| - Exactly What It Says on the Tin, more or less. It could be a Mook, The Tagalong Kid, The New Guy, or The Idiot of the Group, but on a random lark, you show them your math homework/accounting/hyper-dimensional missile schematics. Within seconds, they know what's going on, where the problem is, what to do to fix that, and then proceeds to spell it out, astonishing the entire group. When prompted, they generally explain they grew up on a math farm or something of the like or just simply, "I'm good with numbers." Can be anything from rapidfire simple math, to supplementing baseball with trig projections, but then you're just awesome that way. Is generally a Chekhov's Gun for a plotpoint later in the episode, or can evolve into a Running Gag for the series and short hand for doing mathstuff rea
| - Exactly What It Says on the Tin, more or less. It could be a Mook, The Tagalong Kid, The New Guy, or The Idiot of the Group, but on a random lark, you show them your math homework/accounting/hyper-dimensional missile schematics. Within seconds, they know what's going on, where the problem is, what to do to fix that, and then proceeds to spell it out, astonishing the entire group. When prompted, they generally explain they grew up on a math farm or something of the like or just simply, "I'm good with numbers." Can be anything from rapidfire simple math, to supplementing baseball with trig projections, but then you're just awesome that way. Is generally a Chekhov's Gun for a plotpoint later in the episode, or can evolve into a Running Gag for the series and short hand for doing mathstuff really fast. Rather logically, the Robot Buddy and The Spock often have this ability. It's also a common ability of the Idiot Savant. Definitely Truth in Television, as quite a few people in Real Life have this ability. Most of them are mathematicians, but not all of them. In fact, there are even competitions for mental math. May sometimes speak with a Mouthful of Pi. See also Mad Mathematician. May result from Super Intelligence. Examples of Good with Numbers include: