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Back-row physical attacker. She can deal a lot of damage to an enemy.

  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • LUNA
  • LUNA
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Back-row physical attacker. She can deal a lot of damage to an enemy.
  • [[Categor%C3%ADa:Astrología]] [[Categor%C3%ADa:Astrología occidental]] [[Categor%C3%ADa:Planetas]] [[Categor%C3%ADa:Plantilla]]
  • L'article sur LOSTpedia EN
  • Sol systeem, Sol sector (Sector 001), Alfa kwadrant
  • Luna is one of the main protagonists of Zoey - The Pokemon Trainer who debuted in the fifth chapter, as a girl travelling to [[Morrow[[ from the Unova Region.
  • It is unknown if this moon was terraformed, had enclosed colonies or if it was just as simple as people needing space suits.
  • La Luna o Warth fatato è un satellite simile alla Luna del mondo reale.
  • Luna (commonly known as the Moon) is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter.
  • Luna is a diminutive sorceress, now the leader and chief strategist of the Lunataks. Because of her small form, she is carried around and cared for by Amok, her servant.
  • Czas świtu nadszedł A ona nadal świeci Piękna, zmysłowa, tajemnicza I smutna Otulona bólem... Jak najpiękniejsza z najpiękniejszych Niczym ten księżyc W górze, z marzeniami Siedziała zamyślona I zeszła na ziemię Po raz kolejny Styka się Z tą okrutną rzeczywistością I krwawi I przeklina siebie Choć dla mnie zawsze będzie idealna Image:CC-BY-SA icon.svg cc-by-sa
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural del planeta Tierra. Las horas están en UTC.
  • Desde la versión 1.2.4, la luna influye en el poder de la pesca, ya sea aumentándolo o reduciéndolo (mientras más llena esté, mejor para la pesca, y viceversa).
  • Las lunas aparecen en el juego como consecuencia de grandes batallas en un planeta. Los hay una pequeña proabilidad de que los escombros se junten para producir una luna.
  • Luna was seemingly a small child Ratchet and Clank met at the Jowai Resort on Pokitaru, whom was busy doing a school project on heroes. __TOC__
  • Luna was a human colony on Earth's moon. It was an independent government, and was home to the city of Imbrium, as well as the headquarters of Juke Limited.
  • Luna is the Mana Spirit of the moon. She resembles a fairy, with wings behind a teardrop-shape housing a female face holding a glowing sphere. Luna is mysterious and strange, She appears with little character development unlike the others, who have at least a personality associated with them. She tends to be dreamy at most.
  • Luna est l'une des protagonistes durant le jeu Ratchet & Clank: La Taille ça Compte où elle apparaît sous deux jougs différents malgré ces traits de jeune enfant. Elle est tout d'abord, une simple jeune fille qui se fait kidnappé, puis une série d'évênement la propulse au rang d'ennemi numéro 1.
  • Luna este singurul satelit natural al Pământului, și al cincilea ca mărime din Sistemul Solar. Este, totodată, cel mai mare satelit natural al unei planete din Sistemul Solar raportat la mărimile dintre acesta și planeta Pământ, având un sfert din diametrul Pământului și 1/81 din masă. Luna este al doilea satelit ca densitate din Sistemul Solar după Io, unul dintre sateliții lui Jupiter. În rotația sa sincronă în jurul Pământului, Luna prezintă aceeași față a sa, cu mici schimbări. Priveliștea selenară cuprinde conuri vulcanice întunecate, zone de pământ și cratere de impact.
  • Luna is a minor character appearing (to date) only in WarioWare: Touched! She is a young-looking girl with long blue hair tied in a bunch behind her head, who is the evident proprietor of Diamond City's local confectioner's shop, the Sweet Spot. Luna placed 4th for her singing in the weekly Top 5 chart list on Ear Candy, a popular music station on the Diamond Broadcasting System (DBS), suggesting that she may also uphold a musical career.
  • ​ Luna is a Peggle master introduced in Peggle 2.
  • Luna is an Aerial Beauty robo appeared in Custom Robo GX and Custom Robo Arena. She is a Normal Style robo in GX and a Speed Style robo in Arena. It is primarily used by Hitomi in GX, but general NPCs use her in Arena.
  • Luna (lat. für Mond) ist der einzige Trabant der die Erde umrundet. Dieser befindet sich im Sol-System .
  • Luna ist eine braun und rote Schildpattkätzin mit einer weißen Schwanzspitze und grünen Augen.
  • Es el único satélite natural de la Tierra y el quinto satélite más grande del Sistema Solar. Es el satélite natural más grande en el Sistema Solar en relación al tamaño de su planeta, un cuarto del diámetro de la Tierra y 1/81 de su masa, y es el segundo satélite más denso después de Ío.
  • La Luna es un sprite que aparece durante la Noche. La Hierba o los Brotes no crecen bajo la luz de la luna a menos que haya una Antorcha (regular o de Redstone) o de otra fuente de luz artificial cerca, sin embargo tampoco se marchitarán o secarán a la luz de la luna. La Luna ilumina los bloques más altos durante la noche de la misma manera que el Sol que los ilumina durante el día, pero la luna sólo los ilumina a una intensidad luminosa de 4, en lugar de intensidad luminosa de 15 en caso del sol.
  • Luna es probablemente un científico de Black Mesa que estaba alojado en los dormitorios del nivel 3 en el Ala Sur de Black Mesa. Allí él/ella comparte la habitación 304 con Reardon.
  • Ben 10:Revoluccion del Tiempo
  • Claro que es Chilena!
  • Luna's full name is Luna Paws and she trains cats for various shows. She lives in the center lodge in Westwood Lake with her 3 cats, Sunny, Starry and Spacey
  • Date of Death: February 28th, 1865
  • Luna is a planet in the Washu System. It is the only habitable planet in the system and is the only thoroughly explored one. It is home to the nations of Veridia, Sakandia, and Jamakuel. It has an estimated population of under 200,000,000. It is rich in Veridianum, an element used for power that is only found on Luna. It was discovered by Jim McCoy and the crew of Freedom's Journey, where they founded the nation of Veridia. Later, many corporations attempted to establish Veridianum mining operations on the planet, but were ordered off by a coalition of the three nations.
  • Luna znana także jako Księżyc jest jedynym naturalnym satelitą Ziemi. Ludzie zaczęli osiedlać się na Lunie w roku 2080. Ze względów gospodarczych nie został on terraformowany. Księżyc ma niską grawitacją i jest pozbawiony atmosfery. Osiedla na Lunie ma są szczelnie zamknięte i połączone ze sobą tunelami. Przed 2492 organem rządzącym na jedynym naturalnym satelicie Ziemi były Zjednoczone Stany Luny, państwo w morzu księżycowym Mare Nubium (Morze Chmur) , dopóki nie przekształciły się w Stan Mare Nubium . W morzu księżycowym jest położona Akademia OSC, znana także jako Akademia w Mare Nubium.
  • Image:Luna_01.JPG|Luna Maximoff (Earth-616)
  • Luna (also known as Black Boobs and Tuna) (born 2013) is the daughter of Poopyjohn and is the youngest dog currently kept at the Ridgway Residence.
  • Luna - serbska piosenkarka
  • Luna Firewatcher
  • Luna es un miembro del clan Legión Sagrada.
  • Luna is a character of Pokémon: Battle Frontier.
  • Luna is a house cat in Nuka-World in 2287.
  • Luna is the name of Earth's only moon.
  • Luna es una locación ficticia de la novela canónica "Bad Twin", escrita por el pasajero del 815, Gary Troup.
  • Nieve also has a pet rabbit named Luna.
  • Luna is a female Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus who appears in How to Fight a Dragon's Fury. She was Furious's second in command, but when he went away, he left Luna in charge. It is under her reign that the dragons disappear. She is white and glows, hence her name.
  • Luna (plural Lunaj, accusative singular Lunan, accusative plural Lunajn) 1. * (astronomy) lunar
  • Luna is a mistic lolkitten, a protagonist in Lolcats the Prequel, and the first deuteranogist in a lolcat film She appears in the final film as a new member of The LOLs and helps the team defeat Dunecat. She has mental powers so she can see a map to the lair, enemies's profiles and weaknesses, and dangers along the way, all in her mind
  • Una luna, è un qualunque corpo celeste che orbiti attorno ad un corpo diverso da una stella. Tipicamente, i giganti gassosi possiedono estesi sistemi di satelliti, mentre i pianeti terrestri ne hanno pochi. La maggior parte dei satelliti ha avuto origine nella stessa regione del disco protoplanetario in cui ha avuto luogo la formazione del suo corpo madre Tra le lune celebri della galassia di Star Wars spiccano le lune di Yavin ed Endor, su cui si consumò la disfatta dell'Impero Galattico.
  • Sistema Sol, Settore Sol (Settore 001), Quadrante Alfa
  • "Let's fly!" "I hope you know some tricks to steer." "Woah! Not good. Coming through! *Crashes*" "R-rocky P-portal pup I hope Y-you learned how to fly a flying scooter. and portal pup? Please be a good sister and aid the time team in their travels. G-good bye *Dies*"
  • In the year 2001, the first Monolith discovered by Humanity was discovered on the surface of the moon. The Lunar colonies were established in the later half of the 21st century.
  • Luna invariable [ˈluna] 1. * Catégorie:Astronomie Lune, satellite naturel de la Terre * Luna nueva nouvelle Lune * el halo de la Luna le halo de la Lune * Luna llena pleine Lune * Luna creciente o decreciente Lune croissante ou décroissante * ladrar a la Luna litt. 'aboyer à la Lune', manifester bêtement et vainement sa colère contre quelqu'un ou quelque chose que l'on ne peut offenser ou à qui on ne peut causer de tort références * , cartes 843, 844
  • "Tonight? I just woke up! Can't we relax for an hour?" -Luna complains to Fira about the light show Luna is a light-talent fairy who is friends with Fira. She is the glue that keeps Iridessa and Fira together. She appears at the beginning of Fira and the Full Moon.
  • Luna is the less parochial name for The Moon, Earth's only natural satellite. Luna is the fifth largest natural satellite of any celestial body in the Sol system, second only to Charon, relative to its primary. It is also the setting for many works of science fiction.
  • Ellen Ripley was born in Olympia on January 7, 2092.
  • ==== "Awarded to people who raised a dinomon dinosaur that eventually expressed the Space Division phenotype"==== ~Adoptable Guide The Luna is the Space Division Leader and could be awarded when a user got a space division Terasaur or Carnodon.It is now retired.
  • Luna is Commander Zion's wife who is presumed to be dead but Zion still knows that she's alive and living on Earth to guard the body of Le-ar. To stay alive, she communicates with her husband by a projection. She's a stepmother of Cervano, her husband's biological son. After the final battle, she stays on Planet Earth as she guards the destroyed tomb of body of Le-ar and she told Cervano that even after his father's death, he can stay on Earth.
  • "When magic was created, straight from the power of the essence of the universe, it was said to be cold, like space. That is why the Goddess Lunar, although very powerful in magic, was cold herself, and dotted her planet with ice and snow. It is said that Lunar has never known love, and that is why her people are in discord. As the Shamanists and the Eucar grew in their magical powers, so too, would they grow apart in ways. And the planet was renamed, from the plural Lunar (meaning: many love the goddess), to a simpler singular form of the Lunaris language Luna (meaning: only I love the goddess)."
  • The Moon is believed to have been created when a Mars-sized planetesimal (designated Theia by 20th century astrophysicists) collided with Earth in its early history. The first known Moon landing was in 1969. Goddard Moonbase was established in 1997, with permanent settlements established over the next decade. (Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology; TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky) In Star Trek Star Charts, the first lunar colony was establised in 2039.
  • [[Archivo:Jakku-TFA.png|thumb|250px|right|Las lunas de Jakku]] «No es luna luna. Es una estación espacial.» ―Obi-Wan Kenobi, observando la primera Estrella de la Muerte Una luna era un cuerpo celeste que daba vueltas alrededor de un planeta. Un planeta podía tener varias lunas orbitando alrededor de ella, como por ejemplo Hoth o Iego—que fue apodado el "Planeta de las Mil Lunas". Al igual que los planetas, las lunas tenían una variedad de terrenos, de roca estéril a bosques frondosos. Algunas lunas eran habitables, como las lunas de Naboo, que en algún momento tuvo minas de especias.
  • Luna is one of the six elemental witches in Luminous Arc 2: Will, carrying the title of Tide Witch(Witch of Affectionate Water in japanese version).
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