| - Wreckers was one of Groups of Autobots Who Led By Impactor in Kingdom Hearts: Aqua's Journey and Kingdom Hearts: Dark Of The Wars, And then Leading By Sky Lynx in The Universe XP Kingdom Hearts Series.
- Wreckers were individuals and/or groups of people who, living on a particularly rocky (or otherwise very dangerous) coast, used misleading fires and other tricks to intentionally lure passing vessels on dark nights into thinking that a safe haven awaited them, rather than the inevitable shipwrecking that actually occurred. The wreckers would then board any wrecks and loot the disabled ships of anything of value, while making sure that everyone who had been aboard was dead - even if that meant actually killing, out of hand, any surviving passengers or crew.
| - Wreckers was one of Groups of Autobots Who Led By Impactor in Kingdom Hearts: Aqua's Journey and Kingdom Hearts: Dark Of The Wars, And then Leading By Sky Lynx in The Universe XP Kingdom Hearts Series.
- Wreckers were individuals and/or groups of people who, living on a particularly rocky (or otherwise very dangerous) coast, used misleading fires and other tricks to intentionally lure passing vessels on dark nights into thinking that a safe haven awaited them, rather than the inevitable shipwrecking that actually occurred. The wreckers would then board any wrecks and loot the disabled ships of anything of value, while making sure that everyone who had been aboard was dead - even if that meant actually killing, out of hand, any surviving passengers or crew. Slightly more benign wreckers were those people who, living on naturally very dangerous coastlines, simply let nature take its course, and then helped themselves to the contents of any ships they found wrecked along their shores. These wreckers might, or might not, kill (or sell into slavery) any survivors. Dangerous waters were often the hunting ground for both wreckers and pirates (who might, in fact, be the same people). There were a number of particularly well-known "wreckers' coasts" - e.g., the "Wreckers' Coast" of eastern Assail and the coasts of the Confederacy of Free Cities, which were located along the southern coastline of Genabackis.