The series has been adapted into a 52 episode anime series titled Tsubasa Chronicle. Animated by Bee Train and directed by Kōichi Mashimo, the two-season series aired in Japan on NHK, with the first season running from April 9 to October 15, 2005, and the second from April 29 to November 4, 2006. This anime series was subsequently adapted into a video game of the same name, and a number of albums based on the anime were also produced. The manga has also been adapted into an anime film, Tsubasa Chronicle the Movie: The Princess of the Country of Birdcages, a three part original video animation (OVA) series, Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations, and another two part OVA series, Tsubasa Shunraiki.
Attributes | Values |
| - List of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle chapters
| - The series has been adapted into a 52 episode anime series titled Tsubasa Chronicle. Animated by Bee Train and directed by Kōichi Mashimo, the two-season series aired in Japan on NHK, with the first season running from April 9 to October 15, 2005, and the second from April 29 to November 4, 2006. This anime series was subsequently adapted into a video game of the same name, and a number of albums based on the anime were also produced. The manga has also been adapted into an anime film, Tsubasa Chronicle the Movie: The Princess of the Country of Birdcages, a three part original video animation (OVA) series, Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations, and another two part OVA series, Tsubasa Shunraiki.
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| - Higeki wa Haruka na Sekai o Koe Rin'neshitsuzukeru!!
- Arata na Tabi ga Hajimaru!
- Futatabi Hime no Te o Tsukamu Tame ni!
- Hime wa Tomo no Mirai o Kaerareru no ka!?
- Iza, Kessen no Chi e!
- Jukai no Mamono ga Shaoran no Yukute o Habamu!
- Kakenukero! Kurō no Himegimi!!
- Kanashiki Kōsō no Riyū wa!?
- Kasuka ni Modorihajimeru Shōjo no Kioku!!
- Kioku no Hon Datsukai Sakusen Kaishi!
- Majutsushi ni Todoke! Atsuki Ninja no Omoi!
- Sekai no Katasumi ni Kodamasuru Ō no Sakebi――!!
- Saiaishita Shukuteki o Mae ni, Shaoran wa!?
- Sakura no Hane wa Mottomo Tsuyoku Hayakimono ni!!
- Shitō! Futari no Shaoran
- Shukumei no Kaikō ni Sekai ga Shinkan suru!!
- Shōnen to Kioku no Hon!
- Subete wa Yume no tame!?
- Tsubasa o Sagasu Shōnen no Tabi ga Hajimaru!!
- Tsuginaru Sekai wa Hijutsu no Kuni!!
- Tsui ni Akasareru Densetsu no Shinjitsu!!
- Unmei no Nanokame ga Futari o Matsu!?
- Yume to Genjitsu no Aida o Samayō Shōnen-tachi!
- Ō no Yabō o Kudake!
| - 978(xsd:integer)
- ISBN 0-09-950412-X
- ISBN 0-09-950413-8
- ISBN 0-09-950414-6
- ISBN 0-09-950492-8
- ISBN 0-09-950493-6
- ISBN 0-09-950494-4
- ISBN 0-09-950495-2
- ISBN 0-09-950496-0
- ISBN 0-09-950497-9
- ISBN 0-09-950498-7
- ISBN 0-09-950499-5
- ISBN 0-09-950629-7
- ISBN 0-09-950643-2
- ISBN 0-09-950647-5
- ISBN 978-981-276-233-7
- ISBN 978-981-276-555-0
- ISBN 978-981-276-556-7
- ISBN 978-981-276-557-4
- ISBN 978-981-276-558-1
- ISBN 978-981-276-559-8
- ISBN 978-981-276-560-4
- ISBN 981-260-153-8
- ISBN 981-260-208-9
- ISBN 981-260-329-8
- ISBN 981-260-352-2
- ISBN 981-260-410-3
- ISBN 981-260-429-4
- ISBN 981-260-505-3
- ISBN 981-260-686-6
- ISBN 981-260-828-1
- ISBN 981-269-129-4
- ISBN 981-269-209-6
- ISBN 981-269-397-1
- ISBN 981-269-502-8
- ISBN 981-4204-20-X
- ISBN 981-4204-89-7
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- * Honorifics Explained
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* 140.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
- * Honorifics Explained
* 100.
* 101.
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* 104.
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* 106.
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* 108.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
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- * Honorifics Explained
* 050.
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* 055.
* 056.
* 057.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
* Preview of Tsubasa volume 9
- * Honorifics
* 001.
* 002.
* 003.
* 004.
* 005.
* About the Creators
* Past Works
* Dramatis Personae
* Translation Notes
* Preview of Tsubasa Volume 2
- * Honorifics Explained
* 043.
* 044.
* 045.
* 046.
* 047.
* 048.
* 049.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
* Preview of Tsubasa Volume 8
- * 183.
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- * 074.
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* 082.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
- * Honorifics Explained
* 159.
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* 166.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
- * Honorifics Explained
* 036.
* 037.
* 038.
* 039.
* 040.
* 041.
* 042.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
* Preview of Tsubasa Volume 7
- * Honorifics
* Previously in Tsubasa...
* 022.
* 023.
* 024.
* 025.
* 026.
* 027.
* 028.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
* Preview of Tsubasa Volume 5
- * Honorifics Explained
* 167.
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* 169.
* 170.
* 171.
* 172.
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* 174.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
- * Honorifics Explained
* 058.
* 059.
* 060.
* 061.
* 062.
* 063.
* 064.
* 065.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
- * Honorifics Explained
* 125.
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* 130.
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* 132.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
- * Honorifics Explained
* 006.
* 007.
* 008.
* 009.
* 010.
* 011.
* 012.
* 013.
* About the Creators
* Past Works
* Translation Notes
* Preview of Tsubasa Volume 3
- * Honorifics Explained
* 083.
* 084.
* 085.
* 086.
* 087.
* 088.
* 089.
* 090.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
- * 201.
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* 210.
- * Honorifics Explained
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* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
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* 200.
- * Honorifics Explained
* 091.
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* 094.
* 095.
* 096.
* 097.
* 098.
* 099.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
* Preview of Volume 14
- * Honorifics
* 029.
* 030.
* 031.
* 032.
* 033.
* 034.
* 035.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
* Preview of Tsubasa Volume 6
- * Honorifics
* 014.
* 015.
* 016.
* 017.
* 018.
* 019.
* 020.
* 021.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
* Preview of Tsubasa Volume 4
- * Honorifics Explained
* 141.
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* 147.
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* 149.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
- * Honorifics Explained
* 150.
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* 158.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes
- * Honorifics Explained
* 066.
* 067.
* 068.
* 069.
* 070.
* 071.
* 072.
* 073.
* About the Creators
* Translation Notes