| - Thanks. It was really tiring though... I'm gonna take a break.
- Alright, take care.
- I knew you'd be down. Get at them!
- I hadn't thought of that, but you make a really good point. Meet stubborn with stubborn, I say. If they won't budge, we'll keep pushing until they do. Ready to go konk some more bugs?
- Are you sure? It feels like I'm not making any headway.
- Dang bugs! They just won't leave! It's like they're dug in, or something.
- Too cool, [name]. You know what to do, konk 'em out and let me know when you've dropped 20 of them!
- Pretty sure. There's just a ton of those things so it seems like you aren't You just need to konk some more. Up for it?
- Jeez those bugs are stubborn! I think you're starting to get through, though. Great work, [name]!