Face-Off is the 17th episode of Season 7 on FOX drama soap Beverly Hills, 90210.
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| - Face-Off is the 17th episode of Season 7 on FOX drama soap Beverly Hills, 90210.
- Face-Off (対決, Taiketsu) is the 16th volume of the Hunter × Hunter manga series. It was released by Shueisha on February 4th, 2003 in Japanese and released in English by Viz Media on September 4th, 2007.
- Face-Off is the first multi-player mode to be featured in the Guitar Hero series. It made its first appearance in Guitar Hero. In Face-Off, players take turns playing sections of a song or occasionally playing at the same time in a call-and-response-style game. Both players can select their own difficulty level and will not fail the song if multiple notes are missed. The objective of Face-Off is to have a higher score than your opponent at the end of the song. Face-Off has appeared in every main iteration of the Guitar Hero series up until Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock.
- Evan is a Retarded Piece of Shit, as is LG Millard, who also has no balls.
- Face-off was a clone sergeant during the time of the Clone Wars. He led the squad of clones under Jedi General Sharkey's command during the Battle of Nadiem. He was originally cloned in Killifer's cloning facility hidden deep underground on Nadiem. He was the first successful clone to come out of that facility. He and the rest of his squad had secretly been inserted into the Grand Army of the Republic. After MI5 discovered the underground facility, Face-off was killed by MI5 Agent Mitch Nifesta.
- Face-Off" is the second episode of Season 8 and of the Cyberchase Summer Challenge.
- In order to start this quest you'll need to get back to the Crypt and talk with Saradomin. Saradomin will request Owen, Fern and the adventurer to come to the Icyenic's World with him so they can meet up in Heaven. The player is given a chest to place all their gear into it and access the Frozen Door.
- Face-off is a 1971 Canadian film directed by George McCowan.
- Face-Off is a multiplayer Deniable Ops game mode in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction. Two players face each other in a map and earn points by taking out the other player. Enemies can be on the map and detect the player, any player detected has their Last Known Position shown to the other player.
- Face-Off is the 15th episode of Season 3 on WB drama Gilmore Girls.
- This article describes an in-game event that took place in 2006.
- Shu and Kluke continue their fight with General Logi and Valkyrie. Marumaro is knocked unconscious by the attacks launched by Schneider's Isabel and Andropov's Alubujem. Luckily, Zola arrives to help Jiro. Meanwhile, Bouquet uses her invisibility to sneak onto Logi's ship and reclaim the Extra 7. Kluke falls unconscious after an attack that broke Valkyrie's shield (whose left wing ends up cut off in the process). The power surge of Blue Dragon's battle with Valkyrie results in a power surge that breaks the glass that's holding the pages. An invisible Bouquet seizes them, but runs into Delphinium who managed to detect her. Logi and Valkyrie managed to bring down Blue Dragon, but Shu gets enraged enough to bring Blue Dragon up to a powerful level. Andropov and Schneider managed to get Logi o
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| - 3(xsd:integer)
- 7(xsd:integer)
- 8(xsd:integer)
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fr name
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es lore
| - Cuando es activada una Carta Mágica/de Trampa, o efecto de monstruo, durante el Damage Step: niega la activación y, si lo haces, destruye la carta.
Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - ①:ダメージステップにモンスターの効果・魔法・罠カードが発動した時に発動できる。その発動を無効にし破壊する。
it lore
| - Quando viene attivata Carta Magia/Trappola, o l'effetto di un mostro durante il Damage Step: annulla l'attivazione e, se lo fai, distruggila.
pt name
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| - When a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated during the Damage Step: Negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.
pt lore
| - Quando um Card de Magia/Armadilha ou efeito de monstro for ativado durante a Etapa de Dano: negue a ativação e, se isso acontecer, destrua-o.
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Volume Title
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Volume Kanji Title
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| - * Negates the activation of Effect Monster's effect
* Negates the activation of Spell Cards
* Negates the activation of Trap Cards
* Destroys Monster Cards
* Destroys Spell Cards
* Destroys Trap Cards
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de lore
| - Wenn eine Zauber-/Fallenkarte oder ein Monstereffekt während des Damage Steps aktiviert wird: Annulliere die Aktivierung und falls du dies tust, zerstöre sie oder es.
ko name
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de name
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es name
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fr lore
| - Lorsqu'une Carte Magie/Piège ou un effet de monstre est activé durant la Damage Step : annulez l'activation, et si vous le faites, détruisez-la/le.
Volume Romaji Title
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card type
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effect types
| - Activation requirement, Effect
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| - 2(xsd:integer)
- 17(xsd:integer)
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