| - Reordination is a 10th-level ritual introduced in Faith & Heresy.[Dr397] The ritual of reordination is an important tool for religions that accept converts among their clergy and that have a forgiving nature toward those who recant heresy. It can be used by nonplayer characters as well as by player characters to welcome a penitent heretic back into the fold. The ritual of reordination is a powerful tool, so its secrets are not commonly revealed to anyone outside a church's formal hierarchy. Gaining access to it calls for either completing a quest to prove your worthiness or winning the trust of the church's leaders in some other way. This ritual aligns someone already invested with divine power with the deity or faith for which the ritual was created. It could be a deity that a person strayed from and wishes to return to, or it might be a different faith altogether. It cannot be performed by the character who is being reordained, but that character can assist. In most cases, the candidate for reordination is expected to complete a quest to prove his or her commitment to the new faith before the ritual is used. Upon completion of the ritual, its subject becomes associated with the appropriate deity, allowing him or her to select feats, powers, or any other class options requiring that tie. That person’s previous association is dissolved, along with access to any related feats, powers, or other class options. If the ritual’s subject is converting to a new deity, a single channel divinity feat associated with his or her former deity can be immediately exchanged for an appropriate one. For example, if a character previously worshiped Avandra and had the Avandra’s Rescue feat, the character immediately loses the ability to use that feat but can automatically replace it with Raven Queen’s Blessing, if the Raven Queen is the character’s new patron deity. In addition, once the ritual is complete, the reordained character becomes vaguely aware of the existence and number of any agents (for example, angels, avengers, or other clerics) who have been charged with destroying him or her for crimes of heresy or apostasy. This awareness sharpens when such beings come within 1 mile of the character, but it does not identify or locate them. The awareness lasts for 7 days.