| - There are a number of languages in Lovia. English is the sole official language and is by far the most widely spoken. It is recognized in the highest law, the Constitution as the "national language". The variety of English spoken by the Lovians is Lovian English, "defined as a variety of American English, sharing its orthography and grammar, and most of its pronunciation and vocabulary, supplemented with lexical and grammatical features that are generally recognized as Lovian and that are understandable to all Lovians." The language of Oceana (Narasha 'Oshenna) is a unique language spoken only in Lovia. It is spoken by parts of the traditional population of Hurbanova and the southeast of the country, and originated in a mix of immigrant languages, mainly Slovak and Polish, and English. At
| - There are a number of languages in Lovia. English is the sole official language and is by far the most widely spoken. It is recognized in the highest law, the Constitution as the "national language". The variety of English spoken by the Lovians is Lovian English, "defined as a variety of American English, sharing its orthography and grammar, and most of its pronunciation and vocabulary, supplemented with lexical and grammatical features that are generally recognized as Lovian and that are understandable to all Lovians." The language of Oceana (Narasha 'Oshenna) is a unique language spoken only in Lovia. It is spoken by parts of the traditional population of Hurbanova and the southeast of the country, and originated in a mix of immigrant languages, mainly Slovak and Polish, and English. At last, there is a variety of immigrant languages in Lovia, spoken at home or in minority communities. Dutch is the most prominent, due to the Lovian Royal Family's ancestry and recent Libertan migrations. The Bredish language is a large regional language spoken in Clymene by approximately 7,000 people.