| - Andros is a merchant lord and ambassador for House Whitehill. He appears in Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series.
- Andros is the country (often called the Great Country) of men and elves. It is a few hours to the shore of the land. It has many cities, including Laslos, Annoras, Ilannor, Carnolin, and Port Nallorn. It holds up 63% of men in the world, and 35% of elves.
- Andros is the Red Space Ranger of the Space Rangers and the brother of Astronema/Karone. He is a human from a space colony KO-35, and possesses telekinesis. When the Turbo Rangers left the Earth after their Command Center was destroyed, Andros found them and (after some convincing) gave them the other four Astro Morphers. Andros is the first Red Ranger to gain a Battlizer. Retroactively, he is also referred to as Space Red Ranger or In Space Red Ranger- variations on his in-show labels, though the latter is more in reference to the show itself than a proper label.
- An Atlantean.
- Andros liegt direkt an der Westküste Cardolans.
- thumb|Andros. thumb|Palatul de pe Andros. Andros este planeta a Laylei. Este o planetă care în principal este acoperit cu apă galbenă cu insule împădurite, ca insula a lui Nabu. Insula Natros, conţine un vulcan, insula Guanaco este, de asemenea, de origine vulcanică, şi insula neagră, foarte vulcanică. Există piraţi în aceste insule. Există, de asemenea, ruine de edificii sus şi jos apei, decât oricând au fostă explicate. Andros este guvernat de Regele Teredor şi Regina Niobe, care sunt părinţii Laylei.
- Andros was the Red Space Ranger. He, along with the other Space Rangers, encountered the Ninja Turtles in the episode Shell Shocked. He later appeared in 2016's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VS Power Rangers: Ultimate Hero Clash!
- Andros is a senior officer and first mate of the crew Rudder Duckies.
- Andros was a desert elf slave in Vanna and was responsible for training young slaves such as Dusty for service in the homes of the rich and elite Sarquil. It was said that he was possibly the last desert elf alive who remembered the days before the desert elves were conquered and enslaved by the Sarquil. He let The Three into Vanna during the Grand Alliance's quest to depose Adela al-Saif and was killed by Lucky in 1017 AE for having witnessed Brutus's murder. His death touched many fellow slaves, most notably Imam Nisiopi who swore to find a way to free their people from the Sarquil tribes.
- Tyrann származású férfi. Őrnagyi rangban szolgált a Tyrann hadseregben. Forrás: ALAPÍTVÁNY ÉS ASIMOV – Részletek az Enciklopédia Galaktikából (1997-2007) - Galaktikus Könyvtár 1. kötet Az eredeti szócikket összeállította: Heim Attila, átdolgozta és feltöltötte: Györgyi Ákos. Cikksorszám:0036 A szócikk az alábbi mű alapján készült: Isaac Asimov: A csillagok, akár a por Kategória:Emberek Kategória:Robotok-Birodalom-Alapítvány
- The home planet of the Androsi. It is located in the Na-Drei System.
- Andros à des cheveux assez longs qu'on croirait une fille , il a des yeux verts clairs , un gilet argenté qui fait mal au yeux tellement qu'il est brillant.
- Andros is Aisha, Nabu and Roy's home world. It is the Realm of Oceans and is connected to all oceans in the Magic Dimension.
- Andros kommt vom Planeten KO-35 sowie seine Schwester Karone und sein Freund Zhane. Mit seinem Astro Megaschiff ist Andros auf der suche nach Zordon und seiner Schwester die auf KO-35 entführt wurde. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Ranger Kategorie:Rote Ranger
- Andros jest Czerwonym Kosmicznym Rangersem (ang. Red Space Ranger) oraz jednym z głównych bohaterów Sagi Zordona, choć pojawia się pierwszy raz w serii Power Rangers w kosmosie, której to jest główną postacią.
- Andros was an island in the Bahamas. Though claimed by Great Britain, the island was mainly inhabited by smugglers and pirates.
- Andros is a minor character seen in The New Adventures of He-Man.
- Andros grew up with his sister, Karone, on the space colony of KO-35. However one day, she was kidnapped by the bounty hunter, Darkonda, and he swore to find her again. After becoming a teenager, Andros and his friend, Zhane, were chosen to become Power Rangers, Andros the Red Ranger and Zhane the Silver Ranger. The two were a great team but things went awry for them during an enormous assault on KO-35 by the forces of evil. During the battle, Zhane was badly injured by a monster and Andros placed him in a cryo-chamber on the Astro Megaship to keep him alive in the hope he would one day recover.
- Full name Class Nationality First appearanceMagic's Price (novel) Herald Andros escorted the elderly Bard Stefen to the Forest of Sorrows on his way to the nearby Temple. When Stefen vanished, Andros looked for him until his Companion removed knowledge of the Bard from his mind, insisting that Andros was suffering from sunstroke.
- It is a planet that is predominantly covered in water with a few jungle islands, like the Omega Portal, the Island of Nadu, the Island of Nantros, which contains a volcano, the Island of Guanaco, which also is volcanic and the Black Island which is very volcanic. There are also pirates around these islands. There are also the ruins of buildings above and below the water which were never explained. The comic series revealed that Andros has problems with piracy in many parts of the realm. There is even a pirate hidden.
- When Andros was a child, his sister, Karone, was kidnapped by Darkonda. Andros made it his goal to find his sister. As a teenager on KO-35, the rebels chose Andros and his best friend Zhane to take on the mantle of being Power Rangers. After becoming the Red Space Ranger, he and Zhane, the Silver Space Ranger, teamed up to defend the galaxy, on the request of the sage, Zordon. On one mission, Zhane was mortally wounded and Andros kept him alive by freezing him and keeping him a special chamber inside Andros' spaceship, the Astro Megaship.