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An Entity of Type : owl:Thing, within Data Space : associated with source dataset(s)

A word is

  • Word
  • WORD
  • Word
  • Word
  • A word is
  • Word is the word processing part of the Microsoft Office suite.
  • A long interview with John Peel appeared in issue one of The Word. The DJ also featured twice on its front cover - the December 2004 issue, following his death; and the May 2010 issue, during the (successful) campaign to save BBC Radio 6Music from closure.
  • Microsoft Word is a word processing application developed by Microsoft that can make documents. Microsoft Word is available for Windows, Mac, and iOS operating systems. Apple's version of Word is Pages. Microsoft Office 2015
  • A "word" is a data-type that consists of 2 bytes. It is also commonly known as the short data-type in programming.
  • A word is a group of letters in the English language that are grouped together, this term often called groupies', and are believed to be annoying when trying to use them unless you are having an audible conversation with someone. Otherwise, trying to write a word can be pretty annoying, according to some people who were interviewed about it.
  • Word to your mother. Not dword, for your mother is too short. Nor byte, for your mother is too long. Word.
  • Word Australia is the wholesale distribution arm of Word, meaning that a number of Word's smaller competitors are re-sellers of Word merchandise.
  • Word is a record label specializing in Christian Music. They also own other labels. Ownership of Word has bounced around.
  • A "word" is a data-type that consists of 2 bytes. It is also commonly known as the "short" data-type in programming.
  • Praat hier over de Genre Word, en de bijbehorende spelletjes
  • The "Word" is a sort of God in the Shannara series. The purpose of the "Word" is to protect Human Kind from the chaos and manipulation of the "Void." If the "Word" is God, then the "Void" would be the Devil. The "Word" does its work through the work of its Knights. Each successive Knight carries the Staff of the Word, through which their power is channeled. There are two other beings related to the Word spoken of during the series the Lady of the Word and the King of the Silver River who is second only to the Word itself. The Lady appears every so often to Knights in times of great need and acts as a sort of representative of the Word, both recruiting and warning Knights when a major turning point is approaching.
  • "Word" ist ein Schreibmaschinenprogramm für Hausfrauen von Microsoft. Das Programm besticht durch seine unnötige Komplexität und Launenhaftigkeit (je nach Stimmung und Wetter beendet es sich, reißt ganze Systeme mit in den Abgrund und veranschaulicht damit den Kapitalismus im Software-Bereich). Mittlerweile gibt es eine neue Generation (Word 2007), bei der im Team und am Netz an einem Wort gearbeitet werden kann.
  • The Word is what hunters call the strange symbols that they alone can understand. The ability to create and understand these symbols was given to them by the Messengers.
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
  • One persona or aspect of the Trinity, or manifestation of the entity known as God. The other aspects being Creator and Spirit. Specifically, Word is that persona which embodies the focus and expression of God’s conceptions. It was the aspect of Word which actually brought into being the Second-Generation Creation when God created, as God created through speaking. Word is linked with the expression of language in more human terms, but functions on levels far beyond that.
  • The Word's primary mission in life seemed to be to battle things that challenged the power of the Presence. When Swamp Thing began to his quest to unite the elemental forces of Earth the Word decided he was a threat. Exerpt from Scribblenauts Unmasked: A divine being, the Word is a manifestation of the God's truth in visible form.
  • A Word is a theme in the Symphony. The most famous Words are those of the Archangels and Demon Princes, but there are many, many others. Everyone in Heaven knows Flowers, the Word of the Archangel Novalis, but there's also the non-Superior Angel of Roses working beneath her.
  • A single value in a digital signal, which represents an instantaneous voltage level in the corresponding analog signal. A digital signal consists of a stream of such words, which represent a succession of voltage levels which would make up an analog signal. The analog signal can actually be realized by processing the digital signal through a D/A converter.
  • WORD - Wojewódzki Ośrodek Ruchu Drogowego, Wszyscy Oblewają Również Durnie, Wyzyskiwanie Obywatela Robiącego Dobrze, Wiejska Obora Ruszania Dragala. WORD jest miejscem, w ktrórym osoby ubiegające sięo prawo jazdy zdają egzamin. Zadaniem egzaminatora jest za wszelką cenę udowodnienie zdającemu, że nic nie potrafi. Najczęstsze bardzo poważne błędy, stwarzające olbrzymie niebezpieczeństwo i absolutnie niezgodne z przepisami ruchu drogowego, na których egzaminatorzy oblewają zdających: Zadania egzaminacyjne, które są prawidłowo wykonane i gwarantują pozytywny wynik egzaminu:
Main Character
  • Word(Red Skull); Word from Nomad Vol 2 4 0001.jpg
  • Part of Microsoft Office
  • slovo
New Header
  • Full Name
  • Jack Wordman; Jack_Wordman_.JPG
  • Word Records
  • https://products.office.com/en-US/mac/microsoft-office-for-mac|category=Microsoft Office
  • Word
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft
  • 2015(xsd:integer)
  • słowo, wyraz
  • Word; Needed.png
Logo Image
  • Word-logo.png
wikipage disambiguates
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the "Constructed Languages" section - "Postavjene Jezyki" - which includes "Slovio" "Novosloviensky" (NeoSlavonic) and "Slovianski". The "Slovio" project is no longer active. "Novosloviensky" and "Slovianski", on the other hand, have joined together as "INTERSLAVIC" or "MEDŽUSLOVJANSKI" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information.
  • A single value in a digital signal, which represents an instantaneous voltage level in the corresponding analog signal. A digital signal consists of a stream of such words, which represent a succession of voltage levels which would make up an analog signal. The analog signal can actually be realized by processing the digital signal through a D/A converter. The two basic characteristics of a digital signal are the word rate (the frequency at which words are to be converted to analog by a D/A converter, or were originally converted from analog by an A/D converter), and the word width. The frequency which is half of the word rate is the Nyquist frequency, which is the highest frequency that the digital signal can contain. The word width is measured in "bits"; the number of bits determines how precisely each word can represent the corresponding analog voltage. Common word widths in current sampler and digital synthesizer designs are 16 and 24 bits; older samplers used 12 or 8 bits. (The original Fairlight CMI was an 8-bit system.) Roughly, each additional bit of precision results in a 5 dB improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio. Digital signal processing engineers commonly use the term sample to mean a digital word, a usage that stems from the use of a sample and hold circuit in most types of A/D converters. However, in music, there is a conflict with the use of "sample" to mean a sound recorded by and stored in a sampler. So musicians usually avoid using "sample" to mean a digital word.
  • A word is
  • Word is the word processing part of the Microsoft Office suite.
  • A long interview with John Peel appeared in issue one of The Word. The DJ also featured twice on its front cover - the December 2004 issue, following his death; and the May 2010 issue, during the (successful) campaign to save BBC Radio 6Music from closure.
  • Microsoft Word is a word processing application developed by Microsoft that can make documents. Microsoft Word is available for Windows, Mac, and iOS operating systems. Apple's version of Word is Pages. Microsoft Office 2015
  • A "word" is a data-type that consists of 2 bytes. It is also commonly known as the short data-type in programming.
  • A word is a group of letters in the English language that are grouped together, this term often called groupies', and are believed to be annoying when trying to use them unless you are having an audible conversation with someone. Otherwise, trying to write a word can be pretty annoying, according to some people who were interviewed about it.
  • Word to your mother. Not dword, for your mother is too short. Nor byte, for your mother is too long. Word.
  • Word Australia is the wholesale distribution arm of Word, meaning that a number of Word's smaller competitors are re-sellers of Word merchandise.
  • Word is a record label specializing in Christian Music. They also own other labels. Ownership of Word has bounced around.
  • WORD - Wojewódzki Ośrodek Ruchu Drogowego, Wszyscy Oblewają Również Durnie, Wyzyskiwanie Obywatela Robiącego Dobrze, Wiejska Obora Ruszania Dragala. WORD jest miejscem, w ktrórym osoby ubiegające sięo prawo jazdy zdają egzamin. Zadaniem egzaminatora jest za wszelką cenę udowodnienie zdającemu, że nic nie potrafi. Najczęstsze bardzo poważne błędy, stwarzające olbrzymie niebezpieczeństwo i absolutnie niezgodne z przepisami ruchu drogowego, na których egzaminatorzy oblewają zdających: * Umożliwienie autobusowi włączenie siędo ruchu, gdy ten to sygnalizuje migając lewym kierunkowskazem i wyjeżdżaniem z przystanku. Kursant zatrzymuje pojazd przed autobusem w celu ustąpienia mu pierwszeństwa i możliwości włączenia się do ruchu, ale pan egzaminator stwierdza że kursant blokuje i utrudnia ruch. Bardzo poważne zagrożenie dla ruchu drogowego. * Autobus stoi na przystanku, ma wyłączony silnik, otwarte drzwi i zbiera pasażerów. Kursant przejeżdża obok przystanku, pan siedzący po prawej stronie przerywa egzamin, twierdząc iż należało ustąpić pierwszeństwa stojącemu na przystanku autobusowi który nie sygnalizował włączenia się do ruchu, zatrzymując pojazd tuż przed autobusem i czekać aż ruszy. Czyli sytuacja zupełnie odwrotna jak poprzednia i tak samo absurdalna. * Włączenie wycieraczek podczas deszczu, kursant nie ma widoczności przez szybę, więc musi je przetrzeć wycieraczkami, ale egzaminator stwierdza, że nie jest to potrzebne i przerywa egzamin. * Trzy wyznaczone pasy ruchu, Pierwszy z lewej ma namalowaną strzałkę do skrętu w lewo. Środkowy pas ma namalowaną strzałkę do skrętu w lewo plus strzałkę do jazdy na wprost, prawy, ostatni pas ma strzałkę do skrętu w prawo. Egzaminator każe na tym skrzyżowaniu skręcić w lewo. Kursant natychmiast zjeżdża jeszcze na przerywanej linii na pierwszy z lewej pas. Egzaminator przerywa egzamin twierdząc, iż należało skręcić w lewo ze środkowego pasa. * Wszystko tak samo jak powyżej, tylko, że kursant skręca w lewo ze środkowego pasa, lecz egzaminator tym razem stwierdza, że należało skręcić z pierwszego z lewej pasa, a nie ze środkowego. * Zatrzymanie się na czerwonym świetle, płynnym zahamowaniem, nie gwałtownym. Egzamin oblany. Dlaczego? Pytaj pana Boga. * Ulewa, silny wiatr. Kursant na placu jedzie po łuku do tyłu, jedzie cały czas płynnie do tyłu, równym torem nie najeżdżając na linie ani na słupki, do ostatniego środkowego słupka ma jescze 2 metry. Silny porywistry wiatr przewrócił tenże słupek, a egzaminator stwierdza, że zrobił to kursant (który nawet nie dojechał jescze do tego słupka). Niemożliwe staje się możliwe. * Kursant zmienił bieg z trzeciego na czwarty przy uzyciu tzrech palców, pociągnął tak dźwignię w dół - egzamin przerwany, wajchę należy mocno ścisnąć całą dłonią, a nie tzrema palcami. Duże zagrożenie w ruchu ulicznym. * Kursant widząc znak ustąp pierwszeństwa teoretycznie powinien dojechać do końca jezdni i upewnić się czy nic nie nadjeżdża, jeśli nic nie nadjeżdża, to po przyhamowaniu tocząc się powoli może śmiało wjechać na drogę główną, ale kursant dla pewności całkowicie zatrzymał sie i obajrzał sią dwa razy w lewo i prao - egzamin przerwany - "to nie jest znak stop, żeby się całkowicie zatrzymywać". Zadania egzaminacyjne, które są prawidłowo wykonane i gwarantują pozytywny wynik egzaminu: * Zapłata w naturze (dotyczy tylko kobiet) * Nasranie do ryja egzaminatorowi * Wpierdolenie egzaminatorowi P.S. To wszystko niestety prawda.
  • A "word" is a data-type that consists of 2 bytes. It is also commonly known as the "short" data-type in programming.
  • Praat hier over de Genre Word, en de bijbehorende spelletjes
  • The "Word" is a sort of God in the Shannara series. The purpose of the "Word" is to protect Human Kind from the chaos and manipulation of the "Void." If the "Word" is God, then the "Void" would be the Devil. The "Word" does its work through the work of its Knights. Each successive Knight carries the Staff of the Word, through which their power is channeled. There are two other beings related to the Word spoken of during the series the Lady of the Word and the King of the Silver River who is second only to the Word itself. The Lady appears every so often to Knights in times of great need and acts as a sort of representative of the Word, both recruiting and warning Knights when a major turning point is approaching.
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