| - Mirum Solios was a Jedi Knight who fought in the Sith-Imperial War, and the elder brother of Axelia and Jarek Solios. Born on Coruscant, Mirum was with his birth parents less than two years before he was identified as a Force-sensitive by the Jedi Order. Given over to the Order for training, he eventually became the apprentice of the Gran Jedi Knight Baa Kreem. However, the Sith Jedi Master Hayden Ragnos-Sakaros also took a keen interest in Mirum's training; unbeknownst to almost anyone in the Order, the two were first cousins thrice removed, as Hayden's father and Mirum's great-great-grandfather had been blood brothers.
| - Mirum Solios was a Jedi Knight who fought in the Sith-Imperial War, and the elder brother of Axelia and Jarek Solios. Born on Coruscant, Mirum was with his birth parents less than two years before he was identified as a Force-sensitive by the Jedi Order. Given over to the Order for training, he eventually became the apprentice of the Gran Jedi Knight Baa Kreem. However, the Sith Jedi Master Hayden Ragnos-Sakaros also took a keen interest in Mirum's training; unbeknownst to almost anyone in the Order, the two were first cousins thrice removed, as Hayden's father and Mirum's great-great-grandfather had been blood brothers. Due both to the more open approach the New Jedi Order took compared to the old, and the subtle machinations of Master Ragnos-Sakaros, Mirum maintained an active, if sometimes distant, relationship with his biological family. When his parents died in 117 ABY, both Mirum's master and his cousin helped him transcend his grief and recognize that his parents were with the Force. Mirum kept in contact with his sister Axelia even when she became an Imperial Knight, and was something of a larger-than-life hero to his brother Jarek. After initial successes on Ossus, Baa Kreem and Mirum were among the Jedi who accompanied Vong shapers to terraform ruined worlds as part of the Ossus Project. When the Jedi were drafted to fight for the Galactic Alliance, master and Padawan fought in numerous engagements, and went to many systems on diplomatic missions, trying to persuade them to remain in the Alliance's fold and resist the Empire. In 129 ABY, Mirum was knighted. Present on Ossus after the conclusion of the Sith-Imperial War, Mirum fell victim to the Massacre at Ossus, dying alongside his former master Baa Kreem from a lightsaber slash through the throat. Years later, Jarek named his only son "Orion Mirum" in honor of his brother, and when Axelia became a Centurion, she created a green lightsaber like Mirum's.