| - What the Heck are they? Lightsaber saber saberswords are quite a mouthful to say. But don't go around trying to eat them! The mystery of these swords are shrouded with a whole lot of cheese. Jar Jar Binks discovered the secret of making them when he filled what he thought was a cup with blue chu jelly. Instead of getting poisoned, his head was cleanly zapped off. Now, there are 110 different types of lightsaber saber saberswords: Purple(made from purple chu jelly), Green(made from green chu jelly, and the favorite of Yoda), Red(made from red chu jelly and are used for Valentine's Day gifts), Blue(made from blue chu jelly) and Schmargle-Orange for those who can't count in binary.
| - What the Heck are they? Lightsaber saber saberswords are quite a mouthful to say. But don't go around trying to eat them! The mystery of these swords are shrouded with a whole lot of cheese. Jar Jar Binks discovered the secret of making them when he filled what he thought was a cup with blue chu jelly. Instead of getting poisoned, his head was cleanly zapped off. Now, there are 110 different types of lightsaber saber saberswords: Purple(made from purple chu jelly), Green(made from green chu jelly, and the favorite of Yoda), Red(made from red chu jelly and are used for Valentine's Day gifts), Blue(made from blue chu jelly) and Schmargle-Orange for those who can't count in binary. Why use them? Lightsaber saber saberswords make a tasty treat as well as heal 8 whole hearts! They may electrecute, blow up, or transmorgify yo face, yo mama, yo mama's face, or yo face's mama. Though these things are powerful. They cannot beat the awesomeness of the force. Also, they are relatively hard to turn on since there is only 1 buttons on them: ON. Yoda-green Darth Mall- double sided shopping bag Darth EleVator- red Luke-blue/red/schmargle-orange Jar Jar Binks-schmargle-orange Indiana Jones- Purple Darth Wal*Mart- schmargle-orange Bananaman- Banana flavored R2-D2- blue Obi-wan - blue Bob- who? Deathbybandaid- pink and purple poked dotted