| - Jann shows up in the morning; Jade explains that it's not Jinn. Tansy has fun discovering more of what she can do with her new powers. Jann starts planning some things she can do to have more punch - like weighted gloves and brass knuckles. Tansy starts her campaign to supplant Hekate as the Queen of the Alphas at lunch. It's a draw. During class, Jade starts thinking about weapons. She finally decides on a gun. Jann discusses it with Stan and Morrie at her lunch work session. They recommend seeing Lt. Forsyth in Security. Ayla gets to play the bad guy in her Martial Arts class. Ito Sensei has her, Silverwing, Golden Girl, Adamantine, Britomart, Prism, Phobos and Blot as the bad guy lineup. He gives Ayla Anna, Rhiannon , Gila and Ash as opponents. She gives each of them some ideas. Tansy makes new plans, and enlists two people to help: Nex and Thuban. She arranges with Nex to get as much information as possible on Hekate, and with Thuban to get Hekate out of the way for a week. The price is 25 thousand and the use of her body, under telepathic control, for a day. Tansy ignores her feelings about the condition. Jade and Jann get permission to get a weapon from Lt. Forsyth. She waxes super-enthusiastic about it at dinner. Fey and Tennyo decide to go to a private spot in the forest to talk over things from last night. Stalwart tries to follow Fey. Tennyo suggests going through the Grove to lose him. Tennyo has another discussion with The Grove, and it decides to let her through as long as she promises not to do anything to Fey. The Grove redirects Stalwart, and then settles down for a long talk with Nikki. Tennyo catches sight of something and goes to investigate. It turns out to be Kitsunee, who does a bit of a ritual that opens up Tennyo's memories of the Destroyer (the Grove calls it the Star Stalker). There's a long dream of one of The Destroyer's missions. The Grove sends Nikki and Tennyo back to Poe. Meanwhile, Stalwart is still poking around the edges. Security sends Sgt. Hackitt to tell him that Nikki is back at Poe. Tennyo works in the library before dinner. Jade shows off her new pistol.