David Copperfield is a 1993 animated musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic story of the same name. It was directed by Don Arioli and features the voices of Sheena Easton, Julian Lennon, Howie Mandel, Andrea Martin, Kelly Le Brock, Michael York, Joseph Marcell and many others. Not unlike Disney's Robin Hood, the story features a cast of anthropomorphic animal versions of the story's human characters.
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| - David Copperfield is a 1993 animated musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic story of the same name. It was directed by Don Arioli and features the voices of Sheena Easton, Julian Lennon, Howie Mandel, Andrea Martin, Kelly Le Brock, Michael York, Joseph Marcell and many others. Not unlike Disney's Robin Hood, the story features a cast of anthropomorphic animal versions of the story's human characters.
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| - David Copperfield is a 1993 animated musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic story of the same name. It was directed by Don Arioli and features the voices of Sheena Easton, Julian Lennon, Howie Mandel, Andrea Martin, Kelly Le Brock, Michael York, Joseph Marcell and many others. Not unlike Disney's Robin Hood, the story features a cast of anthropomorphic animal versions of the story's human characters.