| - A few decades ago, Yidri VIII was founded as a non-Republic colony of lower-class humans from Coruscant, Alderaan and Corellia. Fed up with the duplicity and complication required to get anywhere in the Republic, these honest, hard-working people set down roots in a little Outer Rim world, on the edge of Republic space. It is no wonder that Yidri VIII wasn't colonized before. The planet is livable, but it is not in danger of winning a beauty contest-- not when it was founded, and not now. The planet has torrential seasonal rains, but the relative uniformity of the planet's elevation discourages the collection of water into large seas. Instead, the planet is covered in mud flats, with the occasional pond, or small lake. Most sentients would have considered this a good reason not to put down roots, but the Yidrian colonists found these endless plains of filth perfect for farming Middle Reeds and herding Nerfs, which love to root about in filth. The mud can also be baked into tablets, which are handy for making hive-houses. Yes, the Yidrians are proud of their mud. While they're something of a joke to off-worlders, the Yidrians are a hard-working people, honest to the point of seeming simple, stubbornly moral, and welcoming enough to make a visiting human sick. They're so nice, in fact, that even the pirates have retreated from the system in disgust. Still, disgust only goes so far in these troubling times, and Yidri VIII has recently changes hands in vicious pitched battles between the Hutts, concerned Republic citizens, and has landed with the petty Outer Rim Warlord, Vaal Hirah, who maintains martial law with his notorious Kubaz Hordes.