Shonen, literally "boy", is anime and manga aimed at teenage boy demographics, something like 10-18 year old kids. Typically action series such as Bleach, Naruto, or D.Gray-man, or romantic comedies with male main characters like Love Hina, Kanon, or Tenchi Muyo!.
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| - What is a shonen anime/manga
| - Shonen, literally "boy", is anime and manga aimed at teenage boy demographics, something like 10-18 year old kids. Typically action series such as Bleach, Naruto, or D.Gray-man, or romantic comedies with male main characters like Love Hina, Kanon, or Tenchi Muyo!.
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| - Shonen, literally "boy", is anime and manga aimed at teenage boy demographics, something like 10-18 year old kids. Typically action series such as Bleach, Naruto, or D.Gray-man, or romantic comedies with male main characters like Love Hina, Kanon, or Tenchi Muyo!.