| - See also:
- Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
- Savage fue un Auror que, con el propósito de reforzar la seguiridad del Colegio Hogwarts, fue destinado a Hogsmeade junto a los aurores Nymphadora Tonks, John Dawlish y Proudfoot durante el año escolar que comenzó en junio de 1996.
- A savage is a wild, uncivilized, barbaric person. Usually more anamalistic than human in lifestyle and thinking, they are primitive at best, simplistic in their methods of life, war, thought, and speech. They cannot be reasoned with. They possess a herd mentality, a primal urge to feed, and a ferocity in combat.
- Savage (2009) is a 6-minute movie directed by Lisa Jackson.
- El Savage es un helicóptero militar que aparece en el modo Online de Grand Theft Auto V, como parte de la Actualización de Atracos. Es operado por Merryweather.
- Savage is a prefix that can appear on Magic Items, providing a moderate bonus to Damage.
- [Source] Savage is a Outcast in DreamWorks Dragons.
- Savage est un Auror.
- Savage was an LAPD officer on duty during Day 1
- Savage is a wild boar living in the forest. It's mostly a very gentle, simple-minded animal except when it's upset. A wild boar that walks around grunting restlessly. Its rough-looking tusks make it hard to believe it was cute as a baby.
- "Savage" is the insane and powerful Dark Hunter who was unluckily mutated by Visorak venom.
- Image:Savage.pngSavage is the Mastery Skill for wolves. It triples Strength and halves enemy's Skill for one turn. It has an activation rate of the user's skill as a percentage. It takes up 30 skill capacity. Nailah comes with this skill already equipped.
- Savage is a former e-wrestler who competed for Lords of Pain Wrestling.
- Name: Savage Run Time: 4:43 Year: 1976
* The Collection
- SAVAGE is Maar Sul's elite military corps and has a base in Maar Sul City. It has several branches, and was originally the Maar Sulais Home Guard in the time of Kagetsu Aurelac de Maar Sul.
- A very large, very nasty creature made by Oyster Man, consisting of ring tailed lemur, komodo dragon, and mountain gorilla DNA. The reason savages are named so is because of the way they act.
- Savage – śmigłowiec występujący w Grand Theft Auto V, który został dodany w aktualizacji Napady. Jego producent jest nieznany. Savage jest wzorowany na radzieckim śmigłowcu Mi-24. Dysponuje on świetnym przyspieszeniem i bardzo dobrą prędkością maksymalną. Ma również świetną zwrotność. Jest to pojazd czteroosobowy. Na swoich bokach posiada cztery wyrzutnie rakiet.
- Savage is a sequel series to Invasion! telling the further exploits of Bill Savage, after the exploits of (in chronological order) Disaster 1990 and Invasion!.
- The Savage interaction is only available to Werewolves. Once initiated, the werewolf attacks the non-werewolf, initiating a fight. During the fight, lycanthrophy is transferred to the victim. If not close friends or lovers, the victim will become furious at the attacker. If they are close friends or lovers, the attacker will gain relationship points, and the victim will lose relationship points. If a werewolf from another family is on your lot, you can influence them to fight with another Sim, like any other sim can be influenced this way. However, because you have influenced a werewolf, it will count as a savage, and thus turning the sim you wanted the werewolf to fight with into a werewolf themself.
- This character is wild and difficult to control. It must end its move adjacent to an enemy if it can (if it can’t reach an enemy, it moves normally). If it starts its turn adjacent to an enemy, it must end its turn adjacent to an enemy, though that need not be the same character (although if it moves to do so, it might provoke attacks of opportunity). If it defeats an adjacent enemy before moving, the Savage character does not have to move adjacent to another enemy. A Savage character is not subject to commander effects.
- A Savage state is a Rage Power Interaction that causes Rage Combos to inflict additional damage. Rage Combos restore power to the player in Damage role. The Rage Combos from Dreadful Blast, Eviscerating Chain, Frenzy, Outrage and Revenge can activate the Savage state and also cause additional damage while in a Savage state.
- Savages are huge champion melee fighters first encountered hiding in alleys and behind buildings in the Tower District. They can present a challenge for an unprepared player stumbling into them. Fortunately they are frequently guarding treasure.
- Savage is a former Outcast and was Alvin the Treacherous's top lieutenant who is exclusive to the TV series. He is voiced by Paul Rugg. Halfway through Defenders of Berk, he joined Dagur the Deranged and the Berserker Tribe. Savage returns in Race to the Edge as Dagur's lieutenant before heading off on his own as a bounty hunter.
- Savage (Dziki) był kiedyś Toa, ale został złapany i zatruty przez Visoraki, zmieniając się w Toa Hordika. Jego towarzysze nie poznali go i zaatakowali, myśląc, że to wrogi potwór. To zakończyło całkowicie transformację - poważnie poranił swych przyjaciół. DH odnaleźli i wcielili go w swoje szeregi. TSO przekonał go, że to przez Toa stał się potworem, więc teraz może się na nich zemścić. Oprócz znakomitych zdolności łowieckich, Savage posiada Rhotuka paraliżujący przeciwnika i trójpazur, mogący przeciąć ciało stałe z taką siłą, że sie roztopi. Czasem popada w szaleństwo - DH zamykają go wówczas w lochach, póki się nie uspokoi.
- The usual Quenya wort for barbarian or savage is calimbo but other terms from the elven tongues sometimes translated as barbarian are glam (loud, cruel,usually referring to Orcs), balc(h) (cruel, wild), bereg (wild), rhovan (wilderness) and baug (cruel, savage).
- Savage — auror, który razem z Nimfadorą Tonks, Johnem Dawlishem i Proudfottem stacjonował w Hogsmeade w 1996 roku, w celu zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa uczniów Hogwartu.
- The Savage is a military helicopter gunship featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Heists Update.
- The story begins with Clayton, a young human child, wandering a forest while his parents (probably drunk) sit around a campfire with his friends. His siblings should be watching him, but as long as he comes back when called they are much happier having him wander around. Clayton is looking for a werewolf he spotted earlier that summer. Clay's siblings often told stories of such things, hoping to scare him, but secretely Clay envied them; the monsters feared nothing...they were feared. Clay finds the old werewolf in human form and apparently convinces him to turn Clay. The man returns in wolf form, and apparently curious as to how Clay will react bites him. To the werewolf's shock, Clay seems content. With his fun over, the werewolf lunges, trying to rid himself of the inconvenient child. O
- Aina välillä muutama Verdanthilainen saa kyvyn ymmärtää eläimien kieltä. Mutta Savage oli erikoinen. Hänestä tuli orpo kun maanjäristys iski hänen kotiinsa, ja on siitä lähtien elänyt eläimien kanssa ja erossa älyllisistä otuksista... kunnes tuli Crogenitor Astra. Astra muunteli verdanthilaisia omiin tarkoituksiinsa, ja hämmentyi kun huomasi Savagen kyvyn puhua eläimille.
- "Savage" was a term used to imply that the subject was more primitive or less civilised than the speaker. Sometimes the term was used neutrally or even warmly, and in other contexts, it had a pejorative edge. On a planet visited by the First Doctor, the Elders dismissed those who lived outside the confines of their cities as savages to justify their medical exploitation of that group. (TV: The Savages)
- Savage is the main alter-Ego of this character as he is the first and seen the most. He is a Neo-Nazi hell bent on creating a movement and is slowly succeeding. His wrestling Career is featured in two promotions. In LPW (Lords of Pain Wrestling) he hasn't quite taken off as a superstar but he is slowly showing he can hang with the best of them. In GIW (Global Impact Wrestling) He so far has yet to be beaten and it seemed like this company would be a small footnote in his career without much significance until the company re-opened and he now looks to win the world title tournament.
- The Savage (first name "Frank") was a highly trained CIA operative that worked in North and South Vietnam during the War years, mainly during Operation Phoenix, a CIA program designed to infiltrate the enemy, identify Viet Cong (VC) agents/soldiers and capture (or kill if necessary) them. Some of The Savage's brothers-in-arms confirm he was highly efficient, killed over 40 VCs across enemy lines, some in their sleep. However, The Savage had a thing for prostitutes, and one of them reportedly emasculated The Savage, causing him to kill her violently, and he went back to duty after a short recovery, remaining there longer than some thought. His handler was Jack Colman, who as of 1987 runs a private security agency. While in Vietnam, The Savage began what would be a nearly 15 year run of kill