| - The Korsinite League was a political faction of the Lost Tribe of Sith on Kesh which existed during the period of turmoil known as the Time of the Rot. Korsinites revered the Tribe's founder and first Grand Lord Yaru Korsin and his daughter Nida Korsin as divine deities and sought to model their entire lives after them. They regarded the Testament of Yaru Korsin as a sacred text and viewed their opponents as "heretics" and defilers" who were defiling the Tribe, the body of Yaru, and thus deserved to be exterminated. By 3000 BBY, the Korsinite League had come under the leadership of Korsin Bentado, who later attended that fateful year's Pantheon's Peace. During that Testament Day, the leaders of the Sith factions learnt that the Tribe's ancestors had actually been slaves of the Sith Lord Naga Sadow and were in fact not "special." The revelations of the Tribe's "inglorious past" triggered a series of violent riots known as the Great Crisis, which saw the various factions fight each other before disintegrating as individual Sith fought each other. Later, Korsin joined forces with several of his former opponents including the Golden Destiny mathematician Edell Vrai and the Force 57 leader Neera to destroy the Omen, the ancient Sith starship which had brought the Tribe's ancestors to Kesh, in order to purge the last remnant of the Tribe's inglorious past. However, the Caretaker and historian Varner Hilts stopped the Sith from carrying out their plan by revealing a map which revealed the existence of another continent called Alanciar. As a result, the Sith factions stopped fighting and elected Hilts as their new Grand Lord, ending the Time of the Rot. Bentado and his fellow Korsinites also submitted to Hilts who they respected for redeeming their faith in Korsin. During the Hilts Restoration, Bentado rose to the position of High Lord while many of his followers entered joined the Ebon Fleet, a fleet of airships that was used to invade Alanciar.