| - Here we put the ship that we vote for on during the weekdays. They can get displayed at the end of the week and are kept on the page until the next ship. Here's a song for all the people who see this! I ship it There will be NO rogue ship names (Like Swero) unless it involves a '''''rogue''''' name! Swanfeather X Aero = Swero Firepaw X Orangepaw = Orangefire Aloetail X Stonefeather= Aloefeather Lotuskit X Timberkit = Lotustimber Thistlekit X Lotuskit = Thistlelotus Bramblekit X Mintkit = Bramblemint Acornpelt X Bluepaw = Blueacorn Bramblekit X Quietkit = Quietbramble Mintkit X Bramblekit= Mintbramble Mintkit X Pouncekit= Pouncemint Thistlepaw X Blossompaw= Thistleblossom Mousetail X Firestorm= Mousestorm Mothblaze X Hailpool= Mothpool Herontail X Crowfall= Heronfall Bumblepaw X Lotuspaw= Bumblelotus Herontail X Redfeather= Heronfeather Rainpaw X Fernpaw= Rainfern FernsongXSnailsnout= Snailfern Webpaw X Emeraldpaw = The One True Pairing Cloudpaw X Oakkit = OakCloud Flameblaze X Timbertail = Timberblaze Omensoul X Lynxsight = Omensight Websong X Cinderfall = Cindersong Daypaw X Cinderfall = Dayfall Blizzardstorm X Breezepaw = BlizzardBreeze Littlekit X Ghostkit = LittleGhost Sheepkit X Breezepaw = SheepBreeze Websong X Quietvoice = Webvoice Foxpaw X mcdonalds = Foxdonalds Maplestar X Oakthorn = MapleOak Foxpaw X Gingerpaw = GingerFox There will be NO '''''rogue''''' ship names (Like Swero) unless it involves a '''''rogue''''' name! Blackpaw X Shardpaw = Blackshard Hollowpaw x Shardpaw = Hollowshard Shardtail X Bramblestrike = Shardstrike Bumblekit X Timberkit = Bumbletimber Bramblekit X Thistlekit = Thistlebramble Bramblepaw X Timberpaw = BrambleTimber There will be NO '''''rogue''''' ship names (Like Swero) unless it involves a '''''rogue''''' name! Bluepaw X Orangepaw = Orangeblue Snowfall x Maplebreeze Kits: Stonefeather, Hailpaw, Thistlekit, Timbertail __ Boulderfang X Dovecloud Kits: None __ Mothblaze x Hailpool Kits: Quietpaw, Pouncepaw __ Firestorm X Mousetail Kits: None __ Bluewing X Acornpelt Kits: None __ Lightningstorm X Oakthorn Kits: Rowankit, Dandelionkit, Nettlekit, Skykit __ Lotusrose X Timbertail Kits: Daypaw, Cloudpaw Quietvoice X Websong Kits: None __ (( Comment Below If You want Someone else to put your song, These are for some Cannon ships )) Ashfeather X Dovecloud = Jasmine Thompson ~ Run Snowfall x Maplebreeze = Never gonna give you up Firestorm X Mousetail = Wait For It (The SAM board has been refreshed!) Dear Acornpelt, someone in this clan loves you, altough that person is not me. Hint: they're still an apprentice. From a tree I am a total failure at romance, but, you're just a really sweet cat, and I enjoy spending time with you, and I'd be willing to spend the rest of it with you, too, you're the only cat I'd like to share my whole life with. Signed, a loser who forgot to sign his name, who is also a tree. Redfeather, or should I say Ivy - It's pretty obvious who this is from but I feel the need to write one about you. Where do I begin? You.. you light up my day every time I see you. I'm sorry if I seem quiet or somewhat shy around you. I really like you Fire. I probably always will. You make my heart flutter. I can't describe how happy you make me. I really would like to call you my mate. You are so caring and sweet. You've been such a loving friend since the very day I joined MistClan. I remember that first time you asked me to hunt. I didn't think much of it until a few days ago. You are important to even if I don't make it obvious. I love you, Firestorm. I probably won't stop loving you. You hold a place in my heart and you always will. Until next time, bb. ❤️ To Iceriver, This is a secret admirers board, but I decree that admiration doesn't just come in the form of love, and I admire you. You're kind, funny, and you use your experience to try and help others. It's nice, and you're a wonderful addition to any group of any people. It's just nice to have you around. ~Some lame kid You most likely know me as a friend or possibly a stranger but anyways, you are really nice and understanding of other people. I seen you comfort and be sympathetic to one of my friends when they were in the worst of states. You're just an extraordinary cat and I'm nothing like you. I hope this letter doesn't effect our friendship because, even if you don't share the same feelings, I still hope we can be friends. I think I should get my feelings out. I have had a crush on you for many moons now but I feel there are other cats that are more pretty and more deserving of your love. -Someone Dear Pouncepaw, I can’t hold this in any longer. You might know who I am, but I feel like this is a message from Starclan that we MUST be together. From the moment I met you, I knew you were the perfect one. I feel like you like me too. And I want to be with you forever as I live on in Mistclan. You are the other side of the magnet, I am pulled towards you. You are that one missing puzzle piece in my life. Once you become a warrior, I hope you can accept my feelings and become my mate. Starclan has brought us together. Please fill the missing piece in my heart. From – You might know who this is for you Pounce : Dear Quietvoice, It was a horrible, horrible thing to delete my other messages. Honestly, I feel sick after doing that. Please, forgive me. I just wanted to thank you for being supportive and overall very positive when you talk in that soothing voice of yours. I will uphold my promise of never deleting love, because there is no point in doing that. I've been rejected, perhaps, a few times, but that keeps me going. I will hold on for someone to see this heart deep down inside me that beats for you. Sorry for being so lovey-dovey, but I needed to get this out. It might sound cringe-worthy, but hey, it's what I had to say. Dear Quietvoice, Well, I'm just going to write some daily letters, even though this is a kind of.. admirer thing? You might think of me as a stalker, but I don't really notice that in any of my actions. Simply writing some letters is okay. Right? I guess I'm not too sure myself. Anyway, it's a honor that you're there in the clan and I can support you physically and mentally. Perhaps you could chatter with me more? I really enjoy your company. You might know where I'm hanging if you look in the right place. Annonomys (Though it's obvious who I am) Annonmys (Who will always be there for you) Foxpaw- Annonomys ( hint hint- Your grumpy friend, who always seems to be in a good mood when your on- coincidence? I think not )