| - The Ship Graveyard was a place where ships were lost, abandoned, and hidden.
- The Ship Graveyard is a location in Final Fantasy V composed of derelict ships, shipwrecks and flotsam. It is located northwest of Carwen, and is only accessible on the first world. A nest of undead creatures presides here, turned undead by Siren, who seeks the souls of wayward sailors.
- A ship graveyard was a region of space dedicated to decommissioned or badly damaged ships, also known as a surplus depot. Surplus Depot Z15 was a Federation example of such a facility. (TNG: "Unification I" , "Unification II" )
- The Ship Graveyard is the 27th Discovery that Vyse can make.
- Nathan Drake was brought to the graveyard after being abducted by Rameses and his pirates. The entire graveyard was controlled by them, and they were possibly using it as their base of operations. On the outer edge of the graveyard Rameses kept his cruise ship, The Seaward.
- This ship graveyard was a massive starship dumping ground located on the edge of the galaxy.