Nearly 12,000 years ago, during Earth's 21st century, the Xorda came to the planet to offer an alliance to the human population. However, a science team led by Dr. Ivan Kintobor instead captured the Xorda's emissary and imprisoned it. After probing it for knowledge for various information, the team then dissected the alien. In response, the Xorda would wipe out all life on the planet. (StH: #124)
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| - Nearly 12,000 years ago, during Earth's 21st century, the Xorda came to the planet to offer an alliance to the human population. However, a science team led by Dr. Ivan Kintobor instead captured the Xorda's emissary and imprisoned it. After probing it for knowledge for various information, the team then dissected the alien. In response, the Xorda would wipe out all life on the planet. (StH: #124)
- Some 12,000 years ago, during Earth's 21st century, the Xorda came to the planet to offer an alliance to the human population. However, a science team led by Dr. Ivan Kintobor instead captured the Xorda's emissary and imprisoned it. After probing it for knowledge for various information, the team then dissected the alien. In response, the Xorda would wipe out all life on the planet. (StH: #124)
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| - Nearly 12,000 years ago, during Earth's 21st century, the Xorda came to the planet to offer an alliance to the human population. However, a science team led by Dr. Ivan Kintobor instead captured the Xorda's emissary and imprisoned it. After probing it for knowledge for various information, the team then dissected the alien. In response, the Xorda would wipe out all life on the planet. (StH: #124)
- Some 12,000 years ago, during Earth's 21st century, the Xorda came to the planet to offer an alliance to the human population. However, a science team led by Dr. Ivan Kintobor instead captured the Xorda's emissary and imprisoned it. After probing it for knowledge for various information, the team then dissected the alien. In response, the Xorda would wipe out all life on the planet. (StH: #124)