| - Super Monkey Ball is an arcade platform game developed by Amusement Vision and published by Sega for the Nintendo GameCube.
- Super Monkey Ball is a video game.
- In the Main Game, the object is to get the Monkey in a ball to the goal. There are three difficulty levels: Beginner, Advanced, and Expert at the start of the game. At the beginning of a floor, the ball will fall onto the floor. Then, the floor can be tilted by moving the analog stick. There are Bananas and Banana Bunches, worth 10 bananas each, on the floor, and collecting 100 Bananas will cause the player to get an extra monkey. If the player makes it to the goal without falling off or letting the time run out, they win that floor and move onto the next floor of that difficulty. Points are earned by collecting Bananas and beating floors. After several floors are beaten, a Bonus Floor is played. On a Bonus Floor, the object is to collect all of the Bananas before the time runs out. If the
| - In the Main Game, the object is to get the Monkey in a ball to the goal. There are three difficulty levels: Beginner, Advanced, and Expert at the start of the game. At the beginning of a floor, the ball will fall onto the floor. Then, the floor can be tilted by moving the analog stick. There are Bananas and Banana Bunches, worth 10 bananas each, on the floor, and collecting 100 Bananas will cause the player to get an extra monkey. If the player makes it to the goal without falling off or letting the time run out, they win that floor and move onto the next floor of that difficulty. Points are earned by collecting Bananas and beating floors. After several floors are beaten, a Bonus Floor is played. On a Bonus Floor, the object is to collect all of the Bananas before the time runs out. If the monkey falls off the field or if the timer reaches 0, it moves onto the next stage without losing a monkey. Play Points are given to the player after losing all their monkeys, if they got past at least one floor since the last time they lost all their monkeys or the start of that time they tried the Main Game, or when they beat the last floor of that difficulty. The amount of Play Points recieved depends on the amount of regular points obtained. Play Points can be spent on the three Mini Games, once all of them are unlocked, every 2500 play points will give the player an extra continue, after having 10 continues, the next unlock gets you an unlimited supply of continues. Once the final floor of a difficulty is beaten, it will go to the Credits, or, if the player hasn't used any continues (in the Japan and European versions, in the American version it must be beaten without losing a monkey with the exception of Expert), the player gets to play the Extra Floors. Once the Extra Floors are beaten, it will go to the credits and then, if the player has gotten a high score, the high score floor. If all the floors Expert Extra are beaten without a continue, a new difficulty level will be unlocked, Master.
- Super Monkey Ball is an arcade platform game developed by Amusement Vision and published by Sega for the Nintendo GameCube.
- Super Monkey Ball is a video game.