| - Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment. Persons who execute such activity are called prostitutes. Prostitution is one of the branches of the sex industry. Estimates place the annual revenue generated from the global prostitution industry to be over $100 billion.
- Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment, usually in the form of currency. Those who sell their sexual services are more commonly known simply as whores. A building where people engage in sexual activities with prostitutes is known as a brothel in Westeros, and they are distinct from Pleasure Houses in that brothels employ prostitutes whereas a Pleasure House's women are slaves.
- While the career has always existed, it was outlawed in many places throughout history. In 2525, it was legal on the planet Gilgamesh. In 2552, there were "slut chat" chatter sex businesses active on Earth.
- Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment. The person who receives payment for sexual services is called a prostitute and the person who receives such services is known by a multitude of terms, including a "john". Prostitution is one of the branches of the sex industry. The legal status of prostitution varies from country to country, from being a punishable crime to a regulated profession. Estimates place the annual revenue generated from the global prostitution industry to be over $100 billion.
- miniatur|Das Radar-symbol Prostitution ist eine Betriebsart für die Iamperiumsbetriebe aus Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Betrete einen deiner Prostitutionsbetriebe, gehe zu einem gekennzeichneten Mitarbeiter (blauer Pfeil) und drücke die R3-Taste (PS2) oder die Oben-Taste (PSP). Für Informationen über das Schema der Prostitutionsmissionen siehe unten.
- Unter der Prostitution versteht man, eine sexuelle Handlungen für eine Gegenleistung. Im 19. Jahrhundert tötet das Energiewesen Redjac als Jack the Ripper mehrere Prostituierte in London. (TOS: ) 2374 besorgt Liam Bilby aus freundschaftlicher Absicht, eine Prostituierte für Miles O'Brien. Der lehnt ab, weil er eine Freundin hat, bezahlt dennoch und meint, dass er sie in ein paar Tagen nochmal anrufen werde. (DS9: ) Unter den Blutproben, die Loomis 2004 für die Xindi sammelt, ist auch eine Blutprobe der Prostituierten Georgia Tandy. (ENT: )
- Prostitution is when somebody pays someone else for sexually transmitted diseases. Usually a married man does this to get back at his wife for talking during the game or making his sandwich too slow. Prostitutes are themselves hollow and empty shells of human beings. If you ever see one you can spit on it, slap it, or beat off on it. Just remember that what you are doing is ok in the eyes of God, as long as you remember to pay. God does like the free market.
- La prostitution est un service public destiné à vider les bourses des clients et à remplir celles des proxénètes.
- Prostitution is a business in the Empire Building feature of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.
- Prostitution ist die Bereitstellung von sexuellen Dienstleistungen an eine andere Person als Gegenleistung für Geld. Diejenigen, die sich bereitstellen diese Art von Dienst zu bewerkstelligen werden als Huren bezeichnet. In Westeros halten diese sich häufig in Bordellen auf. In Essos sind sie als Lusthäuser bekannt und Menschen werden gelehrt Bettsklaven zu sein.
- Prostitution is the act of engaging in sexual acts for money.
- Members of the Bluth Family were prepared to sleep with people for money, some of without knowing.
- Magnolia, an ex-prostitute, now singer at The Third Rail. She can be romanced by the Sole Survivor after 3 successfull speech checks.
- Men and some women are in the business, some call it the pimping business. The business involves a relationship between a client or clients (usually male) and a sex industry worker, known as a whore if female and a rent boy if male. The entrepreneur collects money from the whore, whose job it is to service the customers. In exchange the pimp does not beat the woman.
- In 2372, Q revealed that if Quinn had never inspired Sir Isaac Newton, Newton would have ended up in a Liverpool debtor's prison as a suspect in several prostitute murders. (VOY: "Death Wish") The malevolent entity Redjac murdered numerous prostitutes in London from 1888 to 1891 during his time on Earth as Jack the Ripper. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold" ) While stranded in San Francisco of 1893, Data was offered the company of Lillian, a prostitute, by the bellboy of the Hotel Brian, Jack London. (TNG: "Time's Arrow" ) A space hooker was seen in a bar on Qualor II in 2368. (TNG: "Unification II" )
- Prostitution is the exchange of sexual relations solely for money or other valuable consideration. It is a crime in many jurisdictions. However, in some places and forms it is tolerated in one form or another by the law and even where it is illegal, it is often widely tolerated by law enforcement. It is considered to be a crime against morality. Depending on the jurisdiction, it may be an offence for only the seller (the "prostitute"), only the buyer (the "john"), or by both parties. Prostitution is considered to be a particularly serious offence when the prostitute is a minor.
- La prostitution est tolérée par la loi, mais condamnée par les religions. Les prostitué(e)s ont la possibilité de travailler à leur compte, ou bien de se regrouper dans des bordels. Les femmes pratiquant ce métier sont appelées de manières péjoratives "des putains". A noter que les armées en campagne sont une bonne opportunité de trouver à coup sûr beaucoup de clients très rapidement, pour les filles qui choisissent de travailler individuellement.
- In Elona, it is possible for either two NPCs, or the player character and an NPC to have sex with one another, regardless of gender (or species, relative sizes of the participants, whether or not they are undead, or even whether or not your character is even an organic life-form with appropriate "equipment" for sex).