| - Republic Manufacturing and Shipping was established approximately 200 BBY as one of the Republic's prime shipping corporations. In 11 ABY, RMS came under the directorship of Daana Roon by stock manipulations, secretly aided by Lando Calrissian. The company soon became the target of the Galactic Empire, with the Black Stars squadron attacking and seizing the company's flagship, RMS Daedilus, after they mistakenly assumed RMS had affiliated itself with the New Republic. In the wake of the attack, those stock manipulations have been partly revealed, forcing Daana to surrender her position as CEO, and large parts of the stock indeed were brought back up by the Bank of the New Republic. The evidence was not enough to bring forth charges in a court.
| - Republic Manufacturing and Shipping was established approximately 200 BBY as one of the Republic's prime shipping corporations. In 11 ABY, RMS came under the directorship of Daana Roon by stock manipulations, secretly aided by Lando Calrissian. The company soon became the target of the Galactic Empire, with the Black Stars squadron attacking and seizing the company's flagship, RMS Daedilus, after they mistakenly assumed RMS had affiliated itself with the New Republic. In the wake of the attack, those stock manipulations have been partly revealed, forcing Daana to surrender her position as CEO, and large parts of the stock indeed were brought back up by the Bank of the New Republic. The evidence was not enough to bring forth charges in a court. The company continued to operate as of 15 ABY, although the dramatic change in the Republic's fortunes heavily reduced the RMS's operations.
- Republic Manufacturing and Shipping was established approximately 200 BBY as one of the Republic's prime shipping corporations. In 11 ABY, RMS came under the directorship of Daana Roon by stock manipulations, secretly aided by Lando Calrissian. The company soon became the target of the Galactic Empire, with the Black Stars squadron attacking and seizing the company's flagship, RMS Daedilus, after they mistakenly assumed RMS had affiliated itself with the New Republic. In the wake of the attack, those stock manipulations have been partly revealed, forcing Daana to surrender her position as CEO, and large parts of the stock indeed were brought back up by the Bank of the New Republic. The evidence was not enough to bring forth charges in a court. The company continued to operate as of 15 ABY, although the dramatic change in the Republic's fortunes heavily reduced the RMS's operations. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.