| - You can contribute towards the Clan's charcoal resource by working at the firemaking skill plot. As some may think, timber is not required to produce charcoal. Charcoal is, however, needed to skill at the Furnace plot for the production of metal and precious metal bars. By increasing the tier of your firemaking plot, you may find that more kilns are added to your skill plot. All kilns will need to be filled before all of them would be emptied and available for refilling. The kilns have two sides, east and west, which are treated separately. Each side has two openings for throwing woodchip in. Only one of the openings needs to be filled for each side of a kiln. If there are two kilns in the firemaking plot, it is recommended that you fill the openings in this order: southeast opening of the northern kiln, southwest opening of the northern kiln, northwest opening of the southern kiln, northeast opening of the southern kiln, and continue in a counter-clockwise order. This is the most effective method for only one player. It takes around 30 seconds for a side of the kiln to be filled, making the firemaking plot a fairly decent way to train firemaking free and with little input, albeit rather slowly. The most efficient is to have one player for each side of each kiln, because then no movement is needed whatsoever. Only 1 click is required, everybody will do their side of the kiln at same speed, the charcoal will then fill up and be dumped, and every player may click on their same pile again without moving at all. It's very efficient this way, however, lack of cooperation would be detrimental to the efficiency. A way to tell when all Kilns have been filled is to look at the door on the ground. It will open and close for a moment letting the player now it has been reset.