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- Retreat is the thirty-ninth soundtrack of the Complete Recordings of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
- The Retreat was the popular establishment on The Wheel in 137 ABY.
- Retreat — карта из сетевой игры Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. . en:Retreat. Категория:Карты Advanced Warfare
- Retreat is a gameplay concept and combat option from the Heroes of Might and Magic games, which lets your Hero escape from combat. It is similar to the Surrender option, but free, and the hero can't bring their creatures with them. The hero can be bought back through the tavern, but without creatures.
- Retreat is the sixth story arc that spreads from the twenty-sixth to the thirtieth issue of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight series of comic books, a continuation from the television series of the same name.
- A retreat is often mistaken as a withdrawal of military forces upon defeat, or even more so ridiculous, an operation intended to lull the enemy into a false sense of security. It is in fact, the athletic predecessor to running on the Olympic scale. When an army faces its enemy, it may decide to approach their forces and just when they open fire upon their advance, they immediately turn around and run back to the nearest base without getting wounded or killed. __TOC__
- Retreat is the twenty-fifth episode of Cybertron. It first aired in the United States on October 21, 2005 on Cartoon Network.
- Retreat is a Fast command on Bakugan Dimensions. You move back when it is used.
- Retreating is the act of disengaging from combat. Both player characters and monsters can retreat during combat, but only after the first three rounds. Because of this, it is often desirable in Player Killing to be able to kill your opponent in these first three rounds of combat before they are able to retreat. Also because of this, aggressive monsters are much more dangerous in RuneScape Classic than in RuneScape 2 as a player could potentially be killed before they have a chance to retreat.
- From: [[]] Return to the saner streets of London. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
- Retreat, or retreating, is a tactic that some monsters implement when their Hitpoints falls below a certain level where they try to run away. This behaviour makes safespotting less than ideal for these monsters. Most monsters will retreat if you walk out of their roaming area and attack them with a long-ranged weapon. They might retreat even though they normally wouldn't.
- While not actually a Psynergy that is mandatory to beat either game, it can be a huge boon to any party wanting to leave a dungeon without having to backtrack through it. One of the best examples of this is the Tundaria Tower dungeon, where the true prize is located at the beginning but can only be obtained with a special item found at the top. Another good example is after Isaac and Garet first meet with the Wise One and learn that the Sol Sanctum is about to collapse and are told to exit the dungeon. As there are no enemies during that segment, meaning no chance for experience, using Retreat here saves some time. It can also be useful during the beginning of a game, if your party of Adepts are injured and you need to return to an inn and want to avoid as many monsters as possible.
- The Retreat is a cabin constructed by Bruce Banner in order to temporarily house gifted individuals.
- Retreat is a special command available to most units that is used to have have the selected squad attempt to remove itself from battle. When commanded to retreat, the selected squad(s) will stop combat and run straight back to your headquarters. During this time, the squad will break and become immune to suppression, take 80% less damage from ranged attacks, 30% more damage from melee attacks, and will gradually move faster over time on the way back to the base.
- Retreat, or retreating, is a tactic that some monsters implement when their life points falls below a certain level where they try to run away. This behaviour makes safe spotting less than ideal for these monsters. Most monsters will retreat if you walk out of their roaming area and attack them with a long-ranged weapon, they might retreat even though they normally wouldn't. Monsters that retreat:
- The Retreat was the name given to the mass migration of elves from Faerûn to Evermeet. It was instigated by the Elven Court in 1344 DR. During the Retreat, over ninety percent of the elves in the forest of Cormanthor migrated to Evermeet or Evereska. When the elves abandoned the forest, they left behind legions of green warders, who continued to guard the burial sites and ancient groves that the elves had forsook.
- After attempting to create a road-kill situation we accidentally found our way to an abandoned mill. From the outside it smelled of excrement and defeat. At this point we should have thought twice, but having only time to think once before beginning the looting we were stupid enough to enter. The ice and cold had us on the back foot. That is code-speak for ‘on the break and shitting ourselves’. Fortunately, we had some logs and kindling that we had “appropriated” from a vendor in the previous village. The vendor, a tall, wide chap some 40 metres high and approximately 60 years old according to his rings, could barely stand up to our hefty ax for half an hour. We started the fire with said kindling and logs with immediate effect and The Bookkeeper opened a book on the first member to run aw
- Retreat in A&A is very limited. The only defending units that can retreat in A&A are submarines (and even they can't in AA50. The attacker can retreat except in Amphibious Invasions (in all versions except AA1 supporting aircraft can retreeat). The ability of the attacker to retreat gives a significant advantage to the attacker, who can take risky attacks and breakoff if they go badly. It also allows spoiling attacks where the attacker retreats to avoid being stuck in vulnerable position. Here are a number of possible retreat variants: