| - Table tennis på [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]] kategori:Spel
- Once, in the Hall of Justice rec room, Marvin was "tuning his table tennis technique" with a paddle ball.
- Ping Pong is a skit-off skit spawned from WWFF. The skit was somewhat of a parody of generic sports movies. The subject of this one however, was of course Ping Pong. In it, Jack trains to become a ping pong master. The only person who stands in his way is Pete, a true master of the table. So, a one armed veteran comes to take Jack under his stub. He teaches Jack everything he knows about the sport. He also explains that he lost his arm in an intense ping pong match, which motivates Jack. Then all three of the men sing a rap song about ping pong.
- Ping Pong (born: Maurice Antonio Rolf Jean-Pierre Gaulle LeGrand IV) is the new character in Xiaolin Showdown. He was a monk of the Xiaolin Temple. He was the Xiaolin Dragon of Wood who joined the Xiaolin Dragons in the quest for Shen Gong Wu and the never-ending battle between the Heylin.
- Ping Pong is an board game on Miniclip.com. The objective of the game is to bounce the paddle ball as many times as you can without failing.
- Ping Pong (or Table Tennis) is a minigame in Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time that is located in every hideout. Player one is Sly and player two or the AI is Bentley. It is located near the arcade machine and the Cooper Van. A trophy called "The Cooper Open" can be achieved by getting a 20 rally in each hideout. Both Sly and Bentley must hit the ball 10 times without it falling off the table. As the AI can lose, it may be easier to play with a second player.
- Ping Pong is the 13th episode of Season 3, and is episode 60 of the full 210 episodes for the entire series. In this episode, Ray and Frank have words over a game of ping-pong.
- 400px|right|thumb|Ping Pong|250px Ping Pong to chińczyk z małej chińskiej wsi, którą zamieszkuje 10 tys. ludzi. Nie wiadomo jakim cudem dostał się do TP:NW.
- Level: 23 Drops:
* 1 pong's treasure (value for the npc 70$), or
* 1 pong's eyedrop (value for the npc 8$) Pet-Stats:
* Char-Level 18 needed to use pet-card as a pet
* +13 Life Points
* +9 Action Points
* +5 additional inventory slots
* +11 Energy Drain (Attack)
* +9 Defense
* + Chance Critical Hit 0,12%
* + Evading Rate 1,15% Zone(s):
* The Prairie Notes:
* Boss-creature, will sleep for approx. 2,5 minutes after being defeated
* Found on the right side of the middle plateau in The Prairie
- Ping Pong (ピンポン Ping Pong) is a 2002 Japanese film based on a Taiyo Matsumoto manga and directed by Fumihiko Sori.
- Ping Pong - jeden z głównych protagonistów serialu Kroniki Xiaolin - kontynuacji Xiaolin - pojedynek mistrzów; piąty członek drużyny Xiaolinu, przyszły smok drewna (chińskiego żywiołu), wychowanek europejskich (francuskich?) klasztorów, między którymi pełnił rolę posłańca do czasu, gdy zawód ten stał się przestarzały wskutek rozpowszechnienia e-maili; wielki fan xiaolińskich mnichów, a w szczególności Omiego, od któego różni się tylko mniejszym rozmiarem i posiadaniem zielonych okularów - poza tym jest niemalże jego kopią pod względem powierzchowności; prawdopodobnie poliglota (umie mówić po francusku).
- Ping pong is a popular sport on Earth. Teal'c and Jonathan J. O'Neill used to play ping pong when he was working on Stargate Command. (SG1: "Sacrifices")
- La sociedad de tenis de mesa de la Universidad es de muy famoso por su habilidad y larga historia de éxitos. En el apogeo de su fama, los estudiantes se convirtieron en ídolos populares de la escuela sólo para poder seguir en el club, y los fans del soñado deporte de haber podido asistir a la universidad por el único motivo de ingresar a la sociedad. Sin embargo, la generación de oro ha pasado y sólo el presidente, Gao Qiao, y el vicepresidente Ah Du permanecen. Y la universidad amenaza con cerrar los clubes con menos de cuatro miembros, luchan por traer sangre nueva y volver a sus viejos días de gloria.
- Ping-Pong, or Table tennis, was a Human sport in which two or four players hit a ball back and forth to each other with small wooden paddles. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. In 2267, Ping-Pong had lost its entertainment quality on board the USS Enterprise and the crew were desperate for new activities to participate in. (TOS novel: Mission to Horatius) The crew of the USS Voyager held a Ping-Pong tournament in late 2375. (VOY episode: "Relativity")
- Ping Pong - 468. odcinek serialu Świat według Kiepskich.
- Most ping pong tables can be folder up for storage when not in use.
- Ping pong, or as the French would say, L'ping pong, is a very dangerous game that is mainly played in nuclear reactors by particle physicists with Bozo Guns. The energy that is released during an average ping pong game is astronomical. The ping pong ball, in a mysterious quantum queef, is in fact a rather large clump of elementary particles, which, in game, travels in accordance to the laws of quantum cheddardynamics. Once a ping pong ball is set into motion, the enlarged particle could ping pong against the reactor's sarcophogus walls eternally, since the ping pong balls lose no energy against the walls of the reactor. Once a ping pong ball hits another ping pong ball that is not moving, this causes a chain reaction of ping pong balls that bring each other in motion. If two ping pong ball
- Ping Pong is the 28th level in Chip's Challenge 1, and it is well named. The design of the level is indeed similar to a ping-pong table, and you have to move the four blocks in the first room all the way over the water and ice on the left end of the table to access the rest of the chips, avoiding the bouncing pink balls throughout.
- thumb|Die Crew der Voyager spielt ein Ping Pong Doppelspiel. Ping Pong (oder auch Tischtennis) ist eine Sportart von der Erde. Gespielt wird zu zweit gegeneinander oder zu viert im Doppel. Mit Schlägern wird ein kleiner Ball auf einem unterteilten Tisch hin- und hergespielt, bis der Ball vom Gegner nicht mehr regelkonform zurückgespielt werden kann.
- Il tennis tavolo, o tennis da tavolo, o ping pong (insomma, chiamatelo come minchia vi pare) è uno sport per cerebrolesi tra i più praticati al mondo, anche perché vi giocano il 110% dei cinesi. Chi lo pratica, per autoconvincersi di non essere inutile, afferma di praticare uno sport estremo. Può essere svolto a scopi ricreativi da chiunque e a qualsiasi età, basta non essere uno dei giocatori: disponetevi intorno al tavolo e guardate i due (o più) pirla praticare questa insulsa attività e il divertimento è assicurato.
- The USS Voyager held a ping-pong tournament in 2375. Tom Paris invited Seven of Nine to be his doubles partner after William Chapman came down with an apparent case of space sickness. They played against B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim.