- Dark Warriors are a type of monster that can be found either at the Dark Warriors' Fortress located between level 11 - 15 wilderness, or inside Strange Barrels inside the Kharazi Jungle dungeon. These monsters are known to drop two unique black items: the Black Mace, and the Medium Black Helmet. They are followers of the god Zamorak.
- Dark warriors are found in the Dark Warriors' Fortress, a castle in level 12 to 16 Wilderness north-west of Edgeville. There are a mix of combat level 8 and 145 on the ground floor and only combat level 8 dark warriors on the first floor. They are always aggressive, regardless of a player's combat level. They are usually are more annoying than an actual threat to players, and have higher defence than their combat level suggests. Dark warriors are known for uniquely occasionally dropping black maces and black med helms. they also drop adamant med helms
- Dark warriors have been in their castle in the Wilderness since Runescape Classic, yet there has been no quest objective involving them as of yet. Not much is known about them, however they are most likely affiliated with the Kinshra due to the fact that you can find Elite dark warriors, mages, and rangers guarding alongside Elite black knights in the Black Knights' Catacombs under the Black Knights' Fortress
- Dark warrioreita löytää dark warriors fortrestistä. Dark warriorit ovat 8 lvl ja niillä on 18 hp:tä. Ne käyttävät suojanaan iron med helmia, platebodya, platelegseja, sekä aseenaan iron longswordia. Dark warriors fortres on 15lvl wildernesissä, mutta jos sinne menee kannattaa varoa sillä, siellä linnaan ilmestyy aina joku revenant, jonkun ajan välein. Itse olen nähnyt siellä revenant werewolf 75lvl, revenant pyrefiend 52lvl, revenant knight 126lvl, revenant goblin 30,15lvl sekä revenant imp 7lvl. Myös linnan ulkopuolelle on ilmestynyt revenant pyrefiendejä jotka jahtaavat pitkälle korpimaata poismenomatkalla