| - In a computer entry, that Scalpel discovers, Mayor Biselle says, "Scalpel is a sadistic psychopath." This upset Scalpel, thinking Biselle got it all wrong, and he announced that he was going to butcher and bleed him for that insult.
- Equippable by anyone with Edged Proficiency (except for Priests), this dagger grants:
* Damage: 1-3 Piercing
* Speed: 1
* Weight: 1
- A small, light, and sharp sword that is optimized for swift strikes.
- Healers start with a scalpel.
- thumb|222pxLe scalpel est un outil utilisé par les chirurgiens mais peut-être utilisé comme arme lors d'un assassinat (ou autre méfait). Ils sont fréquemment utilisés par Kabuto et les ninjas médecins en général. Catégorie:Armes
- The Scalpel is a melee weapon that only appears in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. The animations for the scalpel are the same as the other knifes in the game. In the game it is named the Surgeon's Scalpel.
- Quiet as most Decepticons go, Scalpel has dedicated his life to his studies of both psychology and medicine. The scenes of the war raging on around him keep him interested, as he knows that there will always be work waiting for him. However, his social skills aren't exactly honed to a point. He speaks only when spoken to, keeping his responses short and to the point, until he knows that he can trust them. Dedicated to the Decepticon cause, Scalpel waits in the shadows, for the perfect moment to strike.
- Scalpel est un chien anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
- A scalpel is a small, sharp bladed knife used for surgery and dissection. It appears in early levels of Episode 1.5 in Madness: Project Nexus held by scientists.
- Scalpel - Malutki, złośliwy Decepticon, "doktor" u Decepticonów.
* Transformers: Zemsta Upadłych Przywrócił do życia Megatrona za pomocą odłamka Wszechiskry, zdobytego przez Reedman'a, wcześniej rozkazując by Constructicony rozerwały Scrapmetala na strzępy, a następnie poleciał do zgliszczy starej fabryki wraz z Megatronem Grindorem, Starscreamem i kilkoma swoimi nanobotami. Usiłował wydobyć informacje od Sama, próbując rozciąć mu mózg, ale nie udało mu się to, bo w porę przybył Optimus z Bumblebeem.
* Transformers 3 W tej części odegrał znacznie mniejszą rolę, niż w poprzedniej. Jest on jedynie na początku, w scenach z Afryki, gdzie próbuje naprawić uszkodzoną głowę Megatronowi. Lecz rozwścieczony bólem wódz Decepticonów rozgniata go.
- A scalpel is a small, straight surgical knife with a convex edge and thin blade. They come in a variety of shapes, each of which is used for a particular task. Surgical scalpels have reusable handles with single-use high carbon steel blades. A plastic surgeon is likely to use the widest variety of scalpels due to the delicate nature of their work.
- Scalpel is a level 4 Medic weapon. It was previously sold by Munchi Elwood in Seaside for File:Goldcointemplate.png640 coins, until retired on December 14, 2009. It is currently only available through trade.
- Medics used scalpels to fix wounds and amputate body parts, such as toes or fingers. Clone troopers occasionally used a medic's scalpel to "carve" away at their hair.
- Jadis Diabolik mentions Scalpel as a former roommate who thought she was on the henchwoman track, and wasn't all that bright.
- Scalpels are one of the basic types of weapon in ADOM. They belong to the Daggers and Knives weapon class. The base iron variety has default stats of (+2, 1d3+1), though these do vary from time to time. Note that there is also a Mithril scalpel, but no adamantium or eternium versions exist.
- SCALPEL (Small Contained-Area Laser Precision Energetic Load) is a laser-guided bomb produced by Lockheed Martin. The weapon is being developed from the Enhanced Laser Guided Training Round (E-LGTR) which is the training version of the Paveway II series of bombs. The rationale behind the system is to provide a light, low-collateral damage weapon which can utilise the infrastructure and platform integration already in place for the E-LGTR system. On 14 March 2010, the US Navy announced its intention to purchase Scalpel.
- It is an unarmed air unit designed to repair other air units on the go, and therefore it is also rightfully fragile. Yet it is also an useful asset to any airfleet, due to the repair ability and support value. It can be upgraded with an Infusion Engine, Range Boost and Speed Boost.
- The Scalpel is small, knife-like weapon from Silent Hill: Origins that can be found within Alchemilla Hospital and Cedar Grove Sanitarium. The weapon is very fast but it doesn't deal a lot of damage. The weapon is used by Faceless Nurses and can be used by Travis Grady as well. When used in conflict, Travis attacks with quick, jarring motions, and when the enemy has fallen, he can finish it off by stabbing the scalpel into its body.
- Scalpel appears in the Nemesis mission "the Violent Majority" as part of the cast of minor villains taking advantage of the Nemesis' rampage to cause havoc in City Hall. Scalpel can be found in Mayor Biselle's office looking over a computer in which he sees the Mayor's reports - praising the heroes of the city but describing Scalpel as a "sadistic psychopath" In a computer entry. This accusation angered Scalpel, who believed the Mayor had the wrong idea about him - thus he announced that he was going to "butcher and bleed" the Mayor for the insult before becoming aware of the hero's presence.
- SCALPEL received his medical degree through the mail from a small college that advertised in the back of a magazine. His practical experience came from working as an assistant to a doctor in an illegal clinic that treated wounded gang members and other criminals. He joined Cobra not only for the money, but also for the chance to work on exotic injuries and wounds. His patients have a very high survival rate, but none of them would give SCALPEL points for bedside manner. As a matter of fact, there have been several complaints about "that nervous little giggle he has when he's working." Unlike many conventional medics, SCALPEL does not object to picking up a weapon and joining in the fight as long as it looks like his side is going to win. As far as he is concerned, it just means more potent