| - Name: Sticky Age: Unknown Voiced By: Pamela Segall
- Sticky, Sticky Hands, or Jack is a resident of Little Lamplight in 2277.
- Sticky is a Funghi with green spikes on his head and arms. Not to be confused with Spiky.
- Sticky is the Vice President of the Grim Bastards MC.
- Sticky, Sticky Hands, oder Jack ist ein Bewohner von Little Lamplight in 2277.
- Sticky is a stickman and is known to be on the old game on stick page called adventures of a very smart stickman which might not be found on stickpage anymore but he is known to be bald in his appearance like a regular (original) stickman with no face or with long hair, a face and cool sun glasses, is also known to maybe have many arms! He is married to Anna and they had a child and her name was Alice He is animated by John Bausal. He wanted to be a Rock Hard Gladiators. FUN FACT: The creator of Sticky (John Bausal)
- Sticky describes:
* Connor's Waffle
* pink goo
- Sticky est un personnage exubérant, sans cesse en train de parler ou de se plaindre. Il a seize ans mais se comporte comme si il en avait treize. (son modèle n'est d'ailleurs pas celui d'un personnage adulte.) Une fois à Big Town, Sticky s'entend à merveille avec Red. Si le joueur lui pose une question à ce sujet, Sticky se réfèrera à elle comme sa "petite amie", chose que Red démentira.
- Sticky is a superhero that lives in The Defenders. He resides in Iceland