| - Presto is a 2008 Pixar computer-animated short film that was released in theaters alongside WALL-E. Doug Sweetland made his directorial debut with this short and also voices its two main characters--Presto DiGiotagione and Alec Azam.
- Presto ist ein Kurzfilm aus dem Jahr 2008, bei dem Doug Sweetland Regie führte.
- Presto is a 2008 Pixar computer-animated short film released with the theatrical release of WALL•E. Doug Sweetland made his directorial debut with the film, and also voices the two main characters, Presto and Alec Azam.
- Presto The Tadpole is the final pet to be acquired in Adventure Mode. He is a cyan tadpole with green tail fins and black eyes. He has the ability to transform himself into any pet you have.
- A very fast tempo marking.[1]
- Presto is a 2008 American Pixar computer-animated short film shown in theaters before their feature length film WALL-E. Presto was directed by veteran Pixar animator Doug Sweetland, in his directorial debut.
- Presto a very small wizard who casts great big spells. During the time of Ultima IV he can be found in Herbs and Spice in Skara Brae. He told the Stranger that he can cast the spells of Jinx, Kill, and View. He then proceeded to tell the Stranger to ask about nightshade, the thing the three spells have in common, at the Axe 'n Ale in Vesper.
- Presto is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- Presto is a player of runescape that has played for a unknow amount of time. He known for being compleatly random. He also sells gives scammers money just because he wants to report them. He also talks about random stuff like the marine corps, and fish tacos.
- Presto is a layout engine for the Opera web browser developed by Opera Software. After several public betas and technical previews, it was released on January 28, 2003 in Opera 7.0 for Windows; it is the browser's current layout engine. Presto is dynamic; the page or parts of it can be re-rendered in response to DOM and script events. Presto is available only as a part of Opera browser or related products. The source or binary (DLL) forms of the engine are not publicly available. Subsequent releases have seen a number of bugs fixed and optimizations to improve the speed of the ECMAScript ("JavaScript") engine.
- Presto is a musical term derived from Italian meaning very, very fast. In a metronome, presto is often played in a range between 180 beats per minute and 220 beats per minute. Tempos as fast as this are rather uncommon in music depending on the type of instrument played. Presto is different from Vivace where a musician focuses on quick speed rather than playing an instrument lively and energetically.
- Todo comienza con un hambriento conejo llamado Alec que intenta alcanzar una zanahoria estando en una jaula, entonces llega el mago Presto Digiotagione y practica sus trucos de magia con dos sombreros mágicos: Uno de copa y otro de mago, demostrando que si uno mete la mano en un sombrero sale por el otro.Presto iba a alimentar a Alec, pero el show ya empezó y Alec no pudo comer. Hasta que le diera la zanahoria, Alec empezó a usar los poderes del sombrero para torturar a Presto de manera humillante (Como que en vez de sacar un conejo saque una ratonera o sus propios pantalones) mientras que Presto se venga transformando su zanahoria en una flor o haciéndola puré. Cuando ya no pudo más, Presto persiguió a Alec detrás del escenario, enredándose con las cuerdas y quedando condenado a morir apl