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- 300 is a song by Detach M-STYLE. The song uses samples from the song Everybody (We Are Loud) by Rick Tonic. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- El tres cientos (291) es el número natural que sigue al 299 y precede al 301. Categoría:Números
- Dilios, a Spartan soldier, narrates-8N3P84P7PCN89RCMP9T34CTNWKT4IWT-------THIS SECTION HAS BEEN EATEN BY GOOMBAS CUZ IT'S LONG AND OR BORING. --------- army, beginning the battle of Plataea.
- Guió i Dibuix: Frank Miller. Color: Lynn Varley. Traducció: Laura Casanovas. Edita: Norma Editorial. Any d'edició: 2008. ISBN: 978-84-9847-346. Format: 96 pàg. en color. Cartoné. Preu: 19,50 €.
- "Right lads, 10,000,000 of them, 300 of us, I make that pimms O'Clock!!"
- King Leonidas leads 300 soldiers of the Spartan Army against 15,000 untrained soldiers of the Persian Army, Militia and Xerxe's private military force and security.
- nuvi 300 występuje w kilku wersjach, różniących się od siebie regionem fabrycznie załadowanej mapy Europy.
- thumb 300 es una película estadounidense épica-de acción y una adaptación de la serie limitada de cómics del mismo nombre. Describe la historia del Rey Espartano Leónidas y sus 300 guerreros espartanos que pelearon a muerte contra el "Dios-Rey" Persa Jerjes I y su armada de más de 100.000 soldados. Debido al furor de la batalla, la reina espartana Gorgo intentó conseguir el apoyo de Esparta por parte del Senado Espartano.
- 300 is an American graphic novel about 300 Spartans facing a one-million Persians, which are led by, Xerxes, or "God-king," the king of Sparta, Leonidas says.
- [[Plik:SN858389.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 12 na linii 300 na krańcu Metro Wilanowska (2014)]] [[Plik:A311-300.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 10 na linii 300 na krańcu Tor Służewiec (2008)]] 300 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Metra Wilanowska na Tor Służewiec, zapewniając bezpośrednie połączenie na teren toru wyścigów konnych. Linię obsługuje ajent MobilisKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Mobilis.
- If this was the intended motive, then we, the reviewing staff of Wikiality.com, feel Snyder failed in his goals. We feel the casting choices work more to give the entire film a somewhat surreal quality. To better see this, consider Snyder's choices for each of the following roles:
- 300, a predominant black disciple movement, that consists of various gang members from a mixture of places like O'Block, Whiz City, BlackGate and Front$treet and numerous Black Disciple sets cliqued up in one. Sets like AMG, DoggPound and Dipset, all combine with Lamron to form 300. Members also claim OTF, which is all the same thing. 300 is confused as a set, even though it could very well be served as one. The movement became huge over time, which resulted in the BDK movement to go against all sets that were down with the 300 movement. The BDK movement was lead by Lil JoJo, and Bricksquad.
- Trezentos é um blog coletivo. Muitos autores, muitos temas e muitas visões. O que nos une? Que a vida não se limita as relações de mercado. Que profundas transformações estão em curso e a turbulência já foi percebida. A sociedade é conflito e equilíbrio. Estamos aqui no ciberespaço, um lugar demasiadamente amplo, um não-lugar, o espaço dos fluxos. Uma realidade virtual que permite articular nossas ações presenciais. Não estamos em uma garganta. Não pretendemos defender nenhum estreito. Não gostamos de gatekeepers e de todos aqueles que querem diminuir ou bloquear a liberdade e a diversidade cultural. Somos trezentos e queremos passar, gostamos de compartilhar nossas idéias, defendemos as redes P2P. Por isso, não somos de Esparta. Somos amigos do Mário. Que Mario? Aquele que… “Eu sou trezen
- 300 is a fictionalized account of the three hundred Spartans who held the pass at Thermopylae against over a million Persian soldiers. It takes the form of a 1998 Frank Miller comic and its 2006 movie adaptation starring Gerard Butler. (They are pretty much the same, but the movie ironically has a lot more bolded Capslock of Rage than the one that's actually written down on paper.) They are remembered mostly for the one-liners. While some aspects of the series are heavily fantastical and dramatized, the basic plot does follow the events of the actual engagement.
- The 300 were formed by Leonidas in 300 B.C. to kill all of the random guys that dared cross Sparta. Nobody knows why Leonidas only chose 300 men when thousands were willing to join. It is this shortage of soldiers that causes these guys to lose as often as they do.
- Despite the warning, Leonidas gathers 300 of his best soldiers to fight the Persians, selecting only those who have already sired male children, so that their family name can continue even after their death. As they march north, they are joined by a group of Arcadians and other Greeks. Arriving at the narrow cliffs of Thermopylae (referred to as the "Hot Gates"), in sight of the Persian army, they build a wall to contain the Persians' advance immediately in front of their position. Ephialtes, a hunchbacked Spartan whose parents had fled to save him from customary infanticide, approaches Leonidas, requesting to redeem his father's name in battle, and warning him about a secret goat path that the Persians could use to outflank them, and surround them. Leonidas turns him away because he is un
- Julia Hoffman finds Victoria Winters staring at the sunset in the Drawing room at Collinwood. Victoria has another date with Burke Devlin, although she confesses to having experienced a disturbing dream in the night. Julia is alarmed to hear that Victoria dreamt of someone in her room, and that, when she woke, Josette's music box was playing.
- 300 wird aus der Sicht von einem Soldaten aus Sparta namens Dilios erzählt. Die Spartaner sind ein gnadenloses Kämpfervolk, die schwächliche Neugeborene gleich nach der Geburt töten und ihre Söhne ein unglaublich hartes Training vollziehen lassen. Dilios erzählt von einem Kind, das mit 15 Jahren in die Wildnis geschickt wurde - allein. Dort besiegt er einen wilden Wolf und ist viele Jahre später als König Leonidas I. bekannt.
- According to RiffTrax.com: "A small band of brave men struggle against enormous odds, battling a superior force, and though ultimately they are defeated their sacrifice becomes a source of inspiration and hope that rings out like a clarion call through the pages of history. But enough about the Mighty Ducks. 300, in contrast, is about a gang of shirtless and immoral baby-killing idiots who hack up a larger group of idiots on some cliff in Greece a couple of thousand years ago. To a soundtrack of ersatz Nine Inch Nails.
- Η επιλογή του συγκεκριμένου θέματος από το συγκεκριμένο σχεδιαστή δεν ήταν καθόλου τυχαία, καθώς Miller comes from the Greek word μήλο, which means apple. Αυτό, εκτός των άλλων, εξηγεί το λόγο για τον οποίο ο στρατηγός Λεωνίδας τρώει, σε άσχετο σημείο της ταινίας, ένα μήλο.
- Le cheval de bataille actuel de la société Origin Jumpworks GmbH est la série 300, des vaisseaux de chasse luxueux. Il est à mettre au crédit de ce constructeur que de tels termes ne constituent plus intrinsèquement une contradiction : les lignes fluides et aérodynamiques données au métal argenté mis à nu offertes aux 300 évoquent un travail technique et artistique harmonieux et les plus parfaites machines à tuer créées par l’homme. Chaque élément d’un vaisseau de cette série semble personnalisé, des missiles attachés à des points d’emports encastrés aux armes montées harmonieusement... Ainsi, bien sûr, ce sont des milliers d'heures qui ont été nécessaires pour le développement de chaque élément individuel du vaisseau spatial. La société est réputer payer des millions de crédits de bonus a
- Roman und Deniz kommen sich näher, was Mike interessiert beobachtet. Er lässt die Gelegenheit nicht aus und provoziert Marian mit der sexuellen Orientierung seines Sohnes. Doch Marian reagiert cool und nimmt Deniz sogar in Schutz. Doch ist Marians Toleranz wirklich ernst gemeint? Axel kann nicht fassen, dass jemand das Band der Überwachungskamera ausgetauscht hat. Kurzerhand nimmt er die Villa auseinander und sucht nach einem Hinweis auf den Verbleib der DVD. Tatsächlich findet er ein Indiz, das daraufhin deutet, dass die Steinkamps ihm die DVD entwendet haben. Axel glaubt, die Täter gefunden zu haben, als er Maximilian entdeckt. Plötzlich fällt es ihm wie Schuppen von den Augen... Jenny sucht völlig aufgelöst Halt bei Julian, da sie glaubt, ihre Mutter ins Gefängnis gebracht zu haben. Tat
- thumb|258px 300 es una película estadounidense épica-de acción de 2007 dirigida por Zack Snyder. Es la adaptación cinematográfica de la serie limitada de cómics del mismo nombre de Frank Miller, la cual relata la Batalla de las Termópilas. Miller sirvió como productor ejecutivo y consultor. La película fue rodada en su mayoría con una técnica de súperimposición de croma, para ayudar a reproducir las imágenes del cómic original.
- The film opens with the inspection of Leonidas as a baby, followed by his admission into the Agoge at age 7. His trials in the Agoge are briefly touched on, showcasing him brawling with other Spartan boys and by age 15 is left out in the wilderness alone. It is alluded to that the rest of Sparta presumes him to be dead. It is at this point he's confronted by a large wolf and fearlessly defeats it. He returns to Sparta, claiming his kingship in the process. Years later, Sparta is approached by an emissary and his guards who warns of the impending defeat of Sparta by Xerxes and his Persian army. Leonidas, now grown and married with a young boy, defies Xerxes by killing the emissarys body guards and casting them all in addition to the emissary into a bottomless pit. Leonidas then seeks the ap