| - Mad Cow targets the brain of non-Americans who eat the cows that already have Mad Cow Disease. Labcoat Larrys call it Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy.
- Mad Cow Disease is a fatal brain disease that cows get from eating chunks of the spine of dead infected cows. The symptoms are similar to Alzheimers, because the brain basically turns into a useless sponge. People then eat the cows, or inhale particles that had been in the cows, and you know what happens? They die. The people die because conservatives made cows eat cows. Many people ask: How the hell did this become such a big problem!? Well, because of conservatives and their evil greed. Feeding dead cows to living cows was profitable.
- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE, is also known as "mad cow disease." It is a rare, chronic degenerative disease affecting the brain and central nervous system of cattle.
- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or commonly mad cow disease) is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease of cattle. The disease is believed to be transmissible to humans. Misshaped prion proteins cause the degeneration and spread the disease between individuals. Very rarely BSE may arise spontaneously, but more often it spreads in epidemic fashion. Spontaneous disease arises in animals that carry a rare mutant prion allele, which expresses prions that contort by themselves into the disease-causing shape. Transmission of BSE occurs when healthy animals consume tainted tissues from others with the disease. Practices recently banned in many countries allowed this to occur. Organometalic chemicals may be a factor in the spontaneous occurrence of the disease.
| - Mad Cow targets the brain of non-Americans who eat the cows that already have Mad Cow Disease. Labcoat Larrys call it Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy.
- Mad Cow Disease is a fatal brain disease that cows get from eating chunks of the spine of dead infected cows. The symptoms are similar to Alzheimers, because the brain basically turns into a useless sponge. People then eat the cows, or inhale particles that had been in the cows, and you know what happens? They die. The people die because conservatives made cows eat cows. Many people ask: How the hell did this become such a big problem!? Well, because of conservatives and their evil greed. Feeding dead cows to living cows was profitable.
- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or commonly mad cow disease) is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease of cattle. The disease is believed to be transmissible to humans. Misshaped prion proteins cause the degeneration and spread the disease between individuals. Very rarely BSE may arise spontaneously, but more often it spreads in epidemic fashion. Spontaneous disease arises in animals that carry a rare mutant prion allele, which expresses prions that contort by themselves into the disease-causing shape. Transmission of BSE occurs when healthy animals consume tainted tissues from others with the disease. Practices recently banned in many countries allowed this to occur. Organometalic chemicals may be a factor in the spontaneous occurrence of the disease. Epidemics in cattle are believed to have originated in sheep, in which the related prion disease scrapie is common. The tissues that contain most of the pathogenic molecules are those of the brain and the nervous system, although contagious amounts appear sometimes to be present in the blood. In the brain, these proteins form plaques, which lead to the appearance of holes in the brain, degeneration of mental abilities and death. Following an epidemic of BSE in Britain, 152 people (as of 2003) acquired and died of a a disease with similar neurological symptoms. For many of them, direct evidence exists that they had consumed tainted beef, and this is assumed to be the mechanism by which all affected individuals contracted it. Disease incidence also appears to correlate with slaughtering practices that led to the mixture of nervous system tissue with of hamburger and other beef. The human disease was designated variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), after an extremely rare genetic prion disease whose symptoms it closely resembles. Although the diseased herds were culled long ago, more people are diagnosed with vCJD each year. This implies that the disease has a long latency, as a result of which, public health experts do not know yet how many ultimately will contract it. The ease with which the disease can be contracted from beef therefore is not yet known. Rodents injected with brain tissue from diseased cows begin to succumb to a similar neurological disorder in one or two years. With current tests, it is not possible to detect abnormal prions in the brains of all of these animals. On February 17 2004 a research team headed by Salvatore Monaco reported in the Italian Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that a second strain of mad-cow disease had been detected. It is not known if this second strain is transmissible to humans.
- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE, is also known as "mad cow disease." It is a rare, chronic degenerative disease affecting the brain and central nervous system of cattle.