| - Fighting Style (Ex): Meditite has a single Fighting Style like a Monk. At 8 HD, it gains a second one. At 12 HD, it gains a Master Fighting Style. Pure Power (Ex): Meditite deals damage as though its Strength were 4 points higher. No other Strength-dependent feature (save DCs, grapple checks etc.) changes. Psionics (Sp): At will: detect good/evil/law/chaos/magic; 1/minute: detect thoughts, calm emotions, confusion. Caster (or manifester) level equals hit dice, and the Save DCs are 10 + Spell Level + Meditite’s Intelligence modifier. Egg Move: Meditite hatches knowing one of the following moves.
| - Fighting Style (Ex): Meditite has a single Fighting Style like a Monk. At 8 HD, it gains a second one. At 12 HD, it gains a Master Fighting Style. Pure Power (Ex): Meditite deals damage as though its Strength were 4 points higher. No other Strength-dependent feature (save DCs, grapple checks etc.) changes. Psionics (Sp): At will: detect good/evil/law/chaos/magic; 1/minute: detect thoughts, calm emotions, confusion. Caster (or manifester) level equals hit dice, and the Save DCs are 10 + Spell Level + Meditite’s Intelligence modifier. The sample Meditite has a caster level of 4 and save DC of 11 + spell level. Meditate (Su): As a Standard action, Meditite can meditate to gain a +2 Enhancement bonus to Strength for 3 rounds. If it meditates for 2 rounds in a row, this increases to +4 and lasts for 4 rounds. If it meditates for 3 rounds in a row, this increases to +6 and lasts for 5 rounds. Egg Move: Meditite hatches knowing one of the following moves.
* Fire Punch: Meditite’s Slam deals an additional 2d6+HD Fire damage, and the target (if hit) catches fire until they put the flames out with a DC 15 Reflex save (a standard action). The fire burns for 2d6+Charisma damage each round until this happens.
* Baton Pass (Su): as a Standard action, Meditite can move twice its move rate without provoking an attack of opportunity, even stepping through occupied squares, and can at any point in this movement hand over all Enhancement bonuses to an adjacent ally.
* Psycho Cut (Su): By meditating as a Swift action, Meditite can make its Slam attack strike as though it had the Ghost Touch quality, and add its Intelligence modifier to damage.