| - The headings in this article provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics.
* People's Republic of Southwark
* Friends of One Tree Hill
* Peckham Residents' Network
* Bellenden Residents' Group
* Southwark Circle, membership organization
* Peckham Settlement The Spike Surplus Scheme was established in 1998 on a fly-tipped, vandalised site on Consort Road. It provided rehearsal/recording facilities, health/martial arts space and a community garden. Always running on a free-where-possible or donations level, the facilities were used by a wide variety of local talent. Other users were community garden permaculture groups, martial arts and various alternative therapy groups. In December 2008, the council obtained a possession order for the property and the site was evicted in early 2009. Spike Surplus Scheme - Evicted, 5-months-on, July 7, 2009
* Active Citizens Hub, Volunteer Centre Southwark
* Peckham Voluntary Sector Forum
* Green Ventures Organic box scheme
* Burgess Park Food Project
* One Tree Hill Allotment Society
* Honor Oak Park Action Group
* Centre for Wildlife Gardening Homes Going Greener in SE15 (a Friends of the Earth initiative)
* Homes Going Green
* Peckham Carbon Rationing Action Group (CRAG)
* Southwark parks and open spaces W
* Bankside Open Spaces Trust W
* Friends of Goose Green
* Friends of Peckham Rye Park
* A to Z of Parks
* Southwark Rail User's Group The European Union has invested heavily in the regeneration of Peckham; partly funding the futuristic, award winning Peckham Library, a new town square and swathes of new housing to replace the North Peckham Estate. Throughout the area state funding is being provided to improve the housing stock and renovate the streets. This includes funding for public arts projects like the Tom Phillips mosaics on the wall of the Peckham Experiment restaurant and the South London Gallery.
* Peckham Programme Elephant and Castle - At an international climate change summit in South Korea in May 2009, the Elephant and Castle regeneration scheme was named among 16 worldwide projects which will release less carbon dioxide than they use. At the summit former US President Bill Clinton praised the scheme as a global example for sustainable growth. Elephant and Castle#Regeneration Project W
* Peckham Power Company - a community initiative focussed on energy efficiency and renewable generation
* Transition Town Peckham
* Elephant and Castle Urban Forest
* Walk Southwark, walk guides with extensive explanation and commentary
* Southwark Living Streets Southwark - Image:Img13714.jpg Portal - Links - Resources -