| - Varel Fosh was a Human male from Belkada who was born prior to the outbreak of the Great Galactic War. During the conflict, he quickly developed a loathing of the Galactic Republic and offered his services to Imperial Intelligence as a spy. However, he was rejected. Undeterred, he created the alter-ego of Garmun Darsi, a fanatically pro-Republic Alderaanian, and approached the Republic Strategic Information Service with the offer of becoming a spy. The Republic, recognizing the importance of having as many spies as possible within the Sith Empire, readily accepted. Operating under the codename of Wingman, Fosh was instructed by his Republic handlers to go to Dromund Kaas and recruit further spies, but instead went to Talravin and falsified information that made the Republic think he was on
| - Varel Fosh was a Human male from Belkada who was born prior to the outbreak of the Great Galactic War. During the conflict, he quickly developed a loathing of the Galactic Republic and offered his services to Imperial Intelligence as a spy. However, he was rejected. Undeterred, he created the alter-ego of Garmun Darsi, a fanatically pro-Republic Alderaanian, and approached the Republic Strategic Information Service with the offer of becoming a spy. The Republic, recognizing the importance of having as many spies as possible within the Sith Empire, readily accepted. Operating under the codename of Wingman, Fosh was instructed by his Republic handlers to go to Dromund Kaas and recruit further spies, but instead went to Talravin and falsified information that made the Republic think he was on Dromund Kaas following orders. Although the falsehood of his information would have been discovered under close examination, he managed to establish himself as a trusted agent, and created a fictional web of sub-agents on whom he could blame misinformation. The Empire finally accepted Fosh after the Republic spent a great deal of time, money and manpower attempting to hunt down a fictional convoy. Fosh was moved to Dromund Kaas, where he was officially inducted into Imperial Intelligence and given the codename of Darkmind. Fosh then spent the remainder of the war expanding his fictional spy network, and by the end of the war the Republic had been funding fifty-five fictional agents. Fosh played a key role in the success of the Sacking of Coruscant, falsifying information to his Republic handlers that stated that the Sith intended to sue for peace. This was made all the more believable by the Sith withdrawal from the Minos Cluster and the fact that an Imperial delegation, led by the high-ranking Sith Lord Darth Baras, agreed to discuss peace terms at a conference on Alderaan. In fact, the Sith caught the Republic off-guard, attacked Coruscant, destroyed the Jedi Temple, and held the entire planet hostage in order to force the Republic to agree to highly unfavourable peace terms. Three standard days after the attack, Fosh sent correct information about the attack to hsi Republic superiors, dated four standard days earlier, in order to preserve his cover as a loyal agent. Throughout the Cold War, Fosh continued to serve as a double-agent for the Empire, eventually rising to the rank of Cipher Five, a rank he maintained until the outbreak of the Second Great Galactic War. Close to the new war's beginning, Shara Jenn, the spymaster codenamed "Keeper, was assassinated by the SIS. Fosh was selected as her replacement, faking the death of his Republic alter-ego in order to explain his sudden halt of information, and served in the capacity for a further two years. However, he was outsmarted by his counterpart in the Republic and executed by Darth Nox, leader of the Dark Council, for his failure.