Sonic scalpels were used by surgeons to cut away dead flesh.
A Sonic scalpel is a powered precision cutting tool that uses focused sound to cut metal, plastic, or flesh. Makes a smooth, bloodless incision up to 5 mm deep. Sonic scalpels are included in most robcom kits and medkits. Sonic scalpels are not well-suited for use as weapons; they have a -10 modifier to hit and inflict 1d2 points of damage. A sonic screen will prevent all damage and not use any SEU in the process.
A Sonic scalpel is a powered precision cutting tool that uses focused sound to cut metal, plastic, or flesh. Makes a smooth, bloodless incision up to 5 mm deep. Sonic scalpels are included in most robcom kits and medkits. Sonic scalpels are not well-suited for use as weapons; they have a -10 modifier to hit and inflict 1d2 points of damage. A sonic screen will prevent all damage and not use any SEU in the process. Most sonic scalpels found in medkits and robcom kits have a rechargeable internal battery that can power the beam for up to two continuous hours at a time, though it usually lasts far longer, since the beam is rarely on for more than a few seconds at a time.
Sonic scalpels were used by surgeons to cut away dead flesh.