| - Calumon is an Animal Digimon whose name is derived from "To come"(来る"Kuru"). According to Chiaki J. Konaka's notes, Calumon was originally going to be named "Kululumon"(クルルモン). It bears the Zero Unit on its forehead, and has a habit of ending all of its sentences with "~culu".
- Calumon is extremely cute, and loves to play with humans, especially Takato and Guilmon. He dislikes not having anybody to play with, as well as getting tortured by Impmon. When Calumon is happy, his ears sprout up, but when he's sad, his ears shrink.
- Calumon sind kleine, weiße Heilige Tierdigimon mit recht großen, ausfahrbaren Ohren, die ihnen sogar das Fliegen ermöglichen. Sie stellen die Verkörperung des Lichtes der Digitation dar und sind daher unermesslich wichtig und wertvoll in der Digiwelt, kommen aber deswegen auch nur sehr selten vor. Charakterlich sind sie nett, verspielt und ein wenig kindisch-naiv.
- Calumon is an Animal Digimon whose name is derived from "To come" (来る "Kuru"?). Calumon helps with Digivolution, and it doesn't have a attribute, it is neither data, virus or vaccine. One Calumon plays a major role in season 3 of the anime.
- Calumon is an Animal Digimon whose name is derived from "To come" (来る "Kuru"?). According to Chiaki J. Konaka's notes, Calumon was originally going to be named "Kululumon" (クルルモン "Kululumon"?). It bears the Zero Unit on its forehead, and has a habit of ending all of its sentences with "~culu".