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"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to upset you! Please, allow me to fix things", the red haired shinobi responded, running at a pace which kept him out of his chaser's reach but close enough that he didn't completely leave her. "Fix things?! You lift up my dress you pervert!", she replied, her honey sweet voice thick with anger and rage. "Yes, but that was an accident. I didn't mean for my hand to slip down there, honest..", the Senju male explained, obviously lying, but that was the best he could do. Hopefully his apologetic tone would sell this lie and hopefully this lady was nothing but a pretty face, stupid enough to buy his false story.

  • Blood To Bone: Capoeira vs Sage Fist
  • "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to upset you! Please, allow me to fix things", the red haired shinobi responded, running at a pace which kept him out of his chaser's reach but close enough that he didn't completely leave her. "Fix things?! You lift up my dress you pervert!", she replied, her honey sweet voice thick with anger and rage. "Yes, but that was an accident. I didn't mean for my hand to slip down there, honest..", the Senju male explained, obviously lying, but that was the best he could do. Hopefully his apologetic tone would sell this lie and hopefully this lady was nothing but a pretty face, stupid enough to buy his false story.
  • "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to upset you! Please, allow me to fix things", the red haired shinobi responded, running at a pace which kept him out of his chaser's reach but close enough that he didn't completely leave her. "Fix things?! You lift up my dress you pervert!", she replied, her honey sweet voice thick with anger and rage. "Yes, but that was an accident. I didn't mean for my hand to slip down there, honest..", the Senju male explained, obviously lying, but that was the best he could do. Hopefully his apologetic tone would sell this lie and hopefully this lady was nothing but a pretty face, stupid enough to buy his false story. "Oh, really?", the beautiful woman said, stopping in her tracks. "Well then, I guess it's okay..", she said. The rage and anger in her voice had disappeared, not a single trace, and all that remained was pure sweetness. Indeed it was extremely seducing, especially for a man like Sannoto. After hearing such a phrase, Sannoto stopped (smiling like a madman) before approaching the woman once more. "Really? Thank you for forgiving me! Perhaps we can start over again? I can take you to this nice place and we can just ta---", the Senju male attempted to suggest, but instead found his mouth clogged with a fist which prevented him from saying his statement and then a firm kick to his head, sending in flying across the terrain. This woman was no shinobi, that part he knew for sure, but she sure knew how to fight; it was possible that she could've been taught the basics of some martial arts. "Do you think I'm stupid, huh?", she asked, folding her arms and walking away, muttering something under her breath to which Sannoto surely knew.."Pervert". The Senju stood up, dusting the dirt and other particles off of his fine clothing. "Oh man. I was sure that she would buy my lie", he said to himself, somewhat disappointed that the woman wasn't a complete idiot. "Well, I guess it can't be helped..", Sannoto concluded, drooping his head and walking in the opposite direction of the woman. He continued his walk of shame until he reached a local tavern. The man rarely drank and today was no exception, considering he had nothing to drink about and would simply grab some juice and something to eat. Sure the woman escaped but he wasn't really interested in a relationship. He just simply wanted to do what he did, take a look a further look at her, which is what he did. Besides he already had a wife back home, one that he would have to keep this secret from if he wanted to live. Unlike himself, Satsuki wasn't a peaceful being. Sannoto ventured into the tavern where he sat down near the counter, with empty seats next to him. There was almost no one here, with the exception of a couple who looked over at a group of big men who were sitting in a corner not to far from Sannoto's positioning; fear filled their eyes. "Some orange juice and some dumpling please..", the red haired Senju ordered, receiving his request in less that a minute. This would've been a peaceful trip, but trouble seems to come his way a lot. The group of men slowly approached his location, filling the seats next to him. "Hey bud. I'm guessing you know who were are and what we want; your wallet! Now, hand it over!", one of the thugs said, his tone suggesting that he was the leader of this little group. It was probably eight of them in total though each one's muscles and physical features suggested that they each could take down a group of men on their own. Too bad Sannoto was an ordinary man. "Sorry, but I can't you see? I do need this to pay for my trip that I'm on. Perhaps if we meet again though..", he responded, attempting to stand up from his seat only to feel an elbow going into his lower back. It would've hurt, but Sannoto had trained his body extensively for physical combat, thus this little hit did nothing to his being. "Oh great. Now I have to fight you guys..", Sannoto said, his tone thick with irritation. The latter placed his hands firmly on the counter and then proceeding to flipping over it, his feet coming up and slamming into one of the thug's chin, with a force so great that a few of his teeth came flying out of his mouth. That's one thug, but now there were seven more; though Sannoto had the current advantage now. These thugs were thrown off by Sannoto's strike. Perhaps they weren't really used to seeing one of their own getting hurt, and the Senju managed to do so: with relative ease at that. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sannoto jumped onto the top of the counter and pushed off of his left leg which sent him flying towards two of the thugs. With his amazing power and strength, the latter stuck his right leg outward and rotated his body 360 degrees upon reaching the thugs, sending a fierce kick to both of their faces, knocking them unconscious. Four more to go, luckily there were all standing together which was a perfect opportunity for Sannoto. After landing on the ground from his assault, Sannoto lifted his right palm upwards, facing it towards the remaining thugs. Afterwards he released a blast of his own chakra which pushed the natural energy in the environment towards the thugs, sending each of them flying out of the side of the taverns upon contact along with the tables and other things that were near them as well. Sannoto was a hero. Well, at least he thought so until he saw the owner of the tavern commanding several security officials to arrest him. Seeing this, Sannoto retreated the opposite way, pushing through enormous amounts of people to get away. Eventually, he ended up under a bridge where a river flowed gently underneath of it. The man sat down under the bridge, hidden from the view of his searchers, and sighed. "Why me?", he complained, his stomach growling a second afterwards. In the commotion, he hadn't had the opportunity to actually eat all of his dumplings and actually ate two; which was basically nothing due to their size. How did he end up this mess? In the vicinity of all this commotion, The man known as The Raido X, was no less was conversing with women, entertaining them with his everyday humor. This was going well until he heard the shouts of other women a huge collison just on the other side, this scared the other women who looked at raido to be there knight in shining armor. Don't you wanna be a gentleman and check that out for us, I just love a man who can take care of business. one girl batted her eyes lashes at the Raido. No stranger to opportunity Raido quickly moved looking back just to say this to the women before he departed. Just keep my meal, you let me deal with this. His deep voice reverberating within the soul of these women whose pupils dilated, as they watched their hero off. Guess there no vacation for me huh? Raido X said as he followed the path of carnage to see the bodies of men strewn all around as if a struggle took place, a one sided struggle that is. He followed a few until he came up nearing a river with a bridge where there a group of guys looking for something or rather someone. Raido saw a man standing under the brigde worried and eating, btu he could not get a good look at this man, assuming he needed help of some sort Raido went to intvestigate him. Hey you look like you need a ha- Raido froze NO way you look different but those eyes I know them anywhere, quite the new look your sporting Sannoto Senju. Raido X said shaking his head. Your the only person in more trouble than me, Why am I not surprised it your causing this problem today? "Thanks for acknowledging my new outfit, I do hope you like it but I was looking more to impressing the ladies, you know?", Sannoto jokingly said, standing up to meet his old friend, shaking his hand a moment later. As expected Raido's hands were unusually soft, completely ignoring the fact that he used them greatly but his body was weird in that sort of way. The Senju's frown soon turned upside down, developing into a large grin which sought to spread across his visage. "Anyway, I didn't cause this problem. Those guys on the ground are the ones who caused the problem; all I did was defend myself. Besides, I didn't even hurt them that badly. I still don't understand what the big fuss is about..", the latter complained, folding his arms and looking up at the top of the bridge. "It seems to be quite the amount of commotion up there. Perhaps I could slip and hide with you in this large crowd. So, lead the way!" We could but that the boring way. Raido X said as he surveyed then guy above, by way of the Outer Path Raido could sense the souls of the men above him. 13 men and 2 others on the way, I say we do this the old fashioned way and well have ourselves a little dance off. Whoever gets through their half of the group first wins, you cant use any ninjutsu though so id better not see any of that Metal you like to use so much. Raido X said as he got all prepared. Ready, set Go as Raido launched off leaving a blurred motion of his movements as his speed he cut through the wind grabbed the bridge and lifted himself. "Woah! Wait for me!", Sannoto yelled, following after his Uchiha rival in a speed similar to his own. As expected, there were multiple people looking for him; probably thugs affiliated with the ones he completely trashed in a fight. Though these thugs were much more muscular, suggesting that they were a bit more stronger than the ones he previously thought. But even Sannoto realized that they posed very little threat to his being, especially with Raido by his side. With a sense of confidence, Sannoto charged towards his first victim, throwing a powerful strike from his elbow into his stomach, forcing the thug onto his knees. However, this drew another man towards his area. The second thug charged towards Sannoto with a strength and speed which would be considered inhuman by the observers of this battle, but not to Sannoto for sure. In fact, this man was moving relatively slow but he did have power. The Senju had to give him that at least. The thug lowered his shoulder, in an attempt to hit Sannoto hard, but this Senju had other plans. Placing his left palm towards him, Sannoto used his move which he used earlier, pushing the man back and sending him tumbling across the terrain and into a red-haired woman who was simply walking past this fighting scene. How would she react? With the constant bluish glow on the double-edged sword the blade managed to gain attention and stares and many wondered how the woman could carry such a heavy weapon. Several men had gathered the courage to approach and face the red-haired beauty with the intention to screw the woman and/or at the end steal the blade. In the first place they had a smirk smudged on their face, which had turned into a horrified expression upon facing the redhead. Her expression had been void as she watched the cowardly men scattering away as quick as possible after recognizing that she is no ordinary woman and one that should not be messed with. She moved through the busy streets at her own relaxing pace. The whispering of the locals had piqued a little of her interest, “There is a commotion further up the streets.” an elderly whispered lowly to her partner, “It is the best to wait till it has calmed down.” Ignoring the warning that she had overheard of the elderly pair the kunoichi continued her path in the direction of this said commotion. The redhead had noticed the gathered group as she had ventured further in the streets of this unnamed place. Pushing through the small group of men and women the kunoichi absorbed small amounts of chakra of these locals – unnoticed to their selves. Standing in between the commotion and the gathered group the redhead continued her strives to reach the other side of the small village to meet with her partner. The moment the kunoichi glanced at the commotion a man crashed into her – the impact of the crash made the redhead stumble a few feet back – and the man fell flat on the ground, unconscious. Her right eyebrow twitched in annoyance as she managed to stabilize herself with the double-edged sword acting as a lean pole. She narrowed her dark blue eyes at the red-haired man who stood in front of her and studied him in silence and curiosity. Raido was cutting a war path through the men, as he was not only bigger than the majority of them but also quicker. With an array of sweeping kicks, flips and acrobatics moves Raido easily beast back his opponents. Finishing the last one off with a roundhouse kick that landed heavily on the mans jawbone, nearly breaking it with such force. As the man was sent backwards sprawling on the ground Raido quickly dusted himself off as he begin to look at Sannoto's progress to see how he fared versus these clowns as Raido referred to them as. He saw that Sannoto was doing well, not that he expected anything less from his rival. hH did notice not to far from him a Red haired women, traits of the Uzumaki clan was the first thing that came to Raido's mind. Her dark-blue eyes are highlighted with her black eye-shadow and her reddish full lips contrast with her skin tone. Her beauty was astounding to say the least, Raido could see why Sannoto was just looking at her. With his usual saunter of confidence, Raido walked up to Sannoto, to talk about their bet. Looks like we are tied in our bet here to -again Raido X said as he snapped his fingers in disapproval. However you do seem to have the attention of that woman over there, she doesn't seem like the rest of these clowns but I think she likes you. Raido said with his usual carefree but deep voice. I think you should be a gentlemen and introduce yourself Raido X said as he patted Sannoto on the back, go show her that Senju magic. Raido X joked with his rival and friend. Sannoto mumbled no word, made no sound, took no breath for this woman wasn't ordinary. Her looks were beautiful, though they didn't want to make the Senju jump out to her. No, those looks didn't want to make him do that at all. They were...intimidating. No, not this one Raido, Sannoto thought to himself, studying and keeping his eyes solely on this woman, only blinking when necessary. There was something unique about her, but what Sannoto was focused on was that specific blade. The Senju was a martial artist who trained in the arts of the Wudang Chaun; forms of martial arts which use internal energy, chakra in this case, to preform various feats. As a result, he knew Chakra when he saw it and that glow was definitely chakra. "Raido...Try to stay close, alright?", Sannoto said in a low voice but hopefully loud enough for his rival and friend to hear. After doing so, he formed a bright smile upon his visage, discarding the focused expression which he wore several moments ago. "Sorry for that!", he apologized, speaking to Saika directly, "I didn't mean to knock him that far away, you know? I was just hoping to--". Sannoto stopped speaking and his eyes were wide. "Seidou", he muttered under his breath, looking over at Raido and then back at his woman. "You're a member of Seidou, aren't you?", he inquired, his tone thick with seriousness. "I can tell by that golden pin you wear on your clothing. The last town I was at mentioned something about a lady and a man with a metal whip embedded into his arm, with the man claiming that he and his organization would destroy the world. That must be you.." Raido was stunned on two levels, one for the fact that this woman was in such a group, but even worse not even Sannoto would hit on her. I can't believe the word coming out of your mouth right now Raido said as he walked up closing in on Sannoto. This group sounds like Tsuki no Ai, too much like them. Raido X said now really paying attention to the woman. Seems like everyone wants to destroy the world , im starting wonder whats in the drinking water these days. Raido X said looking at the female as he looked over her small frame. Raido was a tall man standing at about at least 6 foot 4 so everyone seemed short to him nearly. Not sure what your getting at here Sannoto, but im going to need you to run that pass me one more time Raido said as he folded his arms. Pulling the blade out of the ground the redhead seemed to swing the blade at first sight with the intention to strike, however, instead rested it on her right shoulder. She placed her hand left hand on her hip and slightly cocked it. Her current stance appeared to be radiating arrogance – foolish is what the most would think of the woman. “Chein,” she began with a feminine voice that one could misinterpret as innocent. The redhead smirked as she continued and proudly continued with her rough voice, “Chein of Seidou.” Chein’s gaze travelled towards the dark-haired man for a mere moment – studying him. It didn’t last long as her gaze returned to the red-haired man. “Seidou does not have the intention to destroy the world. We merely intend to shatter the current world into oblivion and the Era of Warring States will return. The strongest will hunt and the weakest will hide – evolution is the key to survive.” "Don't worry about it, Raido, I'll handle this myself alright? Besides, I was always good with the ladies", Sannoto reassured, pulling his own blade from it's sheath, holding it with his right hand for that was his strongest and quickest hand. The latter took a look at his blade, observing his own reflection on it's crystal clear surface then turning his attention to "Chein", smirking after doing so. "Well, are your forgetting that the strongest clan during that era were the Senju Clan? We surpassed every and any other clan during this time, and if it happens again we will rise once more and establish our dominance again. History does have a habit of repeating itself", he lectured, his tone suggesting that he was attempting to humor his partner, Raido. "But seriously, we don't have to do this. There are others ways of getting power, power which you can achieve in a peaceful manner. Trust me, I would be more than willing to help you get power peacefully. This current motive of yours is simply insane, absurd if I must say! If you continue with this plan of yours, I will have no choice but to engage you in battle. I will not.....I cannot have a repeat of that man. Now, what are you going to do?", the Senju man inquired, clenching his blade tighter than what he already was. Now Sannoto you know I hate to let you have all the fun dance/standoff Raido X said as he adjusted his katana from his back to the side of his hip, his thumb resting gently on the lines of its sheath. However since you can handle her yourself I will back you up when you need it, Besides I doubt it will take both of us to handle her. Raido X said as he glanced in the direction of the woman once more. Her goals reminded her more of Fa' rao but in a more liberal sense. OH and we all know the only reason the Senju caln were dominant back then was because I wasn't there, Raido teased Sannoto back, but by all means show me a little of this Strongest you were speaking of. Since its your turn to dance The Seidou member clenched her already tight hold on the hilt of the blade. Rage… hatred… boiled throughout her body as the name of the Senju had been mentioned. “Senju?” the redhead questioned with a mocking tone, laughing humorlessly. Her glare heated at the same time at the red-haired man named Sannoto as she now was aware that he hailed of the Senju Clan. “I will crush them,” her voice didn’t waver a bit as it contained with pure hatred. “Peace – don’t mock me,” Chein said, bitterly. “Such thing does not exist in our world.” The smirk returned as she stabilized her previous stance again. Her glare was no more as it once more became void of emotion. “One might find our ideal insane and one will think it is magnificent. Either way, Sannoto Senju, your thoughts won’t change Seidou’s way to shatter this pathetic world. And whoever this man may be do not compare me with a weakling." Without a warning the redhead swung the huge double-edged sword of her right shoulder. The brute force of her mere swing created a strong gush of harmless wind in the direction of the duo. “Do not underestimate me Senju for as the predator has found her prey.” The two men stood strong as the heavy wind hit them, as they stood unmoved Sannoto stood tall as Raido did, however Raido just had to go and say something. Whew what a breeze, it was a little hot out here so im glad you were so generous as to cool us down. Sannoto whats the deal with this chick is she another one of those fanatics who aren't happy and want to drag everyone down with them types. Raido X whispering to Sannoto. Where do they find you guys, first Fa' rao, then my own damn Clan with Madara and Obito and now you. I think you guys need to smile more, you know its bad for the face to frown all the time. Matter fact you guys need better hobbies, I suggest a good game of Hide and go seek, you cant go wrong with that . Raido X said nodding his head in approval. Usually, Sannoto would probably say something witty, something to show his unflappable nature. However, the foreboding mood and melancholy atmosphere sorta reflected the latter's inner emotions...without a doubt it does. This peaceful man, although he was a trained fighter, would soon be forced to abandon his ideals and would have to kill this woman, or at least attempt to. Especially now, considering she alright was ready to fight him; and even seemed to harbor a subconscious hate, repeating his surname with a tone of hatefulness. Yes, she hated him already, almost like all woman. Though, not everyone woman wanted to kill him. Well, yes they did but not like this. Without muttering a word, Sannoto drew his blade from his right side, gripping it with his right hand, and pulled the blade outward until he had the tip pointed to the air at an angle and the hilt pointed towards the ground. "Alright, I did warn you", he muttered before leaping backwards, until he was slightly out of her reach and then slicing downwards with his blade, with such control that it stopped an inch before touching the earth beneath him; his finesse was simply extraordinary. What was confusing was why did he back up and slice, as he was out of her reach. Though, this Senju had a plan (it being a signature part of his fighting style). The blade was simply a tunnel, an extension of his own body, to which he used to generate his own inner energy through, to which he then released into the environment to basically push the natural energy in the direction that he wanted it to go and in any shape that he wanted it to be. It mattered very little how far away this woman was from his being, but instead it only mattered if she had the ability to detect a disturbance in the flow of energy present in the external realm because she soon would feel the sharp slice of the natural energy slicing against her body, the energy being fueled and pushed by the Senju's own energy. This was his plan...to use the invisible, but present, energy of nature to combat his woman and to stay out of her reach. With both being swordsman, the winner of this battle would be the one who controlled the range of the battle. The chains began to faint away that had been hanging loosely around the red-haired woman’s neck, while the chains on her shoulders had begun to smolder and fell on the ground and disappeared as the double-edged sword devoured the materialized chakra into nothing – a mere taste before it would get its real bite. She froze as a pleasant shivering went through her body – an unfamiliar feeling to the redhead. “Madara,” she breathed out softly after Raido mentioned the now deceased man. Her eyebrows frowned as she closed her eyes and the corner of her lips tilted up, a small smile. Chein – Saika Uzumaki was confused – displaying it publically to the world. The rush of emotion that she was feeling made her laugh out of nowhere. One tear escaped as it rolled down her right cheek, her left hand rested on her eyes – covering half of her face of their view. One would certainly think that the Uzumaki was a mad woman. She had stopped laughing and her sanity returned. The redhead removed her hand and her eyes displayed an indescribable emotion as it was something she wasn’t familiar with … anymore. The Uzumaki knew and was aware that she suffered of amnesia as she could barely remember her own name and only understood her goal of life – the world without the mutation. Her two closest allies, one that was her current partner in the organization and the Shadow, are both aware of her loss. “A mere smile doesn’t change the ideal of a being. You think that our ideal is a mere hobby – insulting one’s self. Men such as yourself will continue the endless circle of hatred,” the Uzumaki began as she watched the Senju warily as he had distanced himself away of her. “Life is not meant to be a game.” That's where your wrong, Life is the ultimate game. Raido X said as he felt the dukkha of other approaching bandits. Like flies to the light they were drawn to this battle looking to kill either combatant, while they were preoccupied. Worst of all ruin Raido's favorite scene in the movie. The were numbering in the twenties, and well they weren't here for the tea and crumpets Sannoto ill keep these misfits off your back, while you handle little miss sunshine over there. Raido X said as he placed his blade on his hip where it rested gently. Oh and if I were were you I would cover my ears. im glad all you guys could make it but Im going to need all of you to have a seat and wait your turn. Raido took a deep breath and created a Powerful wave of flames that cracked the ground resulting in a deafening Sonic Boom. An intense wave of flames traveled as the crack spread, and engulfed the men in dancing flames as they were attacked from underneath and the front. Sannoto covered his ears a few seconds AFTER Raido had unleashed his attack, dropping his blade onto the ground as he simply believed his warning was simply one of his traditional boastings. Oh, was he simply wrong on that one. The sonic boom was incredible and very painful to his ears, but it had to hurt everyone else's ears as well, meaning that it had to hurt Chein's as well. "Raido, you son of a gun. Providing me with a distraction and protecting me, well done..", Sannoto mumbled, before taking his hands of his ears and stepping onto the hilt of his blade, forcing it into the air, then grabbing it with his right hand, completing each of these movements in such a graceful sequence. One would assume that he was showboating. Following this movement, the latter pushed off of his right foot and propelled himself towards Chein at a speed which is invisible to that of the naked eye, only trace of him was the fact that there were several cracks in the ground where his feet touched, attributed to the sheer muscle strength in his legs. In a matter of moments, before the spectators could even realize that Sannoto had moved from his place, he was behind Chein, swinging his blade towards her legs so that he could potentially injure her as opposed to killing her. For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to killing her. Suddenly, the area around the three became as silent as a graveyard and eerily still. A loud cracking noise sounded in the area followed by a powerful burst of wind knocked Saika's attacker back some distance. Between the two was a man covered in a black cloak and sporting a white, red and black mask. In front of the man, protecting the arm which blocked the blow, was a cracked white tile of pure energy, which shattered and vanished shortly afterward. "Dear leader," the man said, his voice warped into a gruff, nearly mechanical drone by special jutsu. He stared at Sannoto some distance away, and turned towards the girl, standing to his feet, "are you alright? I arrived as soon as I could." The sonic boom had reached a wave that managed to hurt Chein’s eardrums, interrupting her balance as she had denied to obey the warning the dark-haired shinobi had given to them. When she regained her composure, the Senju was gone in front of her, and out of her sight. Out of instinct, Saika was about to dance her path out of the Senju’s attack, until an unnatural silence occurred. She knew this all too familiar chakra signature that belonged to one of her two most trusted allies in Seidou. It was the one who possessed one of the demonic blades, who could destroy lands with its destructive power of wind, Tenkyou. Chein’s thoughts had been correct as a strong gush of wind past behind her back and heard his familiar disoriented voice. “Hitori,” she said, acknowledging the man’s presence. She turned around, facing the hidden man who was in between the Senju and herself. “It seems you always have your way to find me. I’m fine and would have even if you hadn’t given a hand,” she said, reassuring her comrade in a cold manner, but he knew her the best. After officially punching and knocking out the last man Raido sensed the dukkha of yet another person, however their present level was more intense. The level of the bandits paled in comparison to this one. As Raido did a revers pivot he saw that another figure had joined their "social gathering" of diverse ordeals as he thought of it as. he noticed this man stood on the side of the uzumaki girl, meaning he' wasn't here for either Sannoto or himself. Well I guess theres no reason for me to be rude and not speak, i was raised with manners after all. Raido said as he pressed forward to get the update on the new guy. You there new guy, I don't remember you been invited to this function, besides it's one on one with those two. Raido X said as he lifted his hand to point. Those two are off limits and our having a private dance, but you can keep me company since you seem to have an issue with Sannoto, and came here to assist her. Raido X said as his usual flippant smile parted his face. His usual love and thrill for combat rising as the thought of combat caused adrenaline to course through his body. Goosebumps riding on his arm and neck as he was all to ready after being forced to watch these two. Hitori, whom called himself the Shadow, turned towards the newcomer and gave him a slow look-over. Of course, he was the newcomer, but he was less concerned on terminology and more focused on protecting Chein from whatever situation she was involved in. However, she had told him that she was alright and he could withdraw, but now he had his own battles to fight. He was more used to sniping someone with a senbon needle from the distance, but close combat was good once in a while. "I am the Shadow," the black-cloaked man said as he crossed his arms, his voice deep and distorted. His mask foretell no emotions underneath, but his mask displayed seriousness and he was more than ready for combat. He tightened the sash around his waist and made a hand signal. "No one shall attack Chein in my presence, but I suppose playing with you wouldn't hurt any." Spare me your banality or introductions, Im not interested in your name I just wanna know can you fight . Raido X said his usual half smile still pasted on his face. it is good to know you have manners though, so in respect I will tel you mine. I am the Dark Slayer. Raido X said to the cloaked man giving him a look over. The man seemed bigger from a distance but as Raido got closer he quickly found that with most of his opponents and allies he towered over them in height and posture. No shall attack or disturb a one on one fight in my presence especially one I consider an ally, but I suppose for your troubles I should at least entertain you Raido voiced boomed as the deep gritty voice of his lightened up with a excited tone. Throwing the shadows words back at him. Raido began to sway back and forth in an unpredictable manner. Just Bring it The Shadow looked over at his great leader, then back at Raido. He couldn't tell where this battle would take him, but it was too late to turn down the offer now. He cracked his knuckles together and a huge plume of smoke exploded all around him and into the battlefield. Half a second later, the Shadow appeared next to Raido, brandishing a long katana. He spun around quickly, performing an overhead swing towards his opponent's torso. Raido possessed a unique ability to sense what was called the Dukkha thanks to his training with Yama Dukkha is the Negative Karma, or( suffering, stress, anxiety, or dissatisfaction) which allowed Raido to always sense his enemies even when blinded, or out of sight, a trait no one noticed but him. Raido suddenly performed a negativa (lowering his center) to duck the blow toward his center, and then perform a rasteira (sweeping leg kick) to remove the shadows center of balance from him, attacking while defending in a motion that as a dance of a sort. Laying on the ground while all of this was occurring was Sannoto, slowly getting up while rubbing the dirt off of his clothing and hair. "Oh, great!", he sarcastically exclaimed, "Now the ladies surely won't jump at an opportunity to meet me. I'm covered in dirt..", the latter complained, seemingly only focused on that at the current moment until he realized what was actually going on. No way Chein, or whatever her name actually was, could dodge his attack AND hit him right after. It was impossible, well at least he thought it was impossible. Though, he now knew what had occurred. While he was attacking, focusing all of his strength and attention of not killing the woman, her partner had attacked from behind. Though, this wasn't the man that he had heard of earlier. He seemed a lot different than what was described, but that didn't matter. He was here and that was all that matter, and that Raido was keeping him entertained. That was so him. After all, he could never really stay away from a fight. Though Chein, the woman he was fighting earlier, was observing the too. She was distracted; absolutely a perfect time to strike her. Sannoto reached for his blade, though he didn't find it to his side. What an idiot! The man forgot that he dropped it when he was smitten by that gust of wind, but what would he do now? He looked around, spotting the blade closer to where Chein was standing. He couldn't go and get it, because that would rid his assault of the surprise that he wanted to keep. Nope, getting that blade was NOT worth it. He would rely on his Yari instead. Besides, that would be very surprising. The man reached for his Yari, which laid itself gracefully upon his back, gripping the bottom of it with his right hand, proceeding to pull it off of his back and into his hands. He never felt more powerful. For some reason, he always felt this feeling of greatness when wielding his spear. Now, here is where things became a bit more interesting. Opening one of his gates, Sannoto allowed the energy within his own body to easily flow through this gate which granted him access to all of the other tenketsu in his body, to which he directed the energy through his hands into the tip of the Yari, emitting a small, sharp beam of energy which sought to penetrate Chein; heading towards her leg. The kunoichi’s interest piqued as Hitori accepted the challenge to fight Raido, something that the redhead wouldn’t have expected of the Shadow. Instead of paying attention to the Senju, her own fight, she continued to watch the duo. She hadn’t forgotten that Sannoto had been smacked on the ground; the mere gush of wind had after all been pin-pointed at the Senju by Hitori. Out the corner of her eyes, the kunoichi caught the bright blade of the Senju in vision, reflecting the beams of the sunlight. Her own double-edged blade had been ‘taken out of her hands’ by the wind of her comrade, far out of her own reach. Chein searched and found the bluish black blade glowing brightly; not for it had sated itself, but that it was separated of its master. Within a second, the blade stopped the bright glowing, whereas the naked eye couldn’t see the chains of chakra, stretching out to bind itself around the hilt of the blade, to be used as a hidden flail. Instead of facing her opponent, Chein continued to pretend her lack of awareness, still ‘watching’ the Shadow and Raido. She waited… waited for the right moment to strike the Senju. It was now time to hone her actual skills in real combat and with a quick turn, Chein managed to dodge the fatal attack of the Senju, escaping with a mere scratch on her upper-leg. Not wasting any time, she stepped on the blade of Sannoto in a way that it flew up in the sky – catching it – Chein threw the blade towards the center of the Senju’s chest, with incredible speed. In the meanwhile of her first move, Chein had flicked her right wrist backwards, pulling the hidden chains into the direction of Sannoto. The speed of Keigaku would match that of the raw speed of Chein herself, the thrown speed of the blade of the Senju could not be compared with the raw speed of the redhead. She did not waste another second and launched herself at the Senju, challenging a small amount of chakra in her left fist to increase her already brute force, aiming the left side of Sannoto, while Keigaku on the other hand would meet the back of the Senju. Her speed was utterly incredible, something that Sannoto had rarely saw in a Kuniochi, though he expected that she was something special. However, he had very little time to think as his own spear would hit him from the front, though he also had to deal with that blade coming at him from another direction. In almost an instant, as his mastery of this technique would allow for such an action, Sannoto repelled all of the incoming attacks from all directions, simply by releasing energy from every one of his tenketsu, pushing the natural energy in the objects which were coming towards him, thus deflecting each attack. "That was indeed impressive..", the man complimented, "but now it's my turn". With that statement, Sannoto assumed a stance in which his head, feet, torso along he same vertical plane. In addition to this complicated stance, Sannoto placed his left arm out, placing his palm towards his opponent and held his right arm spread across his abdomen. This was his stance known as Santashi, which was perhaps his most unique and resourceful stance dealing with his own taijutsu abilities, which Chein would see if a few moments. Releasing energy from the tenketsu in his feet, Sannoto shoots himself towards Chein as if he was a rocket, leaving almost little time to react, though he wouldn't be surprised if she did; her speed and reflexes were amazing. After being placed within one foot of her body, Sannoto stopped himself, landing into his Santashi stance once more. Obviously he wouldn't be capable of reaching her with regular physical attacks from here, no that was simply out of the question but he did have a plan. He would use natural energy once more, attributed to the fact that it was a much better alternative. She seemed pretty decent at close range combat, evident by the fact that she was a kenjutsu user, so it was pretty smart to stay out of her range. Besides, it wasn't like she could actually see the natural energy to fully even know where it was coming from. Using his left palm, Sannoto threw a strike aimed towards her abdomen. Upon striking, the Senju man released his internal energy in all direction of his arm, extending his range on all sides-front, left and right- to nearly three extra feet, with the natural energy planning on making the actual contact with the woman. Though, why should he stop with a single strike? If she did manage to dodge this one, then his move would just be a wasted one? Why not take advantage of this opportunity? With that, Sannoto threw several more of the same strikes, though with each aimed at different places. One strike went towards her head to eliminate her chances of dodging through the air. Another strike went towards her right side, to eliminate her chances of dodging through her right. As expected, another strike went towards her left to eliminate her chances of dodging through her left side. She currently had four strikes, one coming straight for her and three blocking her off on all directions, headed towards her which sough to strike her with such a force that it would most likely send her flying across the terrain. The worst part was that, Chein wouldn't even be able to see these attacks coming. It was the perfect plan. The burning pain that Chein felt trampled her speed rapidly down. Instead of pushing through the pain and continue her physical attack at Sannoto the kunoichi distanced herself safely of the man. In worry, which Chein usually didn’t possess, she glanced down at her upper-leg and saw the large amount of blood dripping down her leg of which she thought had been a mere scratch. She knew that this wound would hinder her sooner or later in the battle and would treat it with care after she managed to immobilize the Senju of movement. While Chein had backed down of her attack the kunoichi had kneaded her special chakra for a deadlier attack. It had been a convenience that her leg had been wounded and as well the fact that the Senju had been speaking, while she cared less for chatter at this very moment. It as well didn’t go unnoticed that Sannoto managed to see through her simple strategy and succeeded to repel his own spear and her blade. The spear of the Senju now lay on the ground in between himself and her, while her blade laid flat behind the man himself. With new thread of chains that became more visible to the eye it creped over the ground to the ravenous blade. However, the Senju took a martial stance in which the kunoichi didn’t underestimate Sannoto’s possible next attack. It suddenly occurred Chein that the Senju had repelled her previous attack without her having seen an actual ‘movement’ and for her knowledge so far the man didn’t possess a kekkei genkai, which could only be two things. Mirroring the Senju the female took her own martial stance; her left feet was placed behind her right leg, her right arm placed behind her back with the hand flat, while the left arm was placed in front of her and her hand had three outstretched fingers; thin golden chains wrapped around the point-finger, which were connected to the blade. The name of this martial stance had been forgotten by the female herself. In the meanwhile as Chein and the blade had been connected, Keigaku had soothed the pain to a level that the female no longer felt the burning pain of the bleeding wound – her raw speed would no longer be hindered. Because unlike Sannoto, Chein didn’t use internal energy in her style of martial art and yet it had the same kind of effect. Her raw speed and brute force combined could enhance her strikes till one and a half feet. The moment Sannoto made his move, Chein circled her right foot and lowered her body, evading the left and upper attack of the Senju. Within this movement the redhead moved her left arm to the right in a flashing speed and with the enhanced force, Chein managed to successfully deflect Sannoto’s attack that came from the right. In the same defensive attack she had moved her point-finger and the double-edged blade came from behind in silence – aimed at the Senju. One strike the redhead had overseen of the Senju – the one aimed at her abdomen. Within a second, Chein flew across the terrain as the force of the strike had been enormous. The moment she hit the ground a small crater had been formed and one could hear the sound of ground breaking from miles away. The smoke of dust had become thick enough to obscure all view – inside and outside the smokescreen. The silence dawned in the area awaiting for the dust to disappear to see the outcome of the battle. Suddenly, dozen of golden chains erupted from the inside of the smokescreen, heading towards the Senju, aimed to immobilize his movements.
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