| - Surveillante was present at Saint Domingue (Haiti) in November 1803 during the revolt of slaves against the French, and was trapped by the British Blockade of Saint-Domingue. The French naval commander who was also Surveillante's Captain, Henry Barre, prevailed upon British Commodore John Loring's representative, Captain John Bligh to accept the capitulation of the Surveillante, in order to put her, as well as her crew and passengers under British protection. The former slaves threatened to fire red hot shot at the ship from the overlooking forts.
| - Surveillante was present at Saint Domingue (Haiti) in November 1803 during the revolt of slaves against the French, and was trapped by the British Blockade of Saint-Domingue. The French naval commander who was also Surveillante's Captain, Henry Barre, prevailed upon British Commodore John Loring's representative, Captain John Bligh to accept the capitulation of the Surveillante, in order to put her, as well as her crew and passengers under British protection. The former slaves threatened to fire red hot shot at the ship from the overlooking forts. The British naval Commander-in-Chief of the Jamaica Station, Admiral Sir John Duckworth, accepted the French commander General Rochambeau, his staff and entourage, as prisoners. Duckworth wrote "From General Rochambeau's extraordinary conduct in the public service, neither Captain Bligh or myself have any thing to say to him further than complying with his wishes in allowing him to remain on board the Surveillante until her arrival at Jamaica." Another French frigate, the Clorinde, suffered the loss of her rudder and was temporarily beached, although she was re-floated and taken as a prize. Consequently both frigates were brought into the Royal Navy under their original names as HMS Surveillante and HMS Clorinde. Surveillante, newly built, was bought into the Service quickly; the first recorded Navy Pay Office Ships' Pay Books from the Navy Board commenced from 11 July 1804.