| - North Star was established in the 19th century as a Skagaran colony that eventually became a failed Skagaran settlement in the Delphic Expanse. In addition to Skagaran colonists, the colony had a population of Humans who had been kidnapped from the north-western United States of America and were intended to serve as a slave or worker class. The planet on which the colony was located had a dry climate, similar to the North American southwest. (ENT episode: "North Star")
- The site of a failed Skagaran colony, this planet was selected by the Skagarans for a colony during the mid-19th century. The planet, with little water, had animals indigenous to the planet such as bluehorns and sun vipers. A number of hunting trophies can be seen in a saloon in one of the Human settlements. Horses and what appears to be a mounted buffalo head are also present on the planet; it is unsaid if these were taken from Earth, or if they were native. The planet was visited by Enterprise NX-01 in 2153, during the Xindi incident. (ENT: "North Star")
| - The site of a failed Skagaran colony, this planet was selected by the Skagarans for a colony during the mid-19th century. The planet, with little water, had animals indigenous to the planet such as bluehorns and sun vipers. A number of hunting trophies can be seen in a saloon in one of the Human settlements. Horses and what appears to be a mounted buffalo head are also present on the planet; it is unsaid if these were taken from Earth, or if they were native. To help facilitate the construction of the colony, the Skagarans kidnapped a Human settlement, originally located in the western United States of America, and transported them to the planet aboard their starship to work as slaves. After a violent uprising led by Cooper Smith, the Skagarans were overthrown and the Humans emerged as the dominant species. By the 2150s, the planet had a population of 6,000 Humans and less than 1,000 Skagarans. There were several settlements, spread over an area of a few hundred kilometers. Humans and Skagarans mostly separated, one of the Skagaran encampments being Skag town, whereas a mainly Human town was North Star. In the final draft script of the episode "North Star", the area of the planet surrounding Skag town was described as desert. However, the final version of the episode shows it to be forested. The planet had a justice system incorporating juries, and practicing the death penalty by hanging. Skagarans were treated different under the law, for example killing a man was considered a hanging offense for a Skagaran, whether it was in self-defense or not. Lynchings also occurred on the planet. The planet was visited by Enterprise NX-01 in 2153, during the Xindi incident. (ENT: "North Star") The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 291) and StarTrek.com classified the Skagaran colony planet as a class M planet. The Star Trek Encyclopedia authors date the settling of this planet to around 1853. "North Star" writer David A. Goodman jokingly theorized that, following Enterprise's visit, this planet was turned into a pleasure planet where the inhabitants of the planet continued to re-enact the Ancient West. Goodman likened it to Walt Disney World and Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. ("North Star" audio commentary, ENT Season 3 Blu-ray special features) According to the 'Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Delphic Expanse, and by extension the Skagaran colony, was located in the Beta Quadrant.
- North Star was established in the 19th century as a Skagaran colony that eventually became a failed Skagaran settlement in the Delphic Expanse. In addition to Skagaran colonists, the colony had a population of Humans who had been kidnapped from the north-western United States of America and were intended to serve as a slave or worker class. The colony was discovered by the Enterprise (NX-01) in 2153 when the ship was seeking to locate the Xindi who had recently attacked Earth. Humans had since become the dominant species of the colony after rebellion led by a man named Cooper Smith. Upon its discovery by the Enterprise, the colony had a population of about 1,000 Skagarans and 6,000 Humans who resided in several settlements or towns all within a day or two's journey of each other. As its inhabitants had been isolated from Earth for centuries, the technology of the colony was still rooted in the 19th century. Moreover, settlements were reminiscent of the old west in the the United States. The planet on which the colony was located had a dry climate, similar to the North American southwest. (ENT episode: "North Star") Sometime after the encounter with Enterprise in 2153, the colony had been named North Star by the inhabitants. By the 2380s, the North Star colony had established contact with the Federation, with one of the inhabitants, Ethan Kyzak, having joined Starfleet. (TTN novel: Sight Unseen)