Battle of the Heroes is the fifth episode of season two from the spin-off, The New Adventures of the IJLSA. It aired on April 2, 2013. The previous episode was The New IJLSA and the next one is The Space Race.
"Battle of the Heroes" es una pieza musical y tema principal compuesto por John Williams para Star Wars Episodio III: La Venganza de los Sith.
Battle of the Heroes is the fifth episode of season two from the spin-off, The New Adventures of the IJLSA. It aired on April 2, 2013. The previous episode was The New IJLSA and the next one is The Space Race.
"Battle of the Heroes" is a musical piece and principal theme composed by John Williams for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The original recording was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and conducted by Williams.
"Battle of the Heroes" es una pieza musical y tema principal compuesto por John Williams para Star Wars Episodio III: La Venganza de los Sith.
Battle of the Heroes is the fifth episode of season two from the spin-off, The New Adventures of the IJLSA. It aired on April 2, 2013. The previous episode was The New IJLSA and the next one is The Space Race.
"Battle of the Heroes" is a musical piece and principal theme composed by John Williams for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The original recording was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and conducted by Williams.