attacker, "You guys could use some training in commando tactics!" Then he quickly fires back at Strikebreaker while looking for some cover along the cliff. Combat: Runner sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Runner strikes Strikebreaker with his Pistol attack! "Fairway!" cries Dealer, startled as the Balro- as Catechism's whip snaps up out of the chasm and snatches Fairway by the ankle. "Hang on!" He thumbs his force gun to rapid fire mode and hammers out a burst of shots towards Catechism, aiming for the arm holding the whip. Combat: Dealer sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Dealer strikes Catechism with his Solid Light Blaster attack! Combat: Dealer (Dealer) used "Solid Light Blaster": A Level 5 RANGED attack. Combat: You took 9 damage. Patchwork wasn't, unfortunately, as quick to react as Fairway is, though she's just as bad off in the end. Yelping as Astrotrain's tumble-by shooting connects with her aft side, Patchwork straightens and twists around, balancing precariously on one foot for a moment before catching herself and stabalizing. Her own rifle is pulled out, and she, too, turns to shoot at not her attacker but Fairway's. "You okay, Fairway?" Combat: Patchwork misses Catechism with her Rifle attack! Combat: Patchwork (Patchwork) used "Rifle": A Level 3 AREA-RANGED attack. Andi Lassiter gasps in surprise as everyone is suddenly attacking or being attacked, huddling down on Cinder's back. She mutters a few choice cuss words that the little scanner can't even begin to translate accurately. "Cinder, is there anything we can do to get these guys to stop throwing things at us?" Sentinel Prime then bursts out of hiding, shield held forward as he blasts upwards at the Decepticons with his battle lance. "Don't worry guys!" Sentinel Prime says, grinning. "I got these guys. Press on, bots!" And so, thanks to his valiant efforts, the Autobots are able to return to their own time. Well, actually, that doesn't happen. Sentinel considered doing it, thought it would play out like that, but decided against it. He's still upset at those new bots. So, instead, he remains where he is, hidden on the cliff, waiting for the Autobots to move forward. The Global Pose Tracker marks that Sentinel Prime has 'skipped' his action for this round. Chromia peers at the confrontation going on from her hiding spot, optics wide as battle seems to be joined in full. She hesitates; she wasn't all that experienced with fighting...she has weaponry, but... Frowning somewhat at herself, she draws her grenade launcher and activates it, loading in a projectile. Breaking her cover partially, trying to keep as much of her body covered as possible, she takes shaky aim at one of the Decepticons and fires...unfortunately, she slips slightly on a pebble and the shot arcs high, missing its intended target, only to come back down straight towards... "We've got to get off this cliff!" exclaims Dealer over the THUMTHUMTHUM of his gun, his back to the cliff wall. "Keep moving up, we're closer to the cave than we are to the ground!" Combat: Chromia strikes Straxcannon with her Grenade Launcher attack! "Probably not!" Cinder looks around frantically for a cave to hide in. He finds one, just large enough for him to enter along with Andi. "Hang on!" With the human still on his back, he dashes up a slope toward it, and ducks inside. Harrow frowns at Astrotrain before he flies off the cliff in his epic badass fashion. So... now it's alright to use anti-gravs? He decides against it, don't want to draw Catechism's ire any further. For now, Harrow simply darts around playing medic, waiting for someone's arm to get lobbed off. The Global Pose Tracker marks that Harrow has 'skipped' his action for this round. Catechism has no intention of dragging Fairway off the edge. In fact, she quips, "I hope you'll hang around!" His rifle scrambles her armour, and the outer layer falls away, brittle, crumbling to dust. In the weaker spots, her circuits and struts can be seen, a mess of multi-coloured wires and dull, ugly military green. The hand holding the whip is shot clean off (Harrow didn't have to wait long), and the hand and whip alike go tumbling down the side of the mountain. Catechism's optics go wide - that whip was a gift! For a moment, it is obvious that she is seriously considering throwing herself down after the weapon. As she bends over, reaching after the whip, Patchwork's shot whizzes by her, too close for comfort. Catechism tumbles after the whip, letting it tangle around her ankle and hanging onto the cliff, one-handed. Ugh, one-armed push-ups! Catechism levers herself back up onto the perilously narrow ledge, standing on her hand for a moment. As she falls forward, she flings the whip at nearby Autobots with a kick, finally ending back to the wall, tucked in close. Combat: Catechism sets her defense level to Guarded. Combat: Catechism strikes Runner with her Tangle-Snare Area attack! [Pulled -3] Combat: Catechism strikes Dealer with her Tangle-Snare Area attack! [Pulled -3] Combat: Catechism strikes Fairway with her Tangle-Snare Area attack! [Pulled -3] Strikebreaker has disconnected. Straxcannon is rocked in his perch as Chromia's grenade hits him, though he is not knocked from it. He transforms to hold himself in place, and to more easily look out over the field. "Hrm," he says. It is tempting to return fire on the source of the attack, but more efficient to fire at the bulk of the Autobots, and from his vantage he sees... is that Sentinel Prime, not far behind the others? "Hrm," he repeats more cheerfully as he lifts his right arm. Panels slide aside, and a cannon emerges, locating itself in the same place where later Decepticon leaders will hold theirs at all time. What he fires from that cannon, however, is quite different. A stream of molten metal shoots out towards the Autobots below... and any Decepticons who happen to be too close. Straxcannon transforms into his Straxus mode. Combat: Straxus strikes Patchwork with his Smelter Blast Area attack! [Pulled -6] Combat: Straxus strikes Runner with his Smelter Blast Area attack! [Pulled -6] Combat: Straxus strikes Dealer with his Smelter Blast Area attack! [Pulled -6] Combat: Straxus misses Sentinel Prime with his Smelter Blast Area attack! [Pulled -6] Combat: Straxus misses Catechism with his Smelter Blast Area attack! [Pulled -6] Combat: Straxus (Straxus) used "Smelter Blast": A Level 1 AREA-RANGED attack. Combat: Straxus strikes Fairway with his Smelter Blast Area attack! [Pulled -6] Blueshift holsters his new find and sighs as he misses Dealer. "I get to miss all the new guys, there are just boring ones left!" he whines as he aims his pistol at Sentinel Prime below. "Still, live and let die, that's what I say!" His gun wavers slightly in the direction of Straxus, but then he points back at Sentinel, squeezing the trigger of his ray gun! Combat: Blueshift misses Sentinel Prime with his Speed Stealing Gun attack! Astrotrain keeps right on plummeting past the other Autobots, quite satisfied that he saw the telltale spark of his rifle making contact with someone. He's of course, completely unbothered by the fact that he's -still- plummeting down the mountainside in freefall, upside-down for that matter. So unconcerned that he even takes notice of a certain large semi-heroic looking form crouched further down? "Well well well, what do we got here? Oh yeah, gonna ENJOY this one..." And with a quick hum, his anti-gravs kick in, right Astrotrain in mid-air with that ease and instinct that comes so easily to all Decepticons from his time. Suddenly soaring forward, he flies down Superman-style towards Sentinel Prime's position, counting on the Autobot being busy focusing on the fight above to notice the triplechanger swooping in. "Hey loser!" Astrotrain's voice taunts a moment later, as he reaches out in an attempt to seize Sentinel Prime by the 'armpits' and carry him aloft into the air. "Allow me to let ya have a look at something you Autobots are NEVER gonna get to experience!" Inadvertently, Astrotrain may have carried Sentinel Prime clear of Straxus' molten metal, and Blueshift's shooting. But that's not what he's focusing on, trying to lift the Prime up into the air and rocket -up- the mountain with him... ...before abruptly letting go and attempting to let momentum carry Sentinel Prime into something solid and crystalline in nature! <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "So Astrotrain you show your TRUE colours as an AUTOBOT LOVER!" Combat: Astrotrain misses Sentinel Prime with his Lift and Toss! (Punch) attack! <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Blueshift, I'm gonna kick you in the aftplate so hard yer optics are gonna pop out. And then I'm gonna hold yer optics in just the right place so you can watch me continue kicking the slag out of you!" <88-Decepticon> Catechism says, "I thought his true colour was purple?" Runner is whipped! It's not the first times which is not surprising for those are used the Sentinel Prime's party but on that narrow path it isn't something event remotely fun. In fact the speedster nearly falls from the mountain but he manages to get a hold on the cliff which prevent his fall. "That was clos..." he mutters just before being it by a burst of molten metal that knocks him on the ground and starts melting his armor, "arrrgggg that burn you piece of slag!" Judging that it is safer where he is, Runner does not bother to get up and he fires back at Straxus from the ground. Chromia manages to regain her balance by flinging herself against the boulder, avoiding the embarrassment of landing in an undignified position. Lifting her head, she catches sight of the Decepticon she hit (by accident, but hit nonetheless) opening up with a rather large blast. Her optics widen slightly. 'Oh slag! Oh slag! I hit the one with the biggest gun! Please let him not see me!' she thinks, almost dropping her grenade launcher as her hands tremble,'W-well Chromia, you really did it this time...I'll just follow them for a little bit. It could be interesting! Maybe I'll even get to see some action! Stupid, stupid femme!" Combat: Runner strikes Straxus with his Electro Blasters attack! [Pulled -3] Combat: Chromia takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] Dealer, tangled up with Fairway and Runner in the coils of the electrified whip, struggles to get free. "Fairway, look! She's got a hole clean through her armor, you can see the innards! Now's your chance!" Using the edge of one of the sharp rocky outcroppings along the path as a cutting tool, he tries to saw through the whip binding his arms. The addition of molten lead to the mess of stuff trapping him certainly doesn't help the situation, however. Combat: Dealer analyzes Catechism for weaknesses Fairway can exploit. Fairway is just getting back to his feet when Catechism retaliates with her whip, knocking him on his aft. He keeps his fist closed tight to try and hang on to his weapon. Before he has a chance to recover from this, his left side is entirely coated in molten metal! He screams in a manner most unbecoming of a mech as he rolls, mindless with pain for an astrosecond. When his senses return, he quickly spaces his rifle and produces his patch kit. From this, he struggles to draw a cannister which, when he finally has it in hand, sprays white foam on the mess of melting armor. He stands, most of the burns tended to, and makes a dash for the cave. Receiving targetting info from Dealer, he feels obliged to take a final shot at Catechism. He unspaces his rifle. Sentinel Prime is indeed suddenly carried away by Astrotrain, just in time to avoid the torrent of fire upon him, and Sentinel briefly wonders why the Decepticon is hauling him *up* when he really ought to be trying to drop him to the ground--it's pretty freaking high up, after all. "Actually, how about you experience THIS instead?" Sentinel grunts, swinging his shield down at the top of Astrotrain's head. Whether he connects or not, he kicks off of the triple-changer, landing on a clear patch of ground instead of the spikes Astro was hoping for. From this vantage point, he spots Straxus and... some blue retard he's never seen before. Since they fired on him earlier, Sentinel grins as he tosses his shield at Straxus, and tries to aim so that the shield will bounce off and hit the blue guy, too. "Hey, Straxy. Ya miss me?" Combat: Fairway misses Catechism with his Scram Rifle attack! [Pulled -2] Combat: Sentinel Prime sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Sentinel Prime misses Straxus with his Shield Toss Area attack! [Pulled -2] Combat: Sentinel Prime misses Astrotrain with his Shield Toss Area attack! [Pulled -2] Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes Blueshift with his Shield Toss Area attack! [Pulled -2] Grimlock reaches the summit of Quartzite Mountain. "Ow...owie!" She shifts her weight, trying to fling the metal off of her with little luck. "We can't keep standing here..!" she repeats an earlier sentiment as she twists around, looking for a clear shot of another target. Combat: Patchwork takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] "Go, go! Get to the cavern at the top!" shouts Dealer, getting loose of the whip finally and hurrying up the path, jumping over cracks and crevasses with his long and nimble legs. Andi Lassiter looks around at their impromptu shelter, immediately noting that only she and Cinder are small enough to fit inside. "Cinder, does this go all the way through to the top?" She stops the translation program on her scanner and sets it to echo-locate. Okay, so it's an old iPhone app she had a computer geeky type modify for her a while back, but hey, it's actually coming in handy now. For all the time Grimlock's been here, he's found quite a bit to hate. But one of the most irksome, inconvenient things? The lack of wheels. Not to mention he's been sparing with his antigravs, to keep a low profile...and as such, it's only NOW that Grimlock has tromped onto the scene! And just in time to see the Autobots fighting a literal uphill battle. "Hn." The dinocommander muses. "Heck to this!" And, finally, Grimlock activates his antigravs, soaring through the air in a decidedly ungraceful manner. Still, it lets him cover ground faster- and so he zips over the heads of the Autobots- and right towards the Decepticon position. "Me Grimlock STILL have to do everythings me self!" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Great, here comes Grimlock." "Hard to say." Cinder sniffs the air and then bounds deeper into the passage. Not long after, he comes to a stop as he finds himself looking into a much larger cavern, and from the sounds of battle nearby, he assumes that it's the one they've been trying to reach. The passage he took, of course, is much too small for the others to follow him, so he moves to the main entrance of the large cave and peers out of it. <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "Hmmm. So I see." Blueshift shouts in rage as he gets a shield directly in the face. He staggers back, before grabbing the circular weapon and smashing it over his knee. "You're TOTALLY not getting that back!" he yells down towards Sentinel. "HARROW! Today we're going to solve the mystery of the DEATH OF SENTINEL PRIME!" With that, he transforms, rocketing directly towards the Autobot in a blue streak of death! Blueshift leaps into the air, flipping into the form of a small spacecraft Combat: Blueshift sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Blue Spaceship misses Sentinel Prime with his Full-Body Strike attack! Astrotrain isn't the world's greatest tactician. He just tends to go with the flow. If it were Shockwave, he probably would have been content with just trying to kick Sentinel Prime off the mountain and be done with it. But nooo, the triplechanger had to go and try to get fancy. "Gittoff!" he snarls, wrestling with the Prime as his hands grab onto the other's shield aimed at his head. The wrestling becomes a moot point a moment later, as the Autobot kicks off and lands further along the mountain, sending Astrotrain hurtling at the crystal struture as well, and having to pull up at the last moment to avoid causing a collision himself. Smashing through a few glittering columns, he comes up on one knee, unharmed and more than a little irritated in the process. "Fraggin good for nothin..." For a moment he's oh-so- tempted to launch into a huge tirade on Sentinel Prime about what the future is likely to hold for him. But it looks like there's a showdown between him and Straxus on the horizon, and the triplechanger decides it wouldn't be best to interfere just yet. "Psht." And with that, he pulls out his rifle once more, aiming back down the mountain side in search of another target. Who else is coming up the mountainside right now, other than Grimlock himself? "Oh that's just fantastic.." he mutters, taking the time to fix his position and doublecheck the charge on his rifle. Even though he only fired it once...he still wants to make sure. Combat: Astrotrain sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Astrotrain takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Catechism shelters in a tiny alcove in the mountainside and manages to narrowly evade Straxus raining down fiery doom, as he proves himself Balroggier than the conehead. She stays in the alcove long enough to avoid Fairway's retaliation. Then, Catechism reaches out with her one good hand, looking to reclaim her cherished lightning flail before it is melted or cut into an unusuable mess. The Autobots seem to be fleeing toward a cavern, doubtless so that they won't fall /off/ the mountain. There could still be a bottomless pit inside the mountain, though! Catechism lives in hope. Then Grimlock arrives, and Hope buggers off for a smoke break. Whip stashed away, Catechism chases after the Autobots, again trying to catch Fairway, and she shouts, "Why are you here, Autobot?" sending an arm blast after him. Combat: Catechism misses Fairway with her 25-mm GAU-12 cannon (Pistol) attack! Andi Lassiter looks around the larger cavern as they emerge from the small tunnel, then quickly keys her scanner back to translation mode. "Stop, Cinder. Let me off so you can go help them." Harrow deems Catechism's missing hand a mere surface wound and doesn't bother with her just yet. He crouches on a sharp ledge and peers out for a random 'bot to pick on. The blue femme will do! Taking aim, Harrow squeezes the trigger and a frigid beam lances down towards Chromia. "Whatever, sir," he mutters as Blueshift fails to kill Sentinel Prime. Combat: Harrow strikes Chromia with his Ice Pistol attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Chromia's Agility. (Crippled) Straxus lifts his right arm and almost casually deflects Sentinel's shield, and seems almost bored. He retracts the cannon back into his arm and once more draws his crescent axe from his back, readying himself as Grimlock flies into the area. "Hmmm," he states, considering... and then he hears Blueshift's words. "NO!" he yells, then hurls his axe towards Blueshift, the weapon spinning in the air as it flies towards the spaceship. Now, why would the Decepticon leader be so protective of the Prime? Combat: Straxus strikes Blue Spaceship with his Flying Spinning Axe of Doom attack! [Pulled -3] Runner is still being burned by the molten metal when a blue spacecraft suddenly passes just over him. His optics follow him and it is only then that Runner finally spots Sentinel Prime, "There you are! We need to get to the cavern! Stop playing it that drone and lead the way!" To make sure Sentinel does what he requests, he decides to take Blueshift off his back by blasting him out of the sky! Chromia beats her free hand against the boulder, trying to calm herself and focus,"Those are fellow Autobots getting shot at out there...do something, girl, do something!" she says, trying to stop the trembling. Clenching her teeth-equivalents, she spins out from around the boulder...only to get nailed straight in the chest plate by an icy blast. "COLD! COLD!" she shouts, brushing some of the ice that forms...and then she looks towards the 'con that shot her with a very angry, indignant look,"YOU! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE BEING COLD!" she snarls, whipping out her missile launcher and aiming straight at Mr. Cold Pistol. And then she fires. Of course, being more than a little angry at suddenly being frozen, her aim -might- be a bit off. Combat: Runner sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Runner misses Blue Spaceship with his Electro Blasters attack! Combat: Chromia sets her defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Chromia strikes Harrow with her Missile Launcher attack! Cinder looks over his shoulder at Andi. "There's probably not much I can do to help; I was built for sabotage, not combat." Although that didn't stop him from trying to protect Iacon, but that's a different matter. "We should probably take a look around the cave." <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "ARGH HARROW AVENGE ME" <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "I would not advise that, Harrow." <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "Uh, yes sir!" Sentinel Prime's shield is incredibly tough, however, as Blueshift will no doubt discover, and so most of the damage he sustained from it likely came from his attempt to smash it over his knee than the hit to his face. "Buddy, do you even know who I am?" Sentinel says with the most obnoxious smirk he can muster. Blueshift rockets towards him, but Sentinel's ready for him, and like a robotic Mario with a huge chin, he jumps on the spaceship and bounds off of him towards the spot where his shield was discarded. "I'm Sentinel Prime, moron," he says, scooping the shield back up. "But hey, you're not the first guy to forget that, so I guess you're only as dumb as all those new Autobots over there. Oh, and thanks for the backup, Straxy! But hey, I guess chopping up your own guys is like a hobby for you or something, right? Ha ha ha! Hey, train-head? Just wait til that axe starts heading for YOUR neck!" Runner yells at him just as Sentinel was going to fire down at Straxus, and Sentinel finally turns his attention down to the Autobots. "Actually, no. You people aren't doing anything of the sort. We're all gonna go climb back down this mountain, and we're all gonna have a friendly chat about what you people think you were doing, and if I don't like your answers? *Straight to the brig.*" The Decepticons certainly might be ticked off by what Sentinel has said so far, but the Autobots might have gotten a real morale-buster, there. Patchwork takes the time she has without being shot at or covered in molten metal to dash for the cave Dealer has indicated they should all be heading to. Cover seems extremely good to have at this point in time. She nearly runs into Fairway as she comes into the cave and skids to a halt. "What is going on? Why is -everyone- at the top of this mountain?" Patchwork takes the time she has without being shot at or covered in molten metal to dash for the cave Dealer has indicated they should all be heading to. Cover seems extremely good to have at this point in time. She nearly runs into Fairway as she comes into the cave and skids to a halt. "What is going on? Why is -everyone- at the top of this mountain?" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Urge to tell Sentinel the hard facts...rising!" Fairway feels that he should be, to some degree, cheered by the triumphant entrance of the Autobot's most well-known loose cannon. Sadly, however, what measure of relief Grimlock's arrival may have provided him is diluted by the searing pain of molten metal burning into him. The foam he applied was inadequate to neutralize the effects of Straxus's attack. His pained screaming precludes a response to Catechism's question, and he breaks into a stumbling run as the Decepticon opens fire, barely managing to escape perforation. He stashes his weapon and makes a dive for the cave. Once he's inside, he finds the presence of mind to see to Patchwork's injuries when she comes skidding in. Combat: Fairway quickly patches up some of Patchwork's minor injuries. Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes Grimlock with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Grimlock's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes Harrow with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Harrow's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes Patchwork with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Patchwork's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Sentinel Prime misses Runner with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes Dealer with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Dealer's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Sentinel Prime's Overly Obnoxious attack aimed for Straxus backfires! Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes himself with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Sentinel Prime's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Sentinel Prime misses Catechism with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: Sentinel Prime (Sentinel Prime) used "Overly Obnoxious": A Level 0 AREA-RANGED attack. Combat: Sentinel Prime misses Chromia with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: Sentinel Prime misses Astrotrain with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: Sentinel Prime's Overly Obnoxious attack aimed for Blue Spaceship backfires! Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes himself with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Sentinel Prime's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes Fairway with his Overly Obnoxious Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Fairway's Agility. (Crippled) <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "I have my doubts that he'd believe you, Astrotrain. Sentinel Prime is adept at maintaining his personal delusions in the face of even the most glaring of truths." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Maybe but you gotta admit it's fun to see him get angrier and angrier." Sentinel Prime seems to get more and more ticked off as he rants at the Autobots, seeming to lose total control of his composure! "GOT IT!?" Astrotrain coughs from his own defensive position further down. "Freak." <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "Oh, I am not required to admit anything. Besides, victory in a battle of wits with him is no victory at all." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "It ain't a crime to enjoy yerself a little now and then ya know." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Though you do got that whole smelting pit thing goin...that's kinda fun." <88-Decepticon> Straxus sounds faintly amused. "Not unless I say it is, and... very good, Astrotrain." Grimlock slows in his arial charge to *GLARE* down at Sentinel Prime. He's already taller than the big-chin- and the antigravs help even more! "YEAH. Me Grimlock no think that happening, chinface." he notes, smug. "Now is you Autobots gonna START FIGHTINGS, or am you going home to cry like little babies?" Grimlock appears to be enjoying this a little too much, as he adds on a mocking: "WAAAAAAAH." to prove his point. Grimlock shakes his head, however, and remembers why he came here in the first place! With a rocketing of his antigravs, he barrels across the battlefield, attempting to barge into the cavern beside Fairway and Patchwork, already bringing his double-blaster to bear in the process. "You two not dead yet? Good! Find shiny thing!" Combat: Grimlock takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Dealer stumbles in behind Fairway, groaning in defeat already. "Sentinel is out there fighting the Decepticons still, and I don't think he's too happy. With us or them. Everyone still in one piece?" Combat: Dealer sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Dealer takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Blueshift may have avoided Sentinel Prime, but Straxus' attack smashes him, and he crashes hard into the ground, transforming into robot mode, rubbing his head. "I know you keep giving Galvatron a hard time, but I didn't realise it was because you were an Autobot lover, Straxus!" he hisses, standing to shoot at Runner with his gun. "I see your reputation was ill-deserved" Andi Lassiter moves to slide off of Cinder's back. "I'll start looking around. Go out there and bite some ankles or something...Fairway?" She curses again as Autobots begin arriving in less than stellar condition and she scrambles off of the foxbot's back, long-ingrained medic habits kicking in. She catches only the tail end of Sentinel Prime's rant but doesn't care at all. Just like Star Trek, medics have the final say, and Prime can go stuff it if he doesn't believe her. Hastily pulling tiny human-sized repair tools (that are still more modern than anything people from this time have seen) from her bag and rushes over to Fairway. The spaceship flips up into the handsome form of Blueshift Combat: Blueshift sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Blueshift strikes Runner with his Speed Stealing Gun attack! Catechism is getting quite skilled at zoning out obnoxious arrogance. She's mostly just annoyed that she missed Fairway. Catechism loads up an acid round, chewing on her lip as Grimlock mentions a 'shiny thing'. She shouts after Fairway, "Oh, stop being such a protoform! Here, this will put out the fire! Now answer the slagging question!" Acid is sort of like water, right? Combat: Catechism strikes Fairway with her Acid Strike attack! "Weeeeeell SAWWW'REEE-GAHH!" Harrow gets smacked upside the canopy and face by a /missile/. He goes up in flames and flops onto the quartzite to smother them. "You INSOLENT GLITCH!" he screams down at Chromia, fixing to fire off another beam... but after some chatter on the frequency, he turns his attention to Blueshift. Just before Sentinel's inane boasting reaches his audials, thusly distacting him as he tries to repair the little blue spaceship mech everyone hates, /while/ he attacks Runner. "Stay still!" Combat: Harrow quickly patches up some of Blueshift's minor injuries.+88-dec Grimlock's looking for some 'shiny thing'. <88-Decepticon> Catechism says, "Grimlock's looking for some 'shiny thing'." "Alright that's it." Astrotrain snarls, getting to his feet again as he doesn't come under fire at the moment. Grimlock is still hovering there, but the triplechanger's attention is still fully on Sentinel Prime at the moment. "You fraggin blowhard, even for Autobots yer a fraggin sorry excuse fer a leader." With that, he too launches into the air, floating in place as he points a finger straight towards Sentinel Prime after his rant. "Here's another freebie for ya, Prime! Ya wanna know what yer name means to us?" A pause, and then... "Nothing! Zilch. Nadda. Zip! Not even a memory, not even a HINT of a memory. Not even a fraggin rumor. None of us even knew who ya were before yer chin started blockin our view. All yer headed for is obscurity! Some leader! Haw haw" Straxus is, remarkably, not annoyed by Sentinel Prime. Hey, he has Alpha Trion and Excelsius for brothers. He's annoying-resistant! This would explain, too, why he does not rise to Blueshift's bait. He instead just casts a wary look towards the blue Decepticon as he lifts his right hand, using it to catch the hilt of his axe as it finishes flying through the air like a boomerang and returns to him. "Galvatron?" he asks, puzzling over the name. "Then you know nothing. However, I tire of this game of 'State The Obvious.'" He looks down at the path below him, seeing that several Autobots have gotten past him, and hrms before turning and jumping back onto the pathway. He lands with a crackling crash as the crystal beneath him splinters, and starts to stride up towards the cavern mouth. Combat: Straxus takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Astrotrain takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Runner is slowed down by Blueshift's attack just as he hears Sentinel Prime's order, "What??? But Prime Alpha Trion told us... I mean, even the Decepticons are here...there is obviously something in that cavern!" Yes, when he's sober Runner is a lot less fun. While speaking, he attempts to take cover from Blueshift, "What are you foing little freak?" he shouts while returning fire. Combat: Runner sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Runner misses Blueshift with his Electro Blasters attack! [Pulled -3] Chromia grits her teeth-equivalents and runs. Having shaken the effects of the cold attack, she manages to sprint at a decent speed and...with a grace that even surprises her...leaps across the chasm and starts to gain ground, approaching the rear ranks of the other Autobots rapidly. "Just you wait until I get my hands on you!" she shouts at Mr. Cold Pistol, but for the moment doesn't shoot at him either. Combat: Chromia takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] Cinder has had a lot of practice zoning out during Sentinel's rants, which he can clearly hear due to his enhanced audios. So he's not affected by it either way. The black foxbot ducks out of the way of Patchwork and Fairway as they enter the cave, and then backs away from them, deeper in. He makes a small huffing sound. "Are you guys all right?" "For the time being," Fairway replies to Dealer, "though this molten metal continues to seriously damage my systems. It's finally cooling, thank Primus." He is about to turn to say something to Andi when he's hit square in the back of the head by an acid round! He topples, unable even to emote, and plants his face neatly into the hard floor of the cave. Hopefully, he doesn't crush Andi as he falls. Systems fail throughout his chassis, and he finds that he can only barely muster the strength for a femme-style pushup. "Repairs needed," says a human females voice from inside his cranium, "this unit cannot continue until the following systems are repaired." The voice proceeds to list every system to which Fairway has suffered damage. Patchwork turns to stare out the mouth of the cave after Prime's rant before she turns back around to nod to Cinder. "Okay enough...but just -what- are we looking for? What shiney thing is Grimlock talking about?" the femme demands, even as she casts the skilled optic of a medic over Fairway and the others in the cave with her. Combat: Fairway takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Patchwork takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] Andi Lassiter startles when Fairway gets hit in the back of the head and then promptly faceplants. She says a few more choice cuss words, which the scanner fails to translate as she keys it to record the list of injuries the mech has suffered. Combat: Andi Lassiter runs a diagnostic check on Fairway Sentinel Prime glares down at Runner, and is about to give more orders when Astrotrain starts berating him. He locks optics with the triple-changer, each and every syllable visibly magnifying his rage. "You... why... you... SHUT UP! SHUT THE FRAG UP! Stop talking about slag like it's already happened! There's no such thing as time travel! It's fiction and you're all out of your damn mind! You wanna talk slag?" Sentinel grits his teeth as he aims his lance at the triple-changer. "Then you get the frag over here and say it to my face, because I am sick of all of this, and I'm especially sick of YOU!" He discharges a bright blue bolt at Astrotrain, hoping that maybe he can shoot him down and sent him plummetting to his doom, much as Astrotrain was no doubt trying to do to him earlier. Combat: Sentinel Prime sets his defense level to Neutral. Grimlock gives an annoyed grunt at Fairway and Patchwork. "Hn. Him Magnus not say? Him Alpha Trion say us need find lens-door-thingie, and that how we get home!" that's about as much as Grimlock gets out before Catechism starts firing, and Straxus barges in. "Grr! You Patchwork take thems two deeper in cave! Me Grimlock hold them off!" And with that, Grimlock does! He moves himself to stand between the Decepticons and his fellow Autobots- at which point he flicks the fire-selector on his gun to fully automatic, and starts spraying yellow lasers across the cave! "Hurry up!" he barks without looking back at Patchwork & Andi. Combat: Sentinel Prime misses Astrotrain with his Energy Bolts attack! Dealer crouches in the door of the cave, preparing the fat missile on his shoulder to fire. "I've never even seen what it is we're supposed to be finding here! Alpha Trion just said to bring you all here to this cave system, he didn't tell me WHY. I've got no idea what it's supposed to look like!" With a choking blast of smoke, the missile blasts off of the rail beside his head and sails out into the valley, detonating with an extremely loud BOOM and a blast of heat and light that rocks Dealer back on his heels. Combat: Dealer sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Grimlock strikes Straxus with his Laser Barrage Area attack! Combat: Grimlock misses Catechism with his Laser Barrage Area attack! Combat: Grimlock (Grimlock) used "Laser Barrage": A Level 3 AREA-RANGED attack. Combat: Dealer misses Harrow with his Shoulder-Mounted Missile Area attack! Combat: Dealer strikes Catechism with his Shoulder-Mounted Missile Area attack! Combat: Dealer (Dealer) used "Shoulder-Mounted Missile": A Level 6 AREA-RANGED attack. Combat: You took 13 damage. Combat: Dealer strikes Astrotrain with his Shoulder-Mounted Missile Area attack! Combat: Dealer strikes Blueshift with his Shoulder-Mounted Missile Area attack! Catechism curses aloud, "Straxus!" Then she amends, "Sorry, not you. Uhm... Grimlock!" Another pause. "Not you. SLAG. SLAGGITY SLAG." Her acid round has rendered Fairway unable to provide any useful information at all! That is not helpful, when one wishes to inquisit. Despite invoking Grimlock, Catechism still manages to evade him. Maybe she should have used Dealer as a curse word, too, because Dealer more or less blows Catechism away. She's blown up so bad, in fact, that she spends the rest of the scene in the background, doing background things. +POT Catechism is now observing. Astrotrain is much like the guffawing teenager who's poking the animal between the bars at the local zoo, seeing the reaction he's going to get. And he's loving that reaction very much now. This is a picture perfect example of the 'schoolyard bully' part of Astrotrain's mentality at work. "Really? In that case it shouldn't bother ya, should it? Could it be yer scared? Scared yer gonna shape up to be a NOBODY!? I betcha I could even tell ya how it'll end! Not that I would, cause then ya'd see it coming eh? WOAH!" Astrotrain displays a good portion of his goodly speed as he jerks hard to one side, the first blast going wide, as the triplechanger continues to take evasive action, taunting Sentinel Prime the whole while. Shots streak to Astrotrain's right, then left, one blowing a large hole in the crystal structure behind him, large enough to admit a body through it if needbe. "I got a better idea, why dontcha come up here and -make- me shut up! Oh wait, that's right...you can't! Maybe it's an inferiority complex, eh!? HAW HAW HAWURGH!" This is why Astrotrain should totally pay more attention to stuff around him when he gets focused. It isn't Sentinel Prime that hits him, but a missile from Dealer that strikes the triplechanger in the chest. Though he isn't hurt badly by it, the blackened armor and force of the blast sends him hurtling back against the mountainside, bouncing once before he topples over and falls into the open hole opened by the Prime's blast a moment earlier. "WOAH!" A harsh *CRASH* of a metallic body follows from within a moment later. And a moment after that, with a good echo from inside? "...you still suck!" Yes, Astrotrain's always petty enough to want to get the last word in. Combat: Astrotrain takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] "OUGH!" shouts Blueshift as he gets a missile in the face from Dealer. He then watches Catechism go down, and throws a hessian bag towards Harrow. "Harrow!" he shouts. "Pack up Catechism, there is no knowing what awful cone-related things she could do if we leave her in the PAST!" Combat: Blueshift takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] <88-Autobot> Sentinel Prime says, "Are you people even listening to me? This little adventure is OVER, you hear me?" <88-Autobot> Cinder says, "Sentinel, for once, *please*, just *shut up*!" <88-Autobot> Sentinel Prime says, "YOU don't give ME orders, twerp. *I* do." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain coughs, "Hehehe, it's like watchin a circuit-glitched Turborat go ballistic the more ya poke it with a metal pole." <88-Autobot> Cinder says, "You do realize that no one is listening to you...?" Harrow manages to avoid Dealer's missile blast, if only by anti-gravs which he'd finally decided to use. To hell with it! He hovers and watches as Astrotrain gets blasted and trips over himself. "Heh heh..." A hessian bag smacks him in the face, and he flings it away. Then reluctantly goes to fetch it, and starts scooping up bits of Catechism. Combat: Harrow takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] <88-Autobot> Sentinel Prime says, "Yeah. Keep talking. Keep ticking me off. Keep it up!" <88-Autobot> Grimlock says, "OKAY. Nobody like you and you ugly and you stupid and you no can hold you energons!" <88-Autobot> Grimlock says, "Me Grimlock say more but me sort of busy DOING YOU JOB." <88-Autobot> Sentinel Prime says, "...AARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!" <88-Autobot> Cinder says, "...What Grimlock said." Funny thing about cave systems. They tend to echo. Straxus hears Grimlocks words, even though he is not yet in sight. He strides into view and is immediately blasted in the right shoulder with Grimlock's laser, causing that shoulder to jerk back slightly before he straightens. He looks down at the scorch mark and says only, "Hmmm." Then he looks up and starts to stride towards the Dinobot. "Come, Grimlock. Surely you have the /courage/ to face me in another manner." He stops right in front of Grimlock and states, "I offer you a test, Grimlock. The rules are simple. I... allow you to behead me." Straxus's strange, fanged frowny-mouth pulls up into a horrible parody of a smile. "Then I get to return the favor." He then holds his axe out, as if /offering/ it to Grimlock. <88-Autobot> Cinder says, "Sentinel, you do a *horrible* job being leader. How you got the Matrix in the first place, I'll never know." Combat: Straxus takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "Is that wise, Astrotrain sir...?" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Do you think I coulda got that kind of reaction out of Op...you-know-who?" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain apparently still has SOME standards of what he blabs and doesn't blab. <88-Autobot> Sentinel Prime says, "That's IT! I'm arresting everyone here, right now!" <88-Autobot> Cinder says, "I'd like to see you try!" <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "I severely doubt the Autobots would be so /fortunate/ as to receive a second Prime of Sentinel's caliber, Astrotrain. A mechanoid like him comes along far too rarely." <88-Autobot> Cinder says, "Fortress Maximus, for all his pacifism, would make a better Autobot leader than you, Sentinel Prime." <88-Autobot> Sentinel Prime lets out a horrendous scream that likely has never been heard from him before, then he switches off his radio! <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain coughs, "Yeah. Understatement." Patchwork blinks, looking over her shoulder to Grimlock for a brief moment before the tumbling Fairway draws her attention. "In a minute, Grimlock!" she calls back over her shoulder before stepping forward, and taking a knee beside her friend and reaching to do what she can for him. "Come on...I need you, Fairway. It's not that bad!" she urges softly. Runner managed to avoid any more wounds which is good because the speedster has seen better days. He makes his best to convince Sentinel to allow them to reach the cavern, "Please Prime listen... We climbed all the way up here we may as well check that cave...if only to piss off Straxus!" While trying to talk some sense into Sentinel, he also makes good use of his weaponery by firing at Astrotrain! Combat: Patchwork quickly patches up some of Fairway's minor injuries. Combat: Runner misses Astrotrain with his Electro Blasters attack! [Pulled -5] Grimlock glances over his shoulder as Dealer shoots off his missile...and he even goes so far as to shoot the guy a thumbs up. "You Dealer guy not half bad!" he says- always cheery to see Decepticons exploded. And, speaking of Decepticons- there's one right there! Grimlock narrows his optic ridge at Straxus- oh, it's a trick. It's a trap. It's a trick that's also a trap! And you know what? Grimlock doesn't care. "OKAY." Grimlock says- if nothing else, it should buy Patchwork and Andi some time! And so, Grimlock snatches the axe out of Straxus' hand- and then, not even testing the blade for balance, sweeps it in a wide, powerful arc- right at Straxus' offered neck before the Decepticon commander can change his mind! Combat: Grimlock strikes Straxus with his Energo Sword attack! <88-Autobot> Grimlock says, "HEY LOOK! Me Grimlock just kill him Straxus! Me so great." <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Take notes Harrow, that is why Galvatron is a better leader." <88-Autobot> Cinder says, "You wha...?" <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Giving the enemy your axe and then standing there while they decapitate you, rookie error" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Hey Blueshift?" <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "...Uh..." <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Yessss?" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Let's play a game. You see how long you can stop talkin on the radio and I time ya." <88-Decepticon> Catechism sounds muffled, as if she is inside a Hessian sack, "A warrior doesn't need a head, just a good, strong body!" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "...wait that's a stupid game. QUIT TALKIN OR IMMA GONNA PUNCH YA!" Chromia charges up the slope still as fast as she can go. She sees the big cannon 'con go out of sight, and manages to cool herself off enough to remember that there are fellow Autobots in the cave. She can feel the shakes starting again at the thought of possibly having to face the big gun 'con...on the other hand, she couldn't abandon the people she'd been stalk--er, fellow Autobots to fight someone that big and nasty on their own. After all, the big -apparently- autobot that went in ahead of the big cannon 'con seemed a little deficient on the mental side, if his speech patterns were any indication...he couldn't be that good at fighting, right? And thus, instead of opening fire at Mr. Cold Pistol again, she motors it into the cave system, coming around a corner...just in time to see the big dummy autobot swing an axe down at the neck of the big gun 'con. "EEEEK!" she exclaims, not having been prepared to see something like this. A gun fight, or a fist fight, yes...not an execution. (ooc: isn't so sure about this pose. If it doesn't work, lemme know and I'll alter it). <88-Decepticon> Harrow snickers. Combat: Chromia takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] You receive a radio message from Astrotrain: See, after Blueshift you ain't allowed to complain about how -I've- been actin anymore. Dealer ducks into a little side cave to reload his force blaster. "Go on, it's further back in the cavern! Grimlock and I will hold them off!" This is it! This is Dealer's chance to be a hero! He leans out around the corner and snaps off several shots through the cave mouth, at the Decepticons flying around outside the cave. You send a radio message to Astrotrain: I cede, I cede! Sentinel Prime growls down at Astrotrain. He was denied the satisfaction of blasting him, himself, and wants to follow up on it--but alas, he has more pressing things to deal with. And so, he has his fingers pressed to the side of his head for a while, now, having a lengthy radio conversation. This does nothing to soothe him, however, and soon he's bounding down the mountain and into the entrance of the cave. "Shut up, Runner! Whose side are you on, anyway, huh?" Sentinel snarls as he passes the Autobot in question. He enters the cave, but not to help the Autobots. Sentinel is searching for Cinder, and once he finds him, he kicks at him viciously. "SHUT THE FRAG UP! Call Maximus a better leader. GO SLAG YOURSELF!" Combat: Dealer strikes Harrow with his Solid Light Blaster attack! [Pulled -4] Fairway manages to get to his feet thanks to Patchwork's careful ministrations, but he is still neither looking nor feeling well. He clutches the back of his head. "Primus," he groans, "Again...I thank you Patchwork." He doesn't know how Andi responded to his fall - he was just a bit gone at that point. Fairway begins to press on, despite a nice limp on the side where the molten metal burned into him. "What...ugkh...what are we looking for again? Ultra Magnus said something...about a...Blast it I can't remember." He produces his chronoton scanner and begins to wave it around as he heads deeper into the cave." Combat: Fairway takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Sentinel Prime misses Cinder with his Sentinel: Biggest Jerk in the Universe? Maybe! (Kick) attack! <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "If I got one regret from this little adventure it's that I ain't gonna get to see Sentinel Prime's face when...yeah." Cinder stares as Sentinel enters the cave, and then jumps back to avoid being kicked. "Well, it's true," he snaps at the much larger mech. "You're arrogant, pompous, and irresponsible--and there are times when you act more like a Decepticon than the Decepticons themselves!" With that said, he turns and runs deeper into the cave, to search for whatever it is they're trying to find. Andi Lassiter sees that Patchwork has again been faster, and that's perfectly okay by her. She steps back as Fairway gets back to his feet....just in time to see Supposed Prime aim a kick at Cinder like he's some kind of mistreated pitbull puppy. She has had ENOUGH of this jackass. She gestures with the laser scalpel in her hand as she yells at him, and not realizing that her scanner has turned its translation program back on. "What is WITH you? You are a PRIME, you have the chance to really make a difference here! And what are you doing with that? You're berating people, over-energizing, and KICKING at one of the few Autobots around here that is TRULY loyal to you! GOD. I can NOT wait to go home. I'm SO giving Rodimus a hug the moment I see him." Redshift has disconnected. Harrow just hovers there and watches as Grimlock hacks into Straxus' neck. Hmmm. He then yelps as /solid fraggin' light/ sears his armor. "OHO! You wanna' tango with the medic? FINE!" He starts swinging the sack with Catechism's parts it around like a lasso, and hurls it towards the teal-blue 'Autobot' known as Dealer. Combat: Harrow misses Dealer with his A SACK OF CATECHISM (Kick) attack! <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Oi, you just threw Cat away." <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "She'll be okay." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "I ain't cleanin that up." "Hey!" Blueshift shouts as he catches the sack of Catechism parts as it sails past Dealer. "That is now way to treat and respect Catechism!" He frowns at Harrow angrly. "You throw it like THIS!" And then he hurls the sack at Dealer, really, really hard, cone-first Combat: Blueshift misses Dealer with his Sack of Cate 2 attack! Straxus's head clatters to the ground, optics black. Then, his heavy body falls to its knees. Then, with a crash, it falls forward, dead. Or so it seems for a moment. Then, Straxus's optics relight with their familiar, malevolent red. His headless body pushes itself back to its knees hands and knees, and one hand reaches out to feel for his head. It's found quickly, and then he grasps it, picking it up in both hands as he shifts his weight backwards to slowly stand. Straxus has a throne, but no crown. He has never been interested in a crown - his emblem is all the crown he needs. But now, with both hands, he lifts his head over his neckless shoulders like a diadem and lowers it just quickly enough not to be vulnerable, but slowly enough to seem almost... majestic. Once it is in place, he twists it back and forth once, then lowers his hands, then shakes his head, showing that it is once more secure. That horrible smile returns, and he hisses out, "Very good. Now my turn." He steps forward and snatches back his axe, then swings it in a wide arc, sending it directly towards Grimlock's neck! And it stops, so close that it touches the neck, and no closer, and Straxus pulls the axe away. He frowns as he looks at Grimlock's neck-armor, and murmurs, "No flinch. No mark." The smile returns. "Very good, Grimlock. But... surely you weren't planning to return and just /leave/ these Decepticons back here to wreck what havoc on your past that they will?" Combat: Straxus takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Astrotrain is sitting back on his aftplate inside of the cavern now, where he fell through the hole in the ceiling. And oh look, Autobots are coming in after him and the other Decepticons too! He scrambles quickly to his feet as Runner's blasts strike into the ground where he was sitting a moment ago. Upright, he glares back down the tunnel, able to hear Sentinel Prime going on a rampage of sorts, and despite the chaos, the triplechanger can't help but smirk to himself ever so slightly. "Oi, none of that, the big boys are playing! Now run along where ya won't get hurt!" he shouts back at Runner, reaching over to grab a large chunk of crystal, hefting it in his hands over his head as he shows that he is NO slouch in the strength department. The big triplechanger hefts the giant, broken crystal piece carefully, before hurling it forward, sending it flying at the smaller Autobot in an attempt to impale/crush/impact the heroic little mech before Astrotrain turns and starts to lumber deeper into the cavern. From a distance, he catches sight of Grimlock and Straxus having their own standoff, though he's too far to catch what they're saying...not to mention paying a little too much attention to what's behind him. Combat: Astrotrain sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Astrotrain strikes Runner with his Let Me Throw a Crystal At it! attack! <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "You'd think having a cone would make her more aerodynamic." Chromia watches with morbid fascination as Mr. big gun's head hits the floor and rolls a bit...and then with even morbider fascination as he picks his head back up and puts it on,"Ok...um...wow, didn't expect that..." she murmurs, stepping back a bit...and then she hears what's being said. 'Past? What? Wait a sec, wasn't someone yelling about time travel eariler?' she thinks to herself, still watching the 'con and the 'bot in front of her with no small amount of caution. She does, however, reload her missile launcher and aim it slightly at Straxus's back...wondering what good it would do seeing as he just put his head back on. "Hn." Grimlock stares down the length of Straxus' axe- but otherwise remains in place. A deal's a deal, after all...that, and Grimlock'd been tensing himself to transform and bite Straxus' head off if it became nessescary. "Nice trick. You head no turn into little guy, do it?" But! For once, it seems that the Decepticons are negotiating. With Grimlock. My, they don't know him very well. "Grrh. Me Grimlock -was- gonna just kill thems, but everybody come to crystal mountain 'for me Grimlock can do thats!" he says- and then his optics briefly glances over Straxus' shoulder, towards Astrotrain. Grimlock's fingers tense around his blaster, but he doesn't start blasting just yet. "Hnn. You want kill them once me Grimlock gone? Thems not too tough." Sentinel Prime's mouth quavers as first Cinder berates him, then the *pet* does the same! Worse than that, the *pet* begins to mention things Sentinel has never heard of before! "Oh, you can talk after all, huh? Look, you little organic piece of SLIME, I've never heard of any 'Rodimus' and I'm getting sick of you people talking about stuff like it's from the future! YOU'RE NOT FROM THE FUTURE! But you know what?" He grins, raising up his foot over Andi Lassiter. "Why am I even talking to you when it's a hell of a lot simpler just to SQUISH you like a bug?" Will anyone save the poor woman?! Combat: Sentinel Prime takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Grimlock takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Chromia takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Haw! A Prime that's gonna try to squash a human. Priceless!" "Doctor, please," Fairway says, stepping beteewn Sentinel Prime and Andi, "accompany Cinder to the head of this path. Find what we need. As for you..." he points at the old Prime, "...if we are correct about what lies ahead, we may soon be out of your realm of concern, Sentinel Prime. I beg you, as an Autobot, to allow us to proceed unharasssed that we find what we are looking for. You are welcome to come along with us if you need proof. Whatever you decide, leave this harmless organis alone! She is no threat. I know you will see reason...you are a Prime, and the Matrix chose you for a reason...." Runner is so tired that he doesn't react fast enough when Astrotrain threw a rock at him. He got struck right in the face and energon spill from his mouth after the impact. He wipes it with the back of his hand and looks up at Astrotrain. Apparently he gave up on convincing Sentinel Prime because he doesn't reply to him, instead he starts to walk straight at Astrotrain, not taking any cover and firing blast after blast from his pistol. Combat: Fairway takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Runner sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Runner strikes Astrotrain with his Electro Blasters attack! [Pulled -2] Dealer uses his height to shoot over Runner's head, adding his fire to Runner's own. "Thanks for the assist, Runner! We can turn them back!" Combat: Dealer misses Astrotrain with his Solid Light Blaster attack! [Pulled -4] "DOn't you touch her!" Patchwork rears up to her full height, and moves to push Prime's foot over away from Andi. "You mean, ignorant, over-energised aft! Leave her alone and...go be useful!" TUrning her back on the Prime, she crouches down to reach a hand out to Andi to pick her up, if she so desires. "Come on. I don't know what we're looking for, but we need to find it. I want to go home." <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "Orders, Mega Man?" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "Why do ya keep askin him? ...fraggin purpose-built seekers. Show some personal initiative!" <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "...Orders, Astrotrain?" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain audibly facepalms again. <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Scrape up Catechism and find whatever the Autobots want" <88-Decepticon> Harrow says, "Right then." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "I got enough problems. I got Autobots pushin me further in here anyway and I don't even know what the frag I"m supposed to be keepin them from...or stealing from them or...whatever." <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "I'm not sure either, just go with the flow" <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "Grimlock is searching for a 'big shiny,' a most unfortunately vague descriptor. I think if we can find it, I might understand better." Andi Lassiter doesn't shy away from Slimeus Prime or back off at the foot aimed to stomp on her. And her glare is so dangerous, even an Autobot unfamiliar with humans should recognize her expression. She looks up as both Fairway and Patchwork step up to defend her. She has to get a final parting shot, though. "You don't /deserve/ to be called a Prime. You'd better start earning it, or Decepticons have already won." She turns and stalks away, looking for Cinder and maybe anything else that might be significant in this cavern. <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "WAIT. A 'shiny' or... a SHINNIE?" <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "This whole fraggin mountain is crystalline. I'd say that's big and shiny. Eh, let's just look for somethin that stands out." <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Straxus, cannon the inside of the cavern, I bet that will flush this shiny out" Cinder heads deep into the cavern, unaware of the drama unfolding between Sentinel and Andi. Eventually he comes to a stop, finding himself looking up at what looks like a giant lens, much larger than himself. "By the Matrix! This must be it!" Astrotrain jerks back as a shot impacts on his shoulder, sending a curl of smoke up into the air. "Greh..." he mutters, hefting his rifle up to retaliate at first, but then diving for cover behind a crystal formation as Dealer adds to it. The triplechanger is doing one of those 'slowly moving backwards while firing away' sort of firefights as he leaps from cover to cover, then pauses to make an adjustment on his rifle, a few blinking lights switching off from green to red. "Tradin out the special effects for raw power, that's what." He snarls, then peeks around the corner of his cover once more. "Ya think I ain't got somethin to throw back at the both of ya? TRY THIS on fer size!" And with that, he pops out from his cover, holding his weapon as he fires 'from the hip', a sudden discharge of high power kicking the gun back in his hands, and sending a powerful wide-beam blast hurling down the cavern towards Dealer and Runner both. Combat: Astrotrain misses Runner with his Ionic Displacer Rifle Area attack! Combat: Astrotrain strikes Dealer with his Ionic Displacer Rifle Area attack! Harrow scrapes up the remains of Catechism and finally lands near the entrance of the cave, cautiously peering in. He siiiidles by Straxus and Grimlock, attempting to remain unnoticed as he makes his way towards Cinder and Co. Combat: Harrow takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Blueshift throws a sack of Cate over his back and moves in next to Harrow, cocking his pistol as he searches in the darkness. "Come on Harrow, let is kill the Autobots and find whatever it is they want. Perhaps we shall destroy it! Muahahaha!" Combat: Blueshift sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Blueshift takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] With a rumbling roar, a large portion of the cave roof crumbles inwards! Dealer throws up a hand to protect his head, but has no time to do anything else as thousands of tons of quartzite come crashing down on him, sealing him in the mountain's merciless grip. As the sparkling translucent dust settles and the rattle and crash of falling stone subsides, Dealer is nowhere to be seen! He has been entombed like the heathen kings of old. +POT Dealer is now observing. "Killing people before they are created can have... problematic consequences, Grimlock," Straxus rumbles, his tone now serious. "If you leave these other Decepticons behind, I will quite happily make use of whatever they know to reshape the future further to my favor. Which may... also have problematic consequences, but they are ones that benefit me." The horrible smile returns. "However, I would /prefer/ to be rid of the lot of you. What? Do you doubt your own ability to eliminate them once you've returned home?" He then glances up as Cinder's voice echos back from father in the cavern. "Hmmm," he says as he hears what the fox has to say. Then his head snaps over at the sound of a cave-in, and there is another, "Hmmm." He looks at Grimlock. "Your guide is indisposed, it would seem. At the moment, our goals run parallel. You want to return home, and I want to be rid of you. So either we can keep fighting, or we can investigate what the beast has found." Combat: Straxus takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Runner is now fully concentrated on Astrotrain, so concentrated that he almost forgot about his wounds. As the triplechanger fires at him, he ducks to his left in a blurr of speed and the cavern falls on Dealer but he manages to avoid being burried. Then without letting any chance to his opponent to recover, he transforms into cybercar and rolls at full speed towards Astrotrain, his tires screaming on the ground. Outrun falls fowards and folds into a sleek Vector WX3. Combat: Hovercar misses Astrotrain with his Charge attack! Sentinel Prime looks flabbergasted as two Autobots interpose themselves between himself and the insignificant little creature on the ground. A creature which is still lecturing him on how to be a Prime. He says nothing to anyone for a moment, his shoulders drooping. Then he fires his lance at Fairway, then Patchwork! "SHUT THE FRAG UP! You know what? I ain't sending you guys to the brig, I'm just gonna waste you right here, how about that, huh? Then I'll dump you over the side of the cliff, how do you like that? Try to tell me how to do my job, tell me how to be Prime! FRAG YOU!" Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes Patchwork with his Energy Bolts Area attack! [Pulled -4] Combat: Sentinel Prime strikes Fairway with his Energy Bolts Area attack! [Pulled -4] Andi Lassiter ducks to avoid the Astrotrain-Runner brawl, and finds herself WAY too close to a Decepticon she's not met before -- Harrow. And he's carrying a sack and so far as her vantage point allows she sees that he is slowly dripping energon from an injury out of her line of sight. She can tell by his basic stature that he's got a plane alternate mode and that makes him her contemporary. So, she calls out to him. "Hey. You're trying to get home too, right?" It must sound odd, hearing her speaking English with a small device translating the words (not quite perfectly) to the dialect these ancient Cybertronians have been speaking. "Looks like you took a hit...I can help with that if you'll help get all of your Decepticon friends to stop fighting long enough for all of us to return home." <88-Autobot> Cinder says, "Grimlock, I think I found what we were looking for." Grimlock glares at Straxus, narrowing his optic visor. Well, the lousy 'con's HONEST, at least. "Hn. Fine. Me Grimlock gonna get outta stupid jerk past anyway!" Well, it was that, or take over Cybertron. As Cinder sepeaks up, Grimlock glances over his shoulder- and hey, Sentinel's blasting away! "Hn. Hold on." Grimlock says- and he turns around, transforming into the METAL MUNCHING MONSTER OF MAGNARON! And he tromps up behind Sentinel, taptaptapping him on the shoulder. "'member me?" And with that, Grimlock's jaws flash open- and then attempt to *CHOMP!* shut on Sentinel- and with a flick of his hydraulics, he tries to toss the Matrix-Bearer out of the cave- and possibly off the cliff! With a grunt and a growl, Grimlock changes into a robot T-rex! Watch out. Combat: Grimlock sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Robot T-Rex! strikes Sentinel Prime with his Dino Crush attack! <88-Autobot> Grimlock says, "Hn. That felt good." <88-Autobot> Cinder says, "What are you doing out there, anyway? Still fighting?" Fairway thinks he might be getting through to Prime. That is, of course, until Prime's lance gets through to him. He is shot in the shoulder, and his already damaged left arm is rendered useless. "Gaaahk!" Fairway staggers backward, leaving Grimlock an opening through which to attack! He can't stick around. There's just no time to waste anymore trying to preach to this impossible Autobot leader. "Come...come Patchwork." He holds out his hand. "We've better things to do tonight than die." Combat: Fairway takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Cinder dashes back to the others in the cave. "C'mon, this way! I found it!" And after going through Fairway, Prime's lance slices through Patchwork, leaving her right arm uselesss from the upper arm down between it and the earlier molten metal spray. Stumbling backwards, she doesn't need additional encouragement to take Fairway's hand and move further in search of whatever it is they are looking for. As they leave, she looks over her shoulder at Prime as he has to deal with Grimlock. "Mean, -mean- Prime!" Chromia slides up behind Straxus and pokes her missile launcher into his back...and holds it there,"Just...one question. What the slag is going on?" she asks, far too frazzled with all this beheading and head re-mounting to be afraid at this point. Then, she remembers who she's currently poking in the back with a missile launcher,"Erm...never mind..." And then Sentinel goes flying towards the entrance...fairly close to her at any rate. Despite some of the nasty thing's she's heard about the 'bot, she tries grab him, to at least slow him down so he doesn't go over the edge. Chromia succeeds in grasping Sentinel Prime, throwing him off-balance. "That's one!" Astrotrain smugly reports, raising his rifle and priming another energy charge for the weapon, slamming it home as he admires his handiwork in the form of one buried autobot. The sudden glare of headlights on his entire frame causes him to blink though, staring at the cybercar hurtling in towards him. In the confined space of the cavern, he does what Decepticons of this time can't do....goes straight up at the last second, flattening himself out against the ceiling as his anti-gravs kick on and keep him there long enough for the car to hurtle past at high speed. Now their positions are reversed, with Runner further inside the cavern, and Astrotrain behind him, the triplechanger landing with a heavy *THUD* of impact. The commotion that is now behind him prompts him to look back over his shoulder briefly, noting that Prime has lost it, and he can't help but chuckle slightly. "Haw! Prime's gone off the deep end! And as for YOU you little bug..." With that, he transforms, the cavern filling up with the enormity of his locomotive frame, as Runner's own aft end is illuminated by the single headlight mounted on the train's boiler. "Let me SHOW YA how it's done!" And with that, he rumbles forward, the entire tunnel and cavern shaking with his passage as he bears down on Runner with his armored front end. The good news is, this is taking Astrotrain further in and -towards- the thing that Cinder just found. The bad news is...this is taking him also on a direct collision course towards Runner's small vehicular form. Any other Autobots or Turbofox-like tapebots beware of being caught underwheels! Armor locks in place, parts shift and Astrotrain transforms into a huge Battletrain! Combat: Astrotrain sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Decepticon Battletrain strikes Hovercar with his Train Crossing attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Hovercar 's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Hovercar falls to the ground, unconscious. Blueshift moves closer into the cave, watching Sentinel brawl with the Autobots. "Now this is the kinda leader I like!" he hisses, but then frowns. "And a guy too dangerous to have about. Take him down!" He raises his speed gun, setting it to full and aiming at Sentinel's back. "Trust me Sentinel, this is NOTHING to what'll be coming your way soon!" Combat: Blueshift sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Blueshift misses Sentinel Prime with his Speed Stealing Gun attack! Harrow visibly winces as the Autobot leader attacks his 'teammates'... then pumps an excited fist in the air as Grimlock does something... drastic. "AWESOME!" he exclaims, and finally peers back down at Andi. "...Sorry fleshie, I'm not of any rank to 'suggest' anything to Straxus, but it looks like he's calling a truce anyway. Whoa!" Harrow leaps up and hovers, hopefully out of Astrotrain's way. Blueshift is ignored, because his super amazing gun sucks. Straxus turns and watches as Sentinel Prime goes flying towards the edge. Whether he's snagged or not, he's out of Straxus's sight. He turns to look at Grimlock and notes, dryly, "I do hope you haven't killed him. He's been my favorite Prime so far." He then strides back, further in towards Cinder and the others. On spying Astrotrain crushing Runner beneath his tracks, he sighs. "Astrotrain, do avoid killing any of your fellow displaced, at least," he sighs as he otherwise ignores the carnage and walks directly up to the lens. He hmms, then looks it over for a moment. His mouth opens, then closes, then opens again. He glances back at Grimlock. "Did my brother tell you what you were supposed to /do/ with this?" <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "This... this is a seal, of some sort. Not... not like my Seal, of course." Car vs Train. Logic wins here as Astrotrain completly obliterate the autobot speedster. The smaller vehicle is crushed into a wall that collapse on him. Runner is now burried under tons of rocks and it is unlikely he will ever come out of thatr tomb. <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Ah yes, the famous Seal of Straxus" <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "I am sad to say it died in the future, Astrotrain forgot to feed it" Sentinel Prime turns at the tappy-tap... only to see the same monster that humiliated him earlier! "That was YOU!?" he roars, but he has little time to ponder it as the Dinobot just flings him right back out of the cave, with Blueshift's speed-stealing shot streaking by his body. It might have been preferable to be shot rather than tossed, however, as Sentinel goes right over the edge! Fortunately for him, though, Chromia manages to grab his hand before he has a nasty fall! "OH GEEZE! Don't drop me! Please, pull me up!" Sentinel screams, kicking his legs around as he dangles in mid-air. "I don't wanna die! Please!" <88-Decepticon> Straxus says, "Hmm. Primus always did leave the scrap-gifts to me. But anyway... I believe the solution we want is to break /this/ seal." <88-Decepticon> Blueshift says, "Drive Astrotrain through it at 88mph" <88-Decepticon> Straxus mutters, "Likely that will would work, yes." <88-Decepticon> Astrotrain says, "That's a funny number but...what the hey sure!" Robot T-Rex! gives a derisive little snort as Sentinel sails out of the cave- and, this done, he storms further inward- grunting to Patchwork and Fairway and Andi as he passes. "Stay close!" he says. And so, Grimlock reins in his instinctive desire to tear into Straxus (and the rest of the Decepticons)- instead looking at the big lens. He tilts his head at the 'brother' comment- but right now, he's got more important stuff to deal with. "Hnnn. Him Trion say it, uh. It like big door. Only door to nowheres. But it go SOMEWHERES once somebody...do stuff." yes, it's a dinobot trying to explain quantum physics. But he's trying! Grimlock reaches one dinky little dino-arm out, and experimentally taps at the alien artifact. "Hn." Andi Lassiter jogs after Grimlock, apparently not at all minding being that close to the dangerous dinobot's large feet. "What stuff did he say to do, Grimlock?" She's not going to call him Grimmy here, not with so many Decepticons about. Chromia peers down at the 'bot she's grabbed. Her optics stare into his in a slightly cold manner,"Maybe I should. From what I've heard, I'd probably be doing everyone a favour," she says,"You might be a Prime, but you've got a long way to go to getting the respect you want," she says, starting to pull him up,"How does it feel to be hated by the people you want to respect you? Doesn't it bother you that no-one wants anything to do with you?" she adds, her voice rising a bit as she pulls Sentinel Prime bit by bit back up onto the cliff. "I've only just met you, and I don't like you very much..." she adds, finishing off pulling the Autobot back to safety. She even helps him stand up,"Do yourself a favor and start being responsible, and acting more like an Autobot. Mark my words...you'll get the respect and awe you crave...and instead of the 'nobody' that that Decepticon was prattling on about, History -will- remember you...as it does with all great leaders." And then she grins widely,"At least that's what I was taught." Cinder pads along beside Grimlock. If he had fur, he would be bristling at the presence of Straxus, but for now he tries to stay calm. "Once somebody...does something? Like what?" Fairway follows the sound of Cinder's voice, spurred to hurry by the proclamation that whatever it is they have been looking for this whole time has been found. He rushes into the chamber at the end of the path and sees...what? He's not quite sure. "Oh my..." Patchwork leans on Fairway, lightly, as they hurry down the corridor only to come to a quick halt in the chamber, staring as she looks at the new discovery. "What -is- it?" she wonders quietly. Decepticon Battletrain is also half buried as several tons of rock come tumbling down onto him. The difference here is that the locomotive is both undamaged by the collision and has the size and strength to pull himself free with a quick reverse and a bit of tumbling from more rock as the pile settles down again. His headlight swivels this way and that, surveying his handiwork, though he's a bit disappointed he can't see what's left of the Autobot. Maybe it might not have been much. He picks up Straxus' words though, and pipes up for good measure, "Dun worry. That little mechanical rat was one of yours. Well, theirs...well, you know what I mean! No loss." With that, he turns after some forward and backward short-stops that would make Austin Powers proud, before rumbling after the others, barely fitting through another passageway as he comes up behind the Autobots assembled in front of the giant lens, bathing them in the illumination of his front-mounted headlight. The headlight then swivels towards Straxus, then back to the collected Autobots again. "Great, we gotta play nice-nice? Least it's only fer a minute or two. You said we break this thing, right? So either fataft toothy-lock can move aside, or quit admirin his reflection and get smashing already!" Harrow haphazardly drops the sack of Cate and folds his arms, frowning at the radio chatter. "So are we going to blow it up or what?" He absently lifts his pistol at the lens, but doesn't shoot just yet, making 'pew-pew' noises at it. Straxus examines the lens. He crouches, to get a better look at the bottom, then straightens. "A door, yes," he murmurs. "And not just a door. A seal." He steps aside. "I... know seals. They hold things shut, until they are unsealed, and so that is what we must do." He considers what Grimlock says, murmuring the words, 'To nowhere,' to himself, then he falls silent for a moment, and his optics dim. Two seconds later, they light again. "When it goes, those of us nearby... we will be everywhere, and we will be no where, and every time, and no time. But just for an instant." He looks at the others. "But lenses also focus, and..." he rubs his forehead. "With focus... with focus, I believe that you can use that moment of nothing to return to the when you should be." Straxus is a figure of myth and parable. Of COURSE he can jump to obscure conclusions and provide gobs of exposition. "No Harrow that is not how guns work" Blueshift frowns as Harrow makes 'pewpew' noises. "Also you can stop being a boy now it is rather creepy I must say." He considers Straxus' words for a moment. "Yeah, he doesn't know either, lets just smash it" Gears reaches the summit of Quartzite Mountain. Harrow just glares at Blueshift. Robot T-Rex! stares at Straxus for a few moments. "Hn. So...us break that. And then it break us. And then us go home?" Well, that's certainly an...odd way of doing things. Grimlock glances over at the Decepticons, with murderous (and thankfully repressed) intent- but then he looks over at his fellow Autobots. "Hm. Alrighty. Me Grimlock not know 'bout you chumps, but ME GRIMLOCK GOING HOME!" And with that said, Grimlock swings his tail in a wide arc (possibly clipping any decepticon who's not quick enough) to *SMACK!* right into the alien artifact! Sentinel Prime looks, as he is pulled to his feet, just like all of his favorite puppies all died--*at the same time.* "I... I don't know!" he sputters at Chromia. "Look, I'm supposed to be the Prime, right? People have to do what I say, even if they don't necessarily like me. That's how I thought it's supposed to work! But these guys, they kept secrets from me, and they mouthed off to me..." He rubs the side of his face, looking perplexed and sorrowful at the same time. "Even when I threatened to brig them they just blew me off!" Sentinel says. "That's never happened before! Why are these guys so different from other bots? Look... thanks for saving me, though. You want a job with me? I could like, make you my XO--well, that job's taken, actually. How about number three? Yeah, you could be the number three guy--uh, gal in the Autobots. You could give people orders, you know, do what you want? How does that sound?" Fairway scowls at the Decepticons. "There'll be no shooting." He waves his chronoton detector at the lense. "This must be our way back to our own time. The chronoton field here is immensely strong. But how to activate it?" He reaches out to run his hand over the perfectly-formed disc. His careful approach is, of course, disrupted by Grimlock crashing into the artifact. "Hmm," he muses, "on second thought, Decepticon...you may be right." He aims his rifle and fires on the lense. "It's been known to happen once or twice," Straxus says, tone long-suffering. Cinder decides to be helpful, and shoots at the lens with his optic lasers! Blueshift has disconnected. "Right, all you time-travellin Decepticons, board the train! If we're goin somewhere, we're not gettin scattered all to oblivion and back this time!" Astrotrain announces, even as his side ports open up and the twin barrelled empty gun turrets emerge from their hiding places, even as he starts to fire thick purple beams of energy from the tip of his boiler at the crystal as well! Andi Lassiter turns to smile at Cinder then carefully pulls the fabric from the foxbot's back. "Thank you, Cinder. For everything. And tell Solar thank you for me as well." She knows that she won't see him again, or she'd already have done so. After he takes his potshot at the lens, she does something so very human that may surprise him. She gives Cinder a hug before picking up a convenient chunk of debris off of the floor and throwing it at the lens in hopes of helping break it. Harrow joins in on the laserfire, shooting off a steady stream of blue beams at the lens. Patchwork looks to Cinder after Straxus speaks, and offers him a bright, if brief, smile. "Thanks, for everything." she offers in his direction. "You've been a real friend..." And then she looks over to the tail as it swings to the lens. Chromia looks away from Sentinel, walking back to the cavern and looking inside, watching the goings on with mild curiosity...but staying well back,"Being a leader doesn't mean just telling people what to do. There's more to it...if you want to show off, fine, but don't just boss people around for the sake of bossing people around," she says, looking away from the activity deeper within the cave back towards Sentinel Prime,"I'm too young to take that post, even I know that," she says with an arched eyeridge,"Besides...your bad rep would get on me to. You to learn how to be a leader...seriously try it...is what I want for my reward. I don't care if you still want to show boat...just learn how to work with other people, too." The assorted efforts work. Grimlock's tail starts the huge crack in the lens, then, as Transformer after Transformer bring firepower into play, the cracks spread further. As small pieces being to explode outside, the cracks already forming start to glow a violent, electric blue that starts to crackle unevenly. The noise builds into a deafening, shattering scream, and then the lens explodes outwards! And for a moment, just a moment, everyone here ceases to exist. But lenses bring focus, and with focus, the world around beings to clarify, to come back into view... And they are home. Astrotrain goes home. Astrotrain leaves the summit of Quartzite Mountain. Fairway goes home. Fairway leaves the summit of Quartzite Mountain. Andi Lassiter leaves the summit of Quartzite Mountain. Sentinel Prime rubs his face as he listens to Chromia. He hears some sort of explosion in the cave, but decides to disregard it. He's had a bad enough day, today, without getting involved in whatever is happening there. "Well... okay," he says, almost like a child that's been yelled at his by parents. "I'll try to do better, ok? I'll set a better example, I'll listen to people--hell, I'll get Iacon cleaned up. I promise!" Chromia smiles a bit as she walks down the mountain,"All I ask is that you try your best. Good luck!" Grimlock leaves the summit of Quartzite Mountain. Patchwork leaves the summit of Quartzite Mountain. Chromia leaves the summit of Quartzite Mountain. ================================= Decepticon ================================= Message: 2/158 Posted Author Blast to the Past! Sat Jan 02 Astrotrain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Astrotrain, on screen. He's in the middle of a medical bay and he's in the middle of getting the -full- treatment. Automated drones have just finished giving him a brand spanking new coat of paint and are polishing him off so shiny-like that he's almost blinding to look at. "So. Where to begin. I figure once she's put back in place, Catechism can add any details. Suffice it to say a bunch of us were out at the Dyson Sphere when all that mess happened a couple weeks ago. We got zapped and ended up...somewhere else. Some Autobots got pulled through with us too. I'll give ya a list of all who was there with us at the end of this report. Anyways, at first we were scattered all over the place, and weren't sure what was up. So I went up into orbit and what I saw nearly made me jump out of my chassis with shock." "Ain't no word of lie, we were on Cybertron, but back durin the second war. I'm talkin WAY back. Like, no Rodimus Prime, no Boss, no Megatron, no Optimus. We're talkin Straxus up and about, walkin around, talkin with everyone. Now see, this caught me off guard cause that was so long ago, I almost forgot I was still kickin around even back then." Astrotrain leans back, a bit of a prideful smirk on his features. "See, me and Blitzwing were the first triplechangers afterall, and this was JUST after our debuts. Luckily my past-self was off on some deep space mission so I didn't run into him...I dunno if that'd cause the world to implode or something. Anywhoo!" "Things were generally a big mess. The Autobots were being led by that loser Sentinel Prime. Drinkin, gamblin loser who couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag, and I ain't makin that up. Let me put it to you this way...by the end of the whole shebang, and we were makin a run to get back here, he was attacking and fighting with his -own- Autobots. I'm kinda wonderin how the frag we didn't conquer those freaks back then with a leader like him kickin about! But anyways, after gettin a proper feel for the situation we all kinda eventually drifted together. Some of us tried bein subtle, some of us decided not to. I decided 'the heck with it' and I went and found past-Shockwave. As in, past Shockwave, and seemed like he had a pretty good feel for the situation. So what the heck, I decided since it was all known anyway I threw all my cards on the table and spilled the beans. You can ask our Shockwave yerself, since it seems like he still remembers. I wonder sometimes if there's ANYTHIN he'd forget." ============================================================================== ================================= Decepticon ================================= Message: 2/159 Posted Author Blast to the Past 2! Sat Jan 02 Astrotrain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I know the Autobots were havin a hard time of things, but not sure what kinda total mess they were into. We started hangin out with Straxus and company, and OH YEAH! I totally got to go to the old arena fights! Talk about relivin old times! Man I wish we were still doin that kinda stuff nowadays... great fun. Long story short, Straxus was lookin for these old computers that he was unlockin with his seals, I think it had to do with that whole thing of him lookin for Cybertron's engines or whatever. Whatever the case, just recently, we dropped in on the Autobots while they were checkin out this huge crystal mountain, and inside we found this big lens, that Straxus said was another seal. Apparently if we broke it...something would happen. So we broke it and...we ended up back here." Astrotrain rubs the back of his head slowly, "There was probably a lot more than that, but really it's more than I can write down, and some of us had different experiences since we were scattered around at first, like Catechism and stuff. So you'll have to ask them independently. But that's the short version of it. Any other questions ya can ask me direct and stuff. Anyways here's the list of everyone that ended up there." Autobots: Grimlock, Ultra Magnus, Patchwork, Fairway, One of their human pets (Andi Lassiter) Decepticons: Astrotrain, Catechism, Harrow, Blueshift ============================================================================== =============================== Past Universe ================================ Message: 24/26 Posted Author Dealer's Status Sat Jan 02 Dealer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Autobot salvage crews who braved the dangers of Quartzite Mountain to try to rescue the survivors of the battle were unable to find any sign of the brave Autobot Dealer, who led the future Autobots back to their own time and gave his life selflessly attempting to hold off the Decepticons. Dealer was remembered with full honors, and will be commemorated by a plaque and statue in the Autobot Hall of Heroes. It is believed that his body fell into a deeper cavern system opened up by the cave-in. In happier news, the mercenary Decepticon vulture known as Doubledealer seems to have moved on to greener pastures, and has not troubled the Autobots with his vile and vicious ways again. ==============================================================================